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Everything posted by Paganman

  1. Well for that price I reckon its worth a try.Thanks for posting Lowenhart :rolleyes:
  2. Hey has anyone used this? and has anyone had dealings with the sellers are they ok?
  3. Yeah its a pity you can only get Evo at PP Id like to try it but no way am I buying anything from them
  4. I dont reckon thats true of all dogs.My Jade doesnt like other girls and she makes it pretty darn clear that she doesnt.If another female come running up she stands all stiff and gets up on her toes and puts her tail up and if they get real close shell growl.But that doesnt stop all dogs they just dont read what she does as "Keep away" and some of them just keep coming and get right in her face.Other dogs seem to read her ok but some dogs run up to all other dogs and carnt seem to read dog body language at all.
  5. I think you feed your dog what suits it.If your dog looks good and acts happy and has lots of energy when its eating a certain diet then stick to it.From what Ive read on dogz Barf doesnt suit all dogs just like not all dry foods suit all dogs youve just gotta find what works.
  6. Why did you buy it then if it had so many obvious issues? I havent bought it All Im saying is that if I was buying from a reg breeder Id expect better. love my pooch is the poster who bought the dog.
  7. Maybe I expect to much but Id be a bit put out if I bought a pup from a reg breeder and it had tapeworm fleas ringworm and pyoderma at 9 weeks
  8. Hey well done you two.I reckon the training that goes into these dogs is awesome.Great stuff :p
  9. Hi, it's totally different, there's much more variation and biting is done on a complete suit.. Regards Mike Oh thanks Mike :p
  10. ok..im sorry if this sounds too gross but they looked like grains off rice but some were joined together and others were like one single rice grain, they were flat looking, does that still sound like roundworm?? Oh yeah that sounds like tape but real bad.I dunno how a 9 weeks old pup could have tapeworms that bad.Did she have flaes when you got her coz thats how dogs get tape they get them from swallowing fleas.
  11. Tapeworms arnt big and long if your dogs got tape they come out in segmants.Your pups got roundworm and the drontal will kill them.Drontal kills all gut worms.
  12. Send a PM to Steve on this forum Im pretty sure shes got Maremmas. Go to Members and type in Steve then go to Profile and then Send Message
  13. Hi The Teacher is a qualified trainer but there are 7 pups in the class and 3 are larger breeds, I really dont want to take him back for another bad experience Even if trainers qualified I still dont think he should let bigger pups bully smaller ones.If it was me I wouldnt go back.Im not in Sydnet but there people on here who are and theyll probably have some suggestions where you could take her.
  14. I reckon you should find another puppy school good puppy schools dont have free for alls where bigger pups can bully smaller ones.Does the school have a qualified trainer or is it just a vet nurse.I wouldnt be going back if I was you this sort of thing could make your pup frightened or aggressive to other dogs when shes older.From what Ive read on dogz puppy schools are a dime a dozen these days and a lot of them dont have a clue about what theyre doing theres good ones and a lot of bad ones out there some of them are just there to make extra money for the vet and get you to buy there products
  15. I know slugs and snails like plants.Last year I planted some petunas in a pot and the next morning they were eaten and covered in slimy stuff
  16. Hey they like the cold.I once heard on the radio that they breed in autumn so if you go out on damp cool nites in the autumn and collect them and put them in a bucket and then get rid of them (I dunno how you get rid of then) the next year you wont have anywhere as near as many.I havent tried it so I dunno if it works or not
  17. Yeah I think your dogs gotta get bit by a mozzy thats carrying heartworm.The mozzies pick it up from biting other dogs that of got it and pass it on to yours.
  18. I used to use those monthly treatments but after reading on here now I worm the dogs about twice a year and only use flea stuff if theyve got fleas and they havent had any fleas this year.Seems stupid treating dogs for something they havent got and giving them a heap of chemicals they dont need.I reckon people use that stuff just coz of the marketing making out like youve gotta worm your dog every month and treat for fleas they haveny got.
  19. Wouldnt the best idea be to get your breeder to show you maybe give you some lessons.
  20. I often buy wormers from the supermarket they work fine as far as can see both dogs fit good weight and shiny coats and no worms in there poop,
  21. Wow!Absolutely brilliant!Superb stuff! Hey is that the same as schutzhund or totally different?
  22. Do you mean your hitting the dog with a newspaper if you catch her messing on the floor?If thats what you mean you shouldnt be doing it all your doing is frightening the dog and youll find shell go somewhere and do it when your not looking.What you should be doing is hitting yourself over the head for not watching her and taking her outside. Oops I just read that you want her to toilet inside not outside :confused:I dont know how youd train a dog thats used to going to the toilet outside to go inside.It must be totally confusing for the dog. Probably one of the trainers will be in to help you soon.
  23. Im probably getting no 3 dog this year and I had to go to the council for a permit, had to have an enclosed run so many meters from the house and all the neighbors had to sign to say they didnt mind.Itd probably pay to check with your council before you get the dog coz some councils wont give permits.Im in Vic it might be different in other states.
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