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Everything posted by Paganman

  1. Mine get a bit of garlic sometime and Ive never had a problem
  2. Trouble is you carnt always believe what they say in ads they say they want a new home for him just coz theyre in a rental but that mightnt be the only reason whos to say what the dogs really like.Myself I wouldnt be taking him without meeting the dog. He probably is just like they describe him but if he has got some problems and you arrange to fly him up you could be in a bit of trouble specially in Qld. I think it pays to be careful with ads like this and not automatically believe everything they say people will say anything when they want to get rid of a dog
  3. Tell him to put his shoes away and they wont get chewed. Id be getting rid of the housemates theres no way I could live with anyone who beat up their dog
  4. Definately dont replace her water with green tea I dont reckon youll get her to touch the stuff I tried it for a while and its an acquired taste it tasted really bitter to me. I didnt like it at all.
  5. Yes that couldve been it the name just seemed familier I watch TT so if he was on there thats probably where I saw it. Were the kennels out Lysterfield way only Im sure I used to drive past them or is that someone else. I dont really know what Im talking about LOL
  6. If you get Home Brand mackerel it says on the can that its in natural mackerel oil.
  7. Neville Williams who bred, think he still breeds but not sure, GSD's. Cause my best GSD ever came from a Neville Williams in the early 90's. Didnt he have a dog training place (V K Kennels) where he taught protection dogs? I think I saw something about him on TV once but maybe Im getting confused it was a while ago.
  8. Sorry but your vet dosent know what hes talking about a lot of vets know stuff all about feeding dogs The diet the breeder recomended is a good diet. I dont know why hes got an odour but the diet sounds perfect
  9. All dogs love cat poop its like us eating choccy or ice cream its a real treat for them. Put the litter tray up high where she carnt get to it and if you see your cat having a poop in the yard pick it up coz youll never stop her eating it I reckon its addictive
  10. Ive tried Bonnie and Supercrap and they went straight thru my dogs but all dogs are dofferent.Chicken frames and brisket bones are good.
  11. Sorry but its head looks chihuahua like to me but Im not an expert :D Editted to say that Ive looked a lots of Stafford pups coz Im getting one to hopefully show and that one doesnt look anything like the ones Ive seen
  12. Can you post whats in it coz theres nothing on that site?
  13. That pup looks like its got chihuaha in it (no offense meant)
  14. LOL yeah digging my two have grown out of it now but theyd dig craters when they were younger I think its an instinctive kind of behavior in dogs.Poop in the holes helps but usually they go dig somewhere else
  15. I thought Artemis was american Im sure the bag I bought was made in the US?I agree its rich it didnt aagree with my dogs at all.Its a shame coz the ingredients are good but it didnt suit my dogs
  16. He needs to toilet train the dog carnt blame the dog if hes been an outside dog all his life he doesnt know any better
  17. Those sort of dogs have got nightmare coats for ordinary pet owners.I met one down the park yesterday and the owner was saying he should take his dog to a groomer but carnt afford it.Hes been brushing it himself but the dog was still matted.I dont think he realised when he got the pup what a lot of work these crosses are coatwise.His dog was OTT hyper as well.
  18. I dunno.Staffords are people dogs they dont like being alone.But then lots of people work and have dogs Im one of them.If its a pup it might get destructive but I guess itll depend on the dog.
  19. I tried the cow hoofs but the dogs werent interested they mucked about with them for 5 minutes then left them
  20. This is a good thread for all those people who think pugs are unhealthy and arnt very active coz they carnt breathe properly
  21. My mate got a PPCollar for his mal x now he can walk it easy and the dog goes out much more often so it worked out well for them
  22. Nope I dont let them chew on me Ive got neices and nephews so Ive never let them put teeth on people.They wouldnt even think of doing it now
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