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Everything posted by cramet

  1. bother my computer wont let me veiw youtube stuff (work computer)
  2. it stayes to your left like u said iam trying to find a video of it because i dont think i can explane it proply for people to understand there was a shutzhund video on dol a few months ago that had it on it
  3. it is when you do an about turn when heeling instead of the dog going on the out side of you like most to nearly all people are shown the dog does flip accross you on the inside i hope i have explaned it so people can understand the military flip is the traditional way of doeing doing the turn you see a lot of euro dogs still doing it, its very impresive to watch and i think people still use it for gun dogs the reason for doing it for back in the day a long time ago was when people go hunting with rifles the dog stayed out of the way of the muzzle of the rifle and the dog stayed safe there is more to it but i havnt done any more searching on it
  4. i was wondering does any one know how to train dogs to do Military flips iam interested in trying it out
  5. junior will stay by me i could probly have him off lead but i wont take the risk it doesnt take much for him to lose focus and then i will be in a bit of pain as he is very very strong
  6. i was once told with my training that when jr gets a reward dont walk him as he will lose interest so he made me run when jr had the reward to keep him focus and interested in what the training objective is
  7. thanks meg i will look into 1 but saying that i will have to fix my bike
  8. has any 1 used this on any strong pulling breed dogs i have thought about getting 1 for my rottie but he is strong enough to pull me off my feet and i am 140kg and he often lunges at cars and bikes and what not so i wanna know if i have a death wish by using it
  9. she probly is lacking salt in her diet i would check what you are feeding her and and change whats needed have a look in the health section on dol and have a look/search there
  10. iam with what your breeder said the kids next door have done something to your dog i have seen it befor and the kids used to tease the crap out of the kids when no one was around and we couldnt work out why the dog wanted to rip of the kids heads so we set up a vid camera and presto problem solved my freind ended up moving to solve the prob coze the parents didnt care
  11. have a chat with some one in the vic rottie club they do cart pull stuff iam told
  12. i put this in the other ndtf thread as well who are the instructors on the dvds for the oof camp course
  13. just a quick 1 do people know the names of the instuctors on the dvds for the off camp course
  14. i know there is an obedance club i think its held at nelson park from memery but dont quote me on that i dont know if they any thing else at the club i havnt had any thing todo with them because i didnt get my own dog till i moved out of home and away from portland my parents still live there though
  15. theres is only 1 vet clinic in portland as well as 1 in heywood 5 - 10 mins out the road they are now owned but the same people both clinic have great vets my old man uses the heywood clinic because he knows the vets there and they have always done well by him
  16. yeah i agree so now i will just havta see what the local stores have thanks all
  17. as u can tell L/E k9's are trained differently to other k9's some times a dog that only works in prey or defence drive they can be so highly strung in that drive when they work they do it out of instint not commen sence so they are focused on 1 thing winning the prize that could be geting a bite or scaring of the person off some times the only why to change focus is to give them a hard correction because these dog arnt soft there friken strong dogs
  18. iam not saying it works for all working dogs but because some of them are so worked up you need the harshness with the corrections normal or puncy corections are just shruged off if you ever get to see some of the german police dogs when they do there exercise or working you will see what i mean the dog can be working on such a high level u need to be harsh for them to realise what you want just to make it clear i dont like what is some times done but it is
  19. i didnt think jnr would send me this broke his meals only cose me 7$ a week at the moment so i think that parts ok but when u add on equipment
  20. a friend of mine had one he ended up useing it as part of a doggie gym
  21. yeah thats my boy he had a lot of weight on him in that pic it was just befor i got him now ive got him down to musel and a little amount fat so he looks awsom now the reason i was after a good dry food was so i can strech the barf mix out longer so he has mix and bones 1day and mix and cic frames the next and keep the cycle going working odd hour makes it hard to keep making a regular mix every week and a half
  22. i am after a good quality dry food for for my rotty he is a security dog so he needs some thing healthy for him he is already on a custom barf diet just need some thing fill him up
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