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Everything posted by ~Shepherd~

  1. oh shit, hang in there little fella. You are one loved little mite and we are all sending you strength
  2. Fantastic news. Praying for a full recovery
  3. We are hoping that it will be less than 12 weeks for the shep. The guy has had a marriage break up and left his two dogs with friends until he could find a dog friendly accommodation but the people minding them shot one.[no good reason and its been reported ] So he is living in the Coogee area and is deperate to have someone look after the dog or will have no choice but to hand it over to rescue. He loves her to bits and really wants to keep her but has put his job on the line now to drive 600 kilometres to pick her up. The Albury [ two little dogs] one is a challenge because they need to stay as close to Albury as possible. Dallas has them at the moment but needs to move them on asap. We have had the grey in Sydney in foster care also and its been a perfect dog but the foster carer needs a break. The owner has been visiting this one and taking it home sometimes for sleep overs so if possible the Ryde area in Sydney would be a good thing if we could. If not we will have to consider moving them out to other areas especially the shep because that one is really urgent. let me know about the shep as soon as you can and we will try to help if you can sort transport.
  4. We used the foster carer area on pet rescue and had loads of responses. Might be worth a go for PACERS. We could ask one of ours as we have no dogs in care, but based in Melbourne I dont think we could be of much help.
  5. Howie does this every time. I think the stimulation of a car trip and having to hold it in the car usually produces that result. Excitement can stimulate the gut just as much as exercise -some dogs get the runs when they are very excited or stressed. Its a 2 minute car trip or 10 minute walk Now she relieves in the morning once I peel her away from the heater, certainly not excited about that. The look I get is priceless.
  6. My girls get plenty of exercise at home, trampolining with the kids, zoomies, swing dodging, removing unwanted dressups. Plenty of time to stimulate the gut. Perhaps Charlie does have a more active gut, but being on SP food she really does not have a lot of output. She used to run in to the middle of the oval or other offlead area, drop her head, sniff and dump all within a couple of minutes of getting out of the car. I swear she was smiling before the leg kicks, another zoomie, down to the goal posts craps again then off like a rocket to catch Kimbas tail. I started walking her on lead to the middle of the oval and breaking the routine. As soon as the nose went down after I let her off, it was a nooo. Only took a few goes and never again.
  7. In Strathewen, we had wombats everywhere. They were peak pooers. Every large dirt mound or log within sight would have the distinctive dark green wombat poo. Elliot loved his mound run, rolling in, and eating the delicacy. Perhaps I am misinterpreting the joy poo.
  8. So change the title to 'My dog only dumps in a ladylike fashion' Good grief you sure do start some strange topics Its a rant about joy pooing Raz. Nothing wrong with a rant. Off to change my thread title to my dislike of joyus pooing
  9. ladylike pooing :D My first greyhound took great delight in pooing every time he was out and about even if I had just seen him go in the back yard; he always managed to squeeze a couple more out. He would rarely wee away from home and most certainly never urine marked but he did have to poo mark now that's what I'm talking about. The joy Pooer
  10. That's still 'taking a dump in public'. Make your mind up, Squiddly. If your dog poos behind a tree it's still having a poo in public anymore so than having a poo in the oval or on someone's front lawn. As long as people pick up after their dogs, that's all that counts. perhaps but its a private poo, not a joyus multi dump. I am lucky I have always lived in houses with acerage or big backyards. They enjoy a quiet poo in a ladylike fashion.
  11. No one has made their dogs hold on until sickness sets in dogmad. I prefer poo routine.
  12. For the record, I have never poo dragged, ever. I have just trained my dogs to go morning and night wherever we may be, and if it doesnt happen and I am out I will take my dog to a private area and get them to poo on lead if necessary. I just dont think its necessary to have a joy pooer and that is what Charlie was doing. My dogs do not get nervous having a dump out of their zone and I would never make them sick for my own hang up.
  13. depends if you like walking a turd exterior to the dog. I don't like it but I do it. Sure beats leaving it for others to tread, roll their pram, bike or wheelchair in. Nappy bags help deaden the smell. :D Would you consider bog training the dogs, or do you think its a load of crap?
  14. My dogs and horses, chooks and goats were all fine in the one paddock, I would not take an off lead PUPPY. I hope the pup heals and the owner recovers from the mishap. Mistakes and misjudgments are made in every aspect of our lives. You live and learn.
  15. Not planning any showing, trialling or long car trips then? Sometimes the options for offlead toileting simply don't exist. I had to train the WGSD to go on lead or she would hold for too long. I can read her like a book. Some breeds take things to extremes. My fault but I fixed it soon enough.
  16. We had a show yesterday and the WGSD ate some filth the night before, she had the runs in the morning so I obviously gave her oppurtunitys to have a squirt out. I am not a bog nazi, but life would be a lot easier for people if they had a bit of poo control, especially those who pretend their dog didnt shit, do a sly kick and keep on going.
  17. I am home all day, so my girls get to run around outside, then they can dump behind the bush in the backyard.
  18. Charlie used to, but she did it because she enjoyed it, then started waiting til we went out to do it. 3 sessions and she learnt to suck it up.
  19. None of my dogs have ever needed to crap in the middle of an oval, I make sure they get their morning and evening poo time and know if they dont. If they dont go, and we are out all day, I will show them an appropriate place, pull out my bag and off we go. ETA, First sentence was a bit of a lie, Charlie did briefly hence my aversion to the public pink ring
  20. I couldnt be happier with my 2, extremely low stress well behaved ladies. The Whippet can be a shit at the park with tails and steals unsupervised but they both have superb manners. All credit to Alpinarc who bred my WGSD, they are all lovely dogs and a lot of thought went in to the breeding. As for Charlie, we dont know anything about her breeding and has been a lot more work at the same age as the WGSD. The WGSD was an older pup when I got her, but I have the benefit of being a stay at home mum with indoor dogs who get constant training in the normal rhythm of the day in a stimulating environment with kids coming and going. that has given me the opportunity to desensitise and avoid over excitement. Kimba gets over excited when she goes to school, pulling down to the oval but when she gets down there she switches off. It may be a toatlly different scenario if I was a full time worker, who knows?
  21. They can wait until they get home as far as I am concerned, or wait until I give the go ahead.
  22. have limited access to forum today, we are waiting on a response re. diet. i am requesting an output ob over weekend too. thanks again will update the outcome.
  23. I wonder if its because its uncomfortable drinking, an internal hydration problem or just a bit slow to process the thirst button? I know my kids get excessive thirst and an overative bladder when they have a reaction to certain food chemicals.
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