I am no professional but have you heard of Jan Fennel The Dog Listener? I know she has a few great books out and these are available from most good bookstores or even the Library.
From what I have read of Jan Fennels and what I am reading here it would seem the dog is stressed and this could be as a result of it not being to sure about it's alpha roll.
Jan often suggests:
Simply ignoring the dog ... Do they command it to be quiet when it barks, yell at it to be quiet, walk around irritated etc? The dog looks at this as a sign that you are responding to it's barking and so the cycle continues, by ignoring the dog you do not promote it's barking, ignoring means not looking, not speaking, not acknowledging the dog in any way BUT as soon as it calms down reward the dog with a treat and heaps of praise.
Show the dog that you are the APLHA in the house, this can be achieved by turning without saying a word and not looking at the dog when it begs for attention, you decide when the dog gets attention, by allowing the dog to decide this it assumes the alpha roll. When feeding the dog let the dog see you eat from the same bowl before he gets fed (place a few human treats so that it looks like you are taking it from the bowl and let the dog see you do this) This shows the dog again that you are the alpha dog and that you eat first.
From what Jan suggests dogs will distress quickly once they realise they are not the alpha dog.
I wont make promises but I know from my own experience with my dog that these techniques do work. Jan also has DVD's and a Half hour show on ABC on a Saturday night (I think it is off air at the present time)
Good luck
Cheers ;)
PS: Here's her online site: http://www.janfennellthedoglistener.com/index.htm