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Everything posted by ~Shepherd~

  1. just realised, I didnt start the thread and cant find it. Sorry.
  2. This happened to my Whippet. Think we worked out that an ant species was the culprit. Will try and find a link to the thread.
  3. Not fair, just the shittest 18 months ;) For you Bill Joseph and Sarah Chat tomorrow. There is really nothing like the love from a Shepherd.
  4. So very sorry. RIP Gherkin
  5. I should add that the tumor wasnt tested due to the position, so its not known if it was hermangiosarcoma he had an ultrasound today that showed the large mass compressing his heart. Its such an awful shocking discovery. It takes me back to our terrible time. Cancer (if it was that) is such a terrible thing in dogs because their pain threshold is so high, they hide it from you almost to the very end. The vet told Mids it had probably been growing there for a year.
  6. Me too, 3 years ago That pic of Buddy above is almost exactly the same as one I have of Amy at the same age (14 months) and Squid. They are awsome toddler cleaners!!
  7. A true family man Here is an old shot of Middys son and Buddy.
  8. Picture courtesy of Cabal Canine Candids Goodnight Sweet Buddy, Maria's' pride and joy. Taken too soon. It was discovered today that the beautiful "Buddy" Gr Ch Tarraray Midnight Star had an inoperable tumour growing under his heart causing his otherwise healthy body to breakdown due to restricted heart function. He was given his wings. Maria, Bill and family are devastated. Buddy was born Born 9 May 2000. Buddy obtained his Australian Grand Champion title and he also was awarded number one Groenendael in Australia under the dogzonline point score in 2006. He gained his Herding Test Certificate on 6 April 2008 after passing two successive Herding Tests. Buddy was also the first Tasmanian Grand Champion Belgian Shepherd. After Buddy retired he went back in to the ring to help a couple of young junior handlers get some experience being the gentleman he was. He was also going to be my tutor before I became pregnant!!!! RIP beautiful boy and watch over the wonderful family that you were such a huge part of. When Midniara is ready, she will share more about this very special boy.
  9. Was most likely accidental if they are charging next to nothing. I cant really see a problem?
  10. I got an older White Shepherd pup from a breeder whilst I was pregnant. I have a 2 and 4 year old also. I got our whippet when I was pregnant with the 2 year old. So, I now have a 5 week old baby, a 2 and 4 year old, a 3 year old whippet bitch and an almost 1 year old Shep bitch. All is perfect, harmonious and working very well. I am getting fit, my girls are constantly entertained and the breeder couldnt be happier with the outcome. Both are crate trained, are indoor/outdoor dogs. I closed the dog door so I have full control of the dogs and childrens whereabouts. There is a puppy farm type Cav set up out our way. They are reg. breeders. They dont show but have over 40 dogs. Stear clear. They were recommended to my friend via a breeder on DOL, they too were after a young adult.
  11. no one is buying or selling, they are looking for a purebred that may need re homing, and the breeders replying would be assisting them.
  12. IMO a change of environment is probably a good thing. Clean slate, and you could possibly be leaving the triggers at your old place.
  13. was it always this way? from the day you added a 2nd dog?
  14. This is what I'm trying to determine, Chewbacca said "only people suffer from seperation anxiety, who ulimately cause undesirable behaviour in dogs" - which reads to me as a statement that SA has it's basis entirely in "nurture". Certainly the statement itself leaves no room for "nature". Yes, which is why I jab the hot poker a little when I hear people say stuff like "it's anxious owners who create separation anxiety in dogs" or "dogs aren't born aggressive, they're made that way". It can cause a considerable amount of personal guilt and anguish in people who really just have had the deck stacked against them. I've also seen people rule out what would be an appropriate use of medication because they don't understand that some dogs just can't cope normally even if their environment is in order. thats right erny, people dont create a dogs personality, but they can most certainly suppress or arouse it.
  15. its not just the owner as an individual, it can be the environment created by the owner.
  16. only people suffer from seperation anxiety, who ulimately cause undesirable behaviour in dogs
  17. what a crappy circumstance. I admire your honesty and Im sure you will get plenty of non judgemental support from DOL. Shit does happen to the most organised of people. You will get through it.
  18. ?? So only have middle to high income offspring?
  19. Well not always. I had to have surgery 2 years ago> I wont go into what or why as it is not relevent but it was urgent and I didn't have a choice in the matter. It cost me almost $10,000 and I had to raise that money myself. Pets are a responsibility and if you dont have the money you shouldn't have one. But it is understandable if they made that choice out of consideration for the puppies long term health rather than the money side of it. You should move to Victoria then, I have had 2 emergency operations and havent paid a cent other than our hefty taxes. When Squid was violently ill, I rushed him to the vets. His mouth was blue so they suspected internal bleading. I told them to open him and fix it. That was over $1000. They then told me he had cancers covering his spleen, I told them to pull it out. $1600. They did, then they told me after all this he had no more than 3 weeks to live. I told them to PTS. $100. I found the money then took my dead dog home and buried him. I should have PTS without removing his Spleen. When he was a puppy I brought him home with Parvo. Had him for only one afternoon then, $2500 later I took my beautiful boy home and loved his guts out for 8 years, but I was a working young person with no responsibilities. Now I have a family of 3 kids and one income. I wouldnt spend that money, but I wouldnt take a pup without knowing its history either. You live and learn. If a dog is in terrible pain, it needs to be treated. At least they did that, even if it was in a way that disgusts you.
  20. Interpreting, but it seems pretty clear cut to me and she hadn't mentioned anything about it before. Fair enough not everyone has assets, but why get a pet if you can't afford to pay it's medical bills if something happens?? You wouldn't adopt a child with that logic.. Because things happen to people out of their control. Humans have help services and Government handouts. With animals they do not. I know I will never be in the position this person has been in due to strong family support.
  21. The poor people are probably feeling like shit. Not everyone can afford the expense, and it may have been ongoing. Have you got all the facts or are you just interpreting one comment? Not everyone has assets or friends and family to borrow from in the bank account was low.
  22. Have a fantastic time everyone. It really is a great night. Have some drinks for me
  23. Thanks Chewy. Did you see my edit in above post? We posted at the same time.
  24. about $40 each way via taxi $16 to CBD via skybus http://www.skybus.com.au/ $160-$200 limo $15 to BBD via Jetbus, they charter also http://jetbus.com.au/melbourne/ I may be able to pick up one group free of charge and Im sure there will be others too ETA I think its really important to keep the costs down for interstate travellers especially. It is quite an expense and luxury for the average person to attend. Perhaps a payment plan to start 6 months in advance could be a good option for tickets? Bus hire to save on airfares? 2 accom. options within walking distance of the venue with the DOCA discount for group bookings? You certainly dont want to attend a bargain basement affair, so pre planing and budget options can be of great assistance rather than coming up with a great big lump a month or 2 before. I know that is up to the individual to organise generally, but easy payment options go down well with most 'average' people
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