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Everything posted by Paganman

  1. Why did you take Rico to the vet in the first place was he lame on that front leg?Pedigree canned foods rubbish but its a good laxitive if your dog ever needs one
  2. "Visit My Website"???Are you the proprietor of the company?
  3. Dont get the heartworm stuff from your vet get them online.All that sort of stuff is much cheaper if you get it off the net
  4. That some breeds of dogs will "turn" (usually german shepherds rotties dobes ect) for no reason and you can never trust them
  5. If you speak to the breeder they might take the dog back I dont reckon its fair on the dog or your daughter to keep it.Like someone else said a boxer wasnt probly the best choice .
  6. Brilliant article - definitely a must read. Thats one of the best most sensible articles I ever read its just spot on
  7. Hey this is your third topic on what you should feed your lab didnt you get enough info from the first two?
  8. If shes got an oppartunity to see Steve tell her to go for it hes one heck of a good trainer.Ive been to a couple of his seminars and hes brilliant you couldnt do better :D
  9. Hey showdog what shampoo do you use?Ive been told not to use human shampoo coz its got a different ph and wont be good for the dog in the long term.Is this a furphy then? Sorry a bit OT but id be interested to know.
  10. I just heard Hugh Wirth on his vet show on ABC774 talking about vaccinations.I carnt stand him but he says the immunity from vacs drops over time and distemper and hepartitis MIGHT last for 3 years but parvovirus vaccinations wont last that long.This doent agree with what Ive heard and read.He sounds like a pretty old school sort of vet so is he right or wrong.I wondered what others thought.
  11. If your going to be showing him keep him on the Royal Canin its a much better food than supercoat
  12. Beats me how the practice of selling puppies in a shop is allowed to continue. Seems theres an endless supply of buyers who have little knowledge of how to be a responsible dog owner, buy an unknown puppy on a whim, only to dump it sometime down the track. Puppy farmers are no better than people smugglers and dont care if some die along the way. Why the government doesnt step in and put a stop to this practice is beyond all reasonable thinking. Steve Austin should be ashamed.
  13. My dogs would kill rabbits and giunea pigs if they got the chance lots of dogs would.Best thing he can do is fence off the hutches so the dog carnt get to them.The dog needs desexing as well otherwise shes gonna come on heat soon getting her fixed wont srop her getting the pets but itll stop her getting preggers. Its got nothing to do with the breed small furry pets like these are prey to lots of dogs
  14. Oh yeah great and if anything goes wrong and the dog does get into trouble (not saying its going to) its named as a labx and thats not fair on the lab breed.Its the same when people say call a pitbull a staffordx or an amstaff if anything bad happens its those breeds that get the blame.Ive said it before but you guys are your own worst enemy
  15. Hey it wouldnt be in a suburb beginning with N would it.If it is thats great it was a real s#$%hole.
  16. Thanks for the link VJB Im gonna get some :thumbsup:Never heard of it before looks good
  17. I agree with the others, you carnt rely on a child to train the dog.Breaking up scrapping dogs can be dangerous specially when they get bigger.Do you take the pups to puppy school/obedience?I dont believe the BCs aggressive its rare that a pup that age is he just needs training and obedience school will teach you how to train the pups properly.As for BCs being intense theyre a working breed
  18. Are you showing him coz its more likely people wiill want to use him at stud if hes doing well at showing or hes got a title.I havent been involved in pedigree dogs long but thats the way it seems.But I guess someone might want him coz hes from NZ and carrying different genes but hed still have to be good dog that confirms to the breed standard.
  19. Geez Id be wondering what sort of pet one of these retired bitchs would make when its been kept outside as a puppy making machine for 7 years :D I reckon the whole set up sounds pretty naff. Reminds me a bit of free range chooks and we all know what a take that is
  20. Ive got a vine my dogs guts them down every year and nothing happens but their poop comes out full of skins :D
  21. If hes got his dob on his vacc papers you could maybe look through your state CCs mag and see if theres a litter registered that was born on that date.
  22. My two are on Nutro and theyve never looked better
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