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Everything posted by ~Shepherd~

  1. We (Greyhound Safety Net) are all over the place, but happy to pick up from you and deliver to a carer sorry Annie, missed your post. First in best dressed lol.
  2. Scallywags is in Pearcedale also! One of our Senior fosters carers has just taken on another girl last night, a pretty GSD x who would really love some good feeding up!! Will let her know and get her to contact you asap! We are short of EVERYTHING atm.
  3. weebly and yola both our our rescues use weebly, almost too basic www.whiteshepherdrescue.org.au www.scallywagsdogrescue.org.au
  4. click on the link that Julie posted. Maybe excellence in contribution award? Sucked in Bilbo, nothing better than embarrassing you. Regardless of the the being bored sh!tless thing, you have been dong it for a long time on top of your nursing and going the extra mile with all of us baby bearers, puppy deliveries, supportive advice on anything canine related any time of the day or night. You are ace! xx
  5. Indeed, what section? Goes well beyond the last few weeks also
  6. Thanks so much to my dear friend and rescuer Jan, for working her buttooshka off for both our dog rescue groups over the past few weeks when she should have been resting after her multiple operations. Not only has she rebuilt the tired WSRA website with another awsome DOLer Lopolla, but she has personally donated 2 years web hosting to our new Scallywags partnership group. The gmail account has been tidied up, filed, colour coded, and spreadsheeted til the cows come home, sooooo clean and organised that I cant find anything. Thanks to Dju for creating our new logo, and thanks to all of those who have supported this new group. to the future. Both Jan and Lopolla have built us a brand new Scallywags site to be launched soon. Please don't ever go back to work dear. Loving it. :D
  7. White Swiss Sheps and Aussie bred White Sheps who breed to FCI standard have the confirmation you are after. PM Eishund or Rosehill or Fanulios for further info. all 3 breeders have either Aussie or International Champs also . Havent met Rosehill dogs but have met Fanulios's and Eishunds stunning Inga and Thor reg ANKC WSS. Noice.
  8. Hi all, Scallywags rescue (part of White Shepherd Rescue) needs a foster carer for a beautiful desexed 4 year old GSD. His owner found himself needing to move urgently and unable to take him. This will only be until we rehome our spunky White Shepherd Samuri Spirit. He is great with kids but no kids under 5 due to knocking over and not knowing the dog very well. The carer needs to be in Melbourne and be working dog savvy, good fencing, no small dogs or cats as we dont want to take a chance. He is vaccinated. We hope to have this in place during the weekend. We cant see this period extending beyond 2 weeks. You will be given food and bedding. Please email scallywagsdogrescue@gmail asap if you can help us. Thanks
  9. thats what I am talking about, thanks heaps for that. These are the cases I need!!!! Intolerances build up in the system and often the last thing they ate is blamed, when it really could have been eaten 2 days earlier!! Thanks again for the input so far. Would love some more.
  10. ? About behavior assessment, rescue as well as symptoms? Unlike some I do research prior to asking and have taken a lot of notice of the health threads. My dogs do not have issues hence my lack of posts in that area. What we are trying to do is give reason to advise change of diet for their Shepherd as we offer a phone consultation service in order to attempt to keep dogs with their owners instead of taking them. We have all researched a lot on all other areas and we have a behaviorist on the team. This is my idea that I would like to investigate further that needs to have some good backing prior to implementing.
  11. I am very interested in this subject and I would like to get a list of symptoms that the general public notice in their dogs when having a reaction. Working in Rescue and taking surrenders at times it is interesting watching changes in behavior with diet change, environment etc. With intolerance's all individuals can show very different symptoms. . I know a dog who is grain intolerant and gets very moody, lathargic after a bout of hyperactivity. This can go on for a week. Allergy and intolerance are very different as an allergy affects the immune system and an intolerance is a slow onset reaction that can take hours, days or weeks to show up as some dogs can not produce the right enzymes to break down a particular food, or group of food. It also affects the CNS. I am wondering if behaviorists consider diet along with behavior modification? Obviously there is a lot on the net, but getting a public view on undesirable behavior due to diet food is something that I want to do more research on. I am very well researched on the subject with humans, but obviously the 2 are not the same species and I want to know more. If I can some evidence to support neurotic behaviour and diet in dogs, then we can do more for some of the more problematic dogs that come in to care and possibly advise those who are asking for assistance to possibly change diets along with behavior modification strategies. I hope you understand my post. Thanks
  12. The only 2 breeds I considered getting after my Goldie died were either a Belgian Shepherd or a White German Shepherd. I wanted an intelligent breed that was easy to train. I got it. My W-GSD bitch lives inside with my Whippet bitch uncrated with a baby a 3 year old and a 5 year old. They are push button behavior wise, as the only way to train kids and dogs is by putting them together in the same environment and training the both of them for the rest of their lives together. The Whip was a turd to train until she was around 2, but she was respectful and tried hard, she was very cunning and sneaky. Still is today but she is a steady, tolerant dog. This does not happen in a backyard, a divider or a crate. My dogs are crate trained, off lead trained and kinder kid crowd trained. They all were, including my Belgian Shep and Goldie. The most predictable actioned dogs however were the Shepherds, and they never once knocked any of little ladies over. The funniest thing happened last night with my 3 year old. She had her typical fairy night time dress up on and her magic star wand. "Watch this Mum, MAGIC" She had Kimba the Shepherd sitting dropping standing and weaving around her bowling set with her wand. At the end of the magic show, she said "well done Kim Pim, love you". Kimba looked as proud as punch as well! Excellent stuff. Fun too. Respect on both parts is so easy, giving them the opportunity to interact together in a controlled environment regularly is the only way.
  13. A friend runs cottage kennels and I couldnt recommend them highly enough. My neighbor just had her White Shepherd board there over easter and was very content.
  14. They are all a rip off, I would buy online from pets station ebay or something off ebay. My friend in Plenty just bought one on line it was huge with a lift up top for less than $100 delivered. Need to ask what the wood is treated with though. It fits a GSD with heaps of room left over. All the stores out our way are so expensive, and rarely have sales
  15. 100% guaranteed you wont be disappointed with any of these. Unless it rains or you get attacked by bogans, unlikely though as they are very nice areas.
  16. One of our WS rescue committee members may be able to offer some advice via phone if its urgent or a long wait for an assesment, she is a wealth of information with theory and practice. Obviously it is not ideal to advise without seeing the dog, but if there isnt an option yet in the pipeline she may be of some assistance, even if its just an ear to vent. She takes on all our more 'difficult' cases and works wonders. att. it to Lynda [email protected]. You could also email Coolabah kennels for trainer advice in your state (I think) GOOD LUCK, best I inform Enigma of my offer :D
  17. I could source the small bits myself, its just the house and the people, possibly the crates and acessory boxesI I would like hand made. I cant sew, but can decorate. Do you sew RP I will pay for all the materials up front and deposit the labor?
  18. more doll house designs: http://blog.craftzine.com/archive/2008/08/...TC-5JF307375954 and http://www.onecraftyplace.com/2009/03/03/f...house-tutorial/
  19. Hi would love to purchase a hand made original fabric rescue centre / pound to for my oldest girls birthday in August. something like this design. Insiside I would like: - 4 little crates an operating table that folds out from a wall -4 fluffy dogs -4 people -1 toy box including 2 leads balls dog bowls - -1 medical box containing bandages etc. -1 little table as an adoptions and foster care counter. I dont know how realistic this would be, but having something like this hand made would be something we could keep for ever and pass it down through the girls. I dont know how much something like this would be to purchase with materials and time etc so if any gurus could put me in the right direction that would be great. Something portable to take on trips and neatly put away is the other thing as you can imagine its hard not to loose parts with 3 little girls 5 and under. I will spend the money on something that will last, it will be worth it. I am looking at a width of around 50cm. Thanks, hope someone can help me out.
  20. As you probably know ruptured internal tumors cause severe pain and internal bleeding causing the gums to go pale, dog hides, weak in the hind, very still etc but still have a slight appetite. Tum can fill with blood and look a little bloated. Once the tumors stop bleeding they seem to go back to normal for a while until they rupture again with the same symptoms. If there is a big bleed out they will pant excessively and become faint, shutting the eyes. I observed all of this with my precious man. Was so awful and hard. I hope this isnt your situation, he sounds like a wonderful dog. Good luck with it all and fingers crossed for good results. I know of a few others from here who had very similar situations also.
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