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sebastian....if that is who you are....you need to get the grip champ. Youve looked for a fight when i was only posting straight forward concerns regarding the situation. You must sit on your arse all day and look for any opportunity to try and belittle people who may admittedly not have a great deal of dog behaviour expertise. I feel that you are using this website to boost your own ego and quite frankly Dog Man you probably dont really know shit form shanola about it any way. To those whom helped thanks. To those whom didnt, you have soured what I though would be a positive and fun opportunity to be active within the forums with Dogzonline as a source of information, and to share a common dog passion. ;)
[Hey Tracie perhaps you need to go and read your original post again AND stop and read what I have written. At no time in your orig post have you mentioned the loss of a dog to epilesy,but what the hell does that have to do with a puppy killing a chook??? I have given you positve advice in a previous post...training!!! If you bothered to read it. My post re me being missquoted was intended only to stop people "quoting" only part sentences of what I wrote or typed. Get a grip as I certainly did not ask (nor did my post) what I perceive as a personal attack in your last post. You asked for advice,well I gave advice through my own experiences with a dog killing my much treasured and loved show birds. PS: My name is Sebastion not mate and I don't like being spoken or typed at in such a condescending way and I am pretty sure others will feel the same. Iam glad that I have ruffled your feather champ. I hope that I truly ruined your day! ;)
Thanks very much for your thorough explanation. I have enrolled my dog in obedience now and we have been once since the chook was eatten! I have now placed hot wire around the fence that allows my chooks to free range and thus far its been a sucess. My pup wont go within 5 meters of the fence as the noise and having had a few zaps has scared him off.
[hot blooded? killing machine? your quote not mine. You must have had a desire to get into the field of juornalism and create hysteria mate. Like I have said to another negative and personally attacking responder...i only wanted proactive responses.
I am only after positive advise mate and not a moral lesson. You have read into my concerns the wrong way unfortunately and dont understand the entire story of my pet ownership as to why i made the comment "infringe on our lives" I have recently lost our 5 yr old staffy to epilepsy and took it apon myself to medicate him twice a day at the same time and contend with his epileptic fitting not to mention the cost involved in scans and all the rest of it. We looked after our sick boy for 3 years this way until his little body couldnt take it any more so I wont be accused of not stepping up to my responsibilities. My concerns are valid mate. But I was after proactive advise where you decided to have a personal dig and I dont deserve that mate at all. Thank you.
Iam really concerned that my 6 month old staffy pup will now have a taste for killing our other pet chooks after i found yesterday he had driven throough the wire fence and calculatedly debowled one of our chooks. i had caught him eyeing them off on several seperate ocaisions and was able to interven thankfully. This occaision he waited until I left to go out and immediately hunted one chook out and killed it. By the time i came home 2 hrs later the chook felt cold and had been partially eatten. so it had happpened some hrs earlier....Iam presuming when i had been out of sight. iam worried that now that he has been 'blooded' that it will have compromised his character and want to know if i should be at all worried about him around my 12 month old daughter, cat (of whom he had got along well with to date) and our other dog a 5 yr old border collie?? he is at a friends place at the moment while I have a think about what we will do whether we rehome him or take him back on board. i just dont want to be restricted to adding more pets to our house hold as we are on a larger than normal sized residential property and have the room. We have the option and will put hot wire along the bottom of the chook enclosure to see if this can be furthur prevented. does anyone have any insigts they can give me regarding the things that i should now be concerned about if any? any ideas about his behaviour besides the obvious terrier instinctive analogies? i have the option to rehome him with an older couple whom have a beautiful home and no other animals. O really want to know if this can be controlled and that it wont infringe on our lives or his too much and we can enjoy him as all staffies should be enjoyed without the fear. please help me if anyone has anything to add. I do apologise if this post comes across that we are giving up on him we arent. We just need to look at the big picture and do what is going to be best for him and us. thanks guys. look forward to any responses.
[Thanks to everyone whom responded to my post. I will definately take another look into Eagle Pack as the future diet for my pup. Cheers to all!
I have a georgeous 5 month old staffy pup whom has unfortunately developed demodectic mange. it is on the mend and his hair will grow back- but i was wondering what peoples thoughts were regarding me feeding him a holistic diet such as Eagle Pack to aid his immune system while he fights the mange mite?? preferably would like to hear from people who has used Eagle Pack and have or havent noticed any change in the general well being of there beloved. it was only as Id learnt that the demodectic mite is present in the skin of alll pups and that it could be linked to an immune system deficiency that causes it to take hold, that I would like to try to have hiim on the best quality food that i can. Thanks alot guys for any responses.
How exciting for you! I have myself just become the possession of a stafford pup also from a reputable breeder up north. Vader isnt my first taste of stafford-parenthood and will by no means be my last. They are an absolute essential to my being!! One thing that I would like to impart onto you is the fact that Staffords thrive as an excepted member of the family and even moreso when they understand their position in the pack. This means simply that you must from word 'go' have the upper hand. Treat her with no more cuddles than you feel you will be able to give her in the comming weeks when life returns to normal. This is where owners get into trouble and pups start to pine for the lack of attention. Holes gets dug and as staffords are very emotional animals they can start to fret which may, worst case scenario, bring on skin problems etc. They are very predisposed to this type of emotional onset. i cannot stress to you enough the importance to socialise her immediately through a puppy kindy. This is essential. Staffords do have dog dominance tendancies if left un subjected to various situations such as face to face with strange dogs and sharing of food and toys. Parvo stays in the environment for 10yrs dormant but it is still there. DO NOT allow your pup to atend the kindy there under any circumstances. I wouldnt risk it. My veterinary Nursing background with a renowned animal shelter had taught me so much about the dreaded parvo. Unless the place remove a heap of soil that is contaminated on their sight I wouldnt take my pup there, the chnces of him getting it are very high-regadless of vaccination. Speak to your vet about this too. they are the best source of information . Enjoy you puppy. Happy days for you ahead!