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Everything posted by ~Shepherd~
My hair adhered itself to a bag of Royal Canin I had in my arms a few months back. Upon further inspection it was stuck on sticky piss. I grabbed another bag and went to the counter. Another day in the world of animals. I must say that I felt less dirty squeezing my own dogs butt glands than receiving a hair treatment from a pet store, but again, who cares?
And dogs that have needed such intensive medication should not be bred with when there are enough faulty temperamented dogs out in the community already.Non desexed males can loose sperm producing tissue and should not be on the medication anyway, but I am sure her vet would have told her that first.
That is a lot of dogs to have used drugs on. Were they all under a care plan or did you self prescribe?
I find this sad .... that you would mistrust a dog because it was either unwell, or keeping someone who is very unwell/fragile, company.I would also feel sad for a dog ,who for 10 years has been sleeping with the family to be suddenly excluded and locked in a laundry. Nelsona.. I hope the vet/Doctor can shed some light on what's happening .. just support your dog , make walks a wonderful time for you both , and I wish you all the best. Mistrust in the sense of not understanding the reactions. I didnt mean it in a negative way. Also, removing the dog from its obsession for a while may be useful for its master. I of all people know the importance of inclusion of my animals into our pack considering my chooks free range with my dogs and my dogs free range with my young family all day every day, but I also know how potentially harmful obsessions can become.
Hoping all goes well, perhaps look at some low allergen super premium dry as a base, then add one of the menu items, one seperate item per week to see if this triggers anything skin or behavior wise. I really hope for the best outome for your father, your Shepherd and most importantly you. With negative reactions from your own dog it must be making you feel pretty awful. Try not to show any emotion at all around your dog as hard as it is, and even though he is 10 perhaps try some obedience or trick training when your father is in bed to work on the bond. I would feel so upset, anxious and confused if my dog stopped responding to me. It would also break my trust with them. There are some good behaviorists on this forum who may be able to give you some short term exercises whilst you await the tests. I would also put the dog in the laundry to sleep at night. Sorry this has happened.
Get a blood test done, sounds like their is internal issues. Most skin conditions are due to internal immune issues or responses. What are you feeding? I dont think your father is sick, I think the dog is not well and going to the pack leader for reassurance.
Hey ... I only stumbled a bit over the one word "unfortunately". I wish to make clear that I do breed according to the Swiss standard, not the current German Shepherd one, and I bet that all our progeny would receive FCI papers if they were exported overseas. I strongly oppose to calling my shepherds "German" Shepherds, but I know the ANKC doesn't want us to call Aussie-bred dogs "Swiss", so I just call them "White Shepherd Dogs", until ANKC finds a better way of assessment. I have no problem with that, but I want to stress that my "produce" is most certainly not "unfortunate" in terms of genetic quality. I know your lines Romana and have seen some of your dogs, I think they are lovely. I only said unfortunately as we only get 2 opportunities per year unlike the ANKC nothing else intended by the word "unfortunately".
you are looking for a trained and disciplined dog, adapted to your requirements and lifestyle, something you get after the dog (most breeds) arrives.
I know, I am a member of this club One day, we'll travel to the show, too, it's on our agenda! And as far as I know they doesn't make any difference for that show whether a dog is desexed or entire, it's just beauty, health and temperament that counts. there are separate classes not mixed, classes are run the same as ANKC, but more options. Only opportuntiy really to compare with what you are producing unfortunately. Someone mentioned German Shepherds. Yes genetically, but bred to the standard of the White Swiss Shepherd. White German Shepherds look like German Shepherds, White "Swiss Shepherds" look like White Swiss Shepherds bred under ANKC or WSSDCA. So there are actually 3 classifications. Australian bred White Shepherd bred to WSS standard registered with the WSSDCA non ANKC if bred in AUS (if you send overeseas it is recognised), White German Shepherd bred under ANKC German Shepherd standard (can go on ANKC limited register) and a ANKC registered WSS (only allowed if from imported bloodlines).
Liz, I am indeed surprised that neutered dogs can't be shown just as the entire ones in Australia! Sorry to be so little informed. In Europe, it doesn't make any real difference. Okay, there are two separate classes/groups, but both classes are about equally strong and well attended, and every breeder will check the results of the neutered dogs and their pedigrees just as cautiously as the results of the active breeders. As to my breed, the White Shepherd Dog, I believe there is a huge confusion and irritation going on inside the ANKCA. I haven't followed the details of the decade-long discussion, but I know that my (one) breeding bitch, who was bred here (though originating from mainly European and American ancestors) would immediately get FCI papers as a purebred "Berger Suisse Blanc" (White Swiss Shepherd) if I took her to Europe, and if I would then bring her back to Autralia, she would be the 5th registered dog of this only recently recognised breed in this country. However, I am certainly not going to expose my dog to 40 hours flight and a month in quarantine just to get such a stupid piece of paper! I rather hope the ANKCA will some day recognise this breed just as every other country outside of Australia did, irrespective of where they were born. Breed info for the less informed: The Berger Suisse Blanc (White Swiss Shepherd) is an internationally recognised breed which is distinct from the German Shepherd, although it to 100% originates from the (old-style) German Shepherd and never was mixed with another breed. The Australian breeders of the "White Shepherd" are, however, not allowed to use the attribute "Swiss", but they are forced to classify their dogs as "German Shepherds" while all German Shepherd Clubs all over the world consider the white colour as a disqualification and an undesirable feature in any German shepherd; in fact, for decades, German Shepherd breeders used to cull any puppy that was born white! For 50 or 60 years, rescuers all over the world would collect those unwanted WHITE puppies and pure-breed them in White only, while clearly disregarding any stupid new ideas such as that a real German Shepherd should have a short curved back! They kept breeding the old "healthy" style of dogs. Switzerland was the first country that recognised the White Shepherds as an independent breed still in the last century. Sadly, the Australian dog breeder's governing body has not followed the example of the Swiss and the international FCI bodies. I - and all the other White Shepherd breeders in Australia - still hope they will change their opinion, so we can claim equal right to our beautiful dogs as everyone else does, too. Currently, only imported White Shepherds with FCI papers are admitted to Australian dog shows. As far as I know, 4 (four) of them have been imported to Australia already, but noone knows whether they are just pets ... one of them, as I know, has been offered as a stud, but can't find a matching female counterpart ... and the whole importing procedure costs about $ 16,000 per dog, not to mention the dog's suffering during transport and in the quarantine cage. And you can really believe me: The Aussie-bred White Shepherds do not look or behave in any way different from the German, US or Swiss-bred ones! You have the opportuntiy of showing your dogs twice per year up against many other Whities with the WSSDCA (non ANKC as you know). Bred to the same standard as the imported WSS. We really enjoyed the Nationals this year and people came from all over Aus, we also had the pleasure of Angelsun as one of the judges. One of your lovely boys entered and did quite well.
I can fill a garbage bag with my Whitey (long Coat).
http://www.nillumbik.vic.gov.au/Page/page.asp?Page_Id=614&h=0 Its a great day, discount chipping, comps etc. Come and say hi to the Scallywags Team :D
Get off bloody google will you lol. You are doing everything right and she WILL recover. Hugs mate, go to bed and rest!!!!!!!!
"backyard Breeders" Posing As Purebred Breeders
~Shepherd~ replied to lushos's topic in General Dog Discussion
what is the breeder doing wrong apart from selling non ANKC pups? Sounds like your whole world is crumbling because of this breeder. There are a lot worse things happening in the world that would warrant sleep deprivation I would think. -
Really?! Is that a real statistic? Is it only me who has found JRT's and crosses to be one of the most feisty dogs to own? All the Jrts we have had through our rescue have been wonderful, not an ounce of aggro. Any dog in the wrong hands can be aggro, you should know this first hand
If the breeder cannot trust you with an entire pup, I wouldn't give them the opportunity to take my money. Their reason for early desexing will be purely generated by self interest anyway, not for concern of the pup's future health and proper development. I dont think this is a fair statement to generalize with. I have always been dead against it up until now, and at the moment I am telling ALL interstate buyers that my pups will only come desexed. WHY? Because so far no one can answer my question "What is crueler to the dog? Early desexing, or the possibility of ending up in irreverent hands and becoming a breeding machine?" Even if your first instinct is to say desexing, think about it. What if the 'girl' has problems during whelping, and she is left in the corner unassisted, and dies? What if she has 6 large litters and then contracts mastitis? Which then goes undiagnosed and she dies from it? It's not a black and white situation. I am not an easy person to buy a pup from, I ask a lot of questions and want a contract signed. Not because I don't trust people, but the opposite! Generally in my life I have been over trusting of people - and so many times I have been burned. And Im not just talking dogs, I'm talking life and dogs. So much so that it has come to me asking FRIENDS to sign things, not because I want this to be so, but because I have made a solemn promise that I will not alter on this forever more, not for the financial or wellbeing of myself, but for the puppies I breed and become eternally responsible for. As a breeder who cares about your dogs you a placed in a hard situation, there are your own expectations of yourself, your potential buyers, societies expectations, and endless journal articles to trawl through to decide which is the more ethical decision to make. Don't paint every breeder with the same brush. removed for now
Urgent Need Snowysal Or Dust Angels Number Asap
~Shepherd~ replied to ~Shepherd~'s topic in General Dog Discussion
thanks mate -
Hi all, sorry for urgent post, new phone, lost numbers. Can someone please urgently contact them or me with my number 0402 587 875 or pm theirs. Thanks so much
Woo Hooo, today is the day, come and say hello if you are free!!
Most definitely, we are super organised amongst the last few weeks of chaos!! Thanks heaps, see you then and also wanted to organise an assessment class for the group in the near future. I have heard they are brilliant and wanted to get it organised for a while. Once Buddy is repaired (http://leader.newspaperdirect.com/epaper/viewer.aspx) , hopefully things will return to normal!!
Hi all come and meet our dogs at Sth Melbourne PETstock on Saturday!. We wont be adopting our dogs on the day, but will take applications as per normal process. Come and say hi.