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Everything posted by hortfurball

  1. Oh that's good. Hypochondriac dog mum? :p Well, working backwards, you guys need to be at my place in Belmont in time for us to leave here by 7.15 at the latest, and no doubt will want to say a quick hello to Ella so maybe plan to arrive here at 7.00? How long will it take from your place to Belmont? 15-20 minutes? I'm just home for lunch and will PM Mirawee my details when I get back from my arvo job, have to run now. Nope. I PMd everybody on the possibles list. If they're not on the confirmed list on the first page, they're not coming. The only one I'm still waiting on for a response is Prada.
  2. Yay that you can make it! Another DOLer I haven't met yet. The parking is free, and unless things have changed, Mirawee is bringing you as far as my place so she can have a break from driving, and thank you but no fuel money necessary on my behalf. Keep your money and have a drink for me! ;)
  3. This is one of the funniest threads I've read in a long time! at Poo-fong and WOTWOT!! DAMN YOU!!!! I second that! :laugh: Wow, just goes to show that I only know people by their sigs and avatars...when did you change your name??? lol Same here. Back on page one or two I thought "OMG, when did Pesh change her name?" and actually clicked on the person's username history...nope, new person with the same avatar...but I'm easily confused... My name sounds more interesting if you don't know how it came about but I'll ruin it for you now. I'm a horticulturist (hort) and I call my dogs and cats furballs because of the fur tumbleweeds everywhere. And now I wait... ;)
  4. Just a reminder for those who haven't committed yet, Saturday the 19th of November is approaching fast, The restaurant is now booked for the WA DOLers christmas dinner. Here's the link to the thread for anyone who needs it: http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/228245-perth-dol-christmas-dinner/ All info is in the thread (and in our usual fashion, a lot of extra chat that has nothing to do with it! ;)) Please consider coming along and meeting some of the people you chat to regularly online. Ptolomy and Bedazzled, it was lovely to meet you both last night and a pleasure and inspiration to watch your dogs work. I think I will take the troublesome child back to obedience classes and see if she hasn't calmed down since turning 10. OH was most impressed, he's now learned two new dog breeds, tollers and aussies! Rubystar and Mason_Gibbs, nice to catch up with you two and the lab collection again too.
  5. Cool, done. Nice to meet you too Ptolomy, and your gorgeous babies. Somehow I had thought tollers would be bigger, more like a lab. They are just lovely and have such soft fur! We are booked! I booked in the name of DOL so if you don't know what anyone looks like, just ask for the table in the name of DOL. The booking is for 8pm. I told them I would confirm numbers closer to the date so it would be great if people could start making up their minds one way or the other soon. Thanks. Prada, we are on the top level so no stairs to negotiate for you. The only thing is, someone will have to go to the buffet for you, as the buffet is on the lower level. My OH and I are happy to do this for you, we did for our wheelchair bound friend last time so have had practise balancing multiple plates. I was a bit worried and am so glad it wasn't booked out in the rush of christmas parties! It's booked out now though! ;)
  6. Oops, I've also met RallyValley I didn't forget you really, I was just including people who were actually coming to the dinner. OH says Ella and I have the same nature - a little ADHD and overexciteable
  7. I have met Rubystar, MasonGibbs and OH, Amypie and Ozjen more than once and will hopefully recognise them all, and SparkyTansy, RosieFT, ChristineX, ncarter and Adele once so can't guarantee that I'll recognise them all.
  8. OH and I met up with MG for puppy class this morning and i have to say, Gibbs is even more adorable in the flesh! :love: I had awesome puppy cuddles with assorted puppies - two adorable BCs, a gorgeous rottie girl, a sweet natured bedlington terrier, various others and of course the lab collection! :D Their puppy class alone is about as big as my entire dog club! We skirted the main training group to get to the puppy pens and the only other time I've seen so many dogs in one place is the Million Paws Walk! Thanks MG for the heads up, had a lovely morning and it was really nice to catch up with you again. OH was very impressed - it's the first time he's seen me up that early on a Sunday! I kinda match my hair now though, spent too long in the sun. EFS
  9. I don't see why not, I always think the more the merrier, but it might be a little confusing for newish DOLers who haven't met anyone before. What does everyone think? Make them join DOL now so that they are Doler's when the dinner happens Or join them without telling them and give them really funny names.........they wlll be sooooooo confused on the night. I like option 2!
  10. I don't see why not, I always think the more the merrier, but it might be a little confusing for newish DOLers who haven't met anyone before. What does everyone think?
  11. Definitely wheelchair friendly, the first time we went was to the birthday of a wheelchair-bound friend and it was her choice of restaurant. There is a ramp at the entrance. Other than that, there is one lot of steps (only two steps from memory) that the staff are happy to assist with. OH just confirmed the website price - $44.90 each. Average restaurant: Entree $7-13 Mains $25-35 Dessert $8-15 Eat Greek, you can have MULTIPLES of everything! (especially desserts!! :D) OH usually gets an entree plate full of seafood and salad, then goes back for a selection of mains dishes, before at least a couple of helpings from the dessert bar. I do much the same minus the seafood, and usually three goes at the dessert bar!
  12. Oh about a week before should do it, so long as I have a rough idea of numbers to make the booking, I'm sure they won't mind if it goes up or down by a few. I noticed GoldenRules hasn't been on DOL for ages so I'll call her instead of sending a PM.
  13. I used to be shy until I realised it was holding me back so I basically just said to myself, "Stuff it, I'm going regardless" I still get nervous before meeting new people and I dread going to parties if I don't know more than a handful of the people who'll be there but I bite my lip and do it and usually have a great time once I get there. One time a couple of years ago was awful as the guy I went with only knew the host, and everyone completely ignored us (quite cliquey) so after about 5 minutes of me and my date making OMG expressions at each other and wondering if we should leave, I bit the bullet, took a deep breath, turned to the person next to me, held out my hand and said loudly, "Hi, I'm (Horty)" (Fake it til you make it moment!) The group near us then seemed to click that we knew noone and all turned and started talking to us, so it worked but gees that was a tense and uncomfortable 5 minutes. MG, there may be more people popping their heads up. I've sent out a few PMs to people I know have partners. Anyone remember Riverstar (Jean26) and MaKoda? Wazzat Xolo looked in last night but didn't commit (maybe too far). There's still Sparky Tansy and Beddazzled to be heard from...and a few people I haven't sent messages to yet. Can anyone remember the names of some of the people we've met at past DOL meets? There was a girl who had gorgeous bull breed type dog at the Piney Lakes meet (Adele??), and I'm sure we're missing a German Shepherd owner or two. I'll look through some of the old social events threads later tonight if I can find any.
  14. I'm so threatening. Bugger that you can't come after the hours I spent choosing just the right sort of intimidating words...
  15. Can't you come without him? What if you bite???? I don't drive at night especially in freo or perth i have bad eyesight in the dark and i not sure i can get a baby sitter for the three terrors sorry My bark is worse than my bite ;) My OH also has night vision issues so I tend to drive everywhere. Suits the control freak in me. Yep, has taken me there too. How do you know about Spur? I'm happy to give you both a lift if Mirawee collects you on her way to my place, so all you need to worry about is the babysitter.
  16. I've been chuckling my way through the last couple of pages :D Boxagirl, I barely recognise anyone without their dogs either, although Amypie I recognise by her hair as well! I'm a bit worried that at the christmas dinner because nobody will have their dogs that I'll walk straight past someone I've already met and not realise it's them. Booker's gorgeous btw! BTW, seeing as a couple of you haven't looked in yet, this thread re the christmas dinner I mention needs your attention!! (Bedazzled?? Boxagirl?? RosieFT's just playing hard to get :p) http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/228245-perth-dol-christmas-dinner/ 19th Nov will sneak up fast!
  17. Wow, I work in Nedlands too, well I work all over the place when gardening but I also work at my dad's hairdressing salon in Nedlands two days a week. I'm in Belmont BTW, so you just need to come down Toodyay Rd, Roe and the bypass and then I'm not far from GEH, makes the drive much simpler for you, especially if you drive that far every day, be nice to sit back and relax. WHAT? So our Greek food will be made by South Africans??? Yep, they're taking over the world! My OH is also South African. Can't you come without him?
  18. I am East Gidgegannup We really are going to have to organise a DOLer meet at my place one day too... 3/4 - 1 acre fully fenced paddocks anyone? :D Gidge's a nice drive. My dad and I quite often go bushwalking at Paruna wildlife sanctuary (off O'Brien Rd) up your way when it's open (ok it's not all the way to Gidge but it's close!) Have yet to introduce OH so will have to organise a walk before summer hits and it closes for the bushfire season. I'm directly on your way to Freo so PM me if you'd like to halve your driving time and I'll give you my details. Unfortunately Ella doesn't always socialise reliably with other dogs though so the lure of paddocks and dams is wasted on me ;) When I had Ebony, a few of us used to go up that way for the occasional puppy playdate at Bilby's place off Roland Rd. Sadly, Bilby passed away suddenly a couple of years ago. Not many DOLers got to meet her because she didn't really like driving so I think only came to one DOL meet that I know of. Can everyone who's coming please say whether they're bringing an OH or friend, for the most part I have no clue who's married or single. Thanks.
  19. Post number 31 - Map and parking advice. Pay attention! :p
  20. cos Amy's dogs don't smell... Does that mean you're coming? Or are you just stalking without committing? ;) Mirawee, are you North, South or East? If you're East, you're welcome to come to my place and I'll drive us from here. The car won't smell of dog because I'll be driving the OH's car. Mine usually doesn't smell of dog anyway because the pesticides and fertilisers mask it!
  21. 45 minutes for us, so not that close to me either. My OH lives in Mandurah so one or the other of us has 2 x 1 hour drives every weekend. Easy to find and don't stress about parking, it's not in central Freo. Being a Saturday night the carpark will likely be full but there's plenty of parking on the verge across the road. On this map, it is on Riverside Road near where it says Norm McKenzie Reserve. You get there from Preston Point Road. http://maps.google.c...tralia&t=m&z=15
  22. You know what the Social Events forum is like for Perthies, it'll take everyone a while to even notice the thread is here. We have a month before it happens though so plenty of time for people to notice. Some may not commit until the last minute. I'll wait a week or so before booking, but will tell them numbers are still to be finalised. I'm hoping that we eventually get 15+ people, the more the merrier! Might have to start PMing people.
  23. Who made me boss? I'm just the Grand Commander of the thread :nahnah: (or at least the first post ) ;) We said OH or friend, so feel free. Why aren't they on DOL anyway? If they're dog-nutters shouldn't they be here?
  24. Wait til you see the solid crunchy caramel shards on top! It was food heaven!
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