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Everything posted by Paganman

  1. Is there a brand name for the chamois ones?
  2. Im looking at getting a cool coat for my stafford but dont know which one to buy?Theres Cool Champions,Prestige,Silver Shade Mesh make one and theres a guy in Victoria called Ashley Read who makes them to. Any recomendations? Thx
  3. Dilute I use approximately 1/2 cup in a bucket of water & as previously posted metho is a great cleaner too. Probably the same dilution as vinegar & metho makes the floors dry faster as well. Thx jj :D
  4. I took mt staffordx girl to a vet/behaviorist for dog aggression and all she did is was prescribe Clomicalm which was expensive and didnt make any difference.I learnt a lot from a seminar I went to by Steve Courtney of K9 Force and then I had a private consultation which helped no end coz he told me things to do to modify the behavior.I reckon giving your dog a sedative when theres going to be a storms a better idea no way would I put a dog on Prozac.Theres a good behaviorist in Brisbane called Jane Harper shes not a vet but ive seen good things about her all the time on dogz perhaps she can help
  5. Why carnt he sleep outside.Its only going to get hotter and unless youve got aircon hes going to get way to hot
  6. So what would be best to get a mat or a coat?Isuppose you could use the coat as mat if you wanted
  7. Hey thx for all the tips.Theres a heap more to dog showing than I thought its no way as easy as it looks. Ill definately check out the newfs at the nest show.Thanks heaps :D
  8. Thanks Sandra.I turn the dog on the inside coz I was told to make sure not to get between the dog and the judge but I seen a lot of handlers turning the dog on the outside.I didnt even know he was pacing till someone told me Much obliged
  9. Thanks for all the suggestions.I take him out every day but I got a real small yard up here and I noticed that he paces round it and I was thinking if maybe thats whats got him in the habit.In the ring hes ok when he starts off but he paces when he goes back to the judge I tried moving faster but he can pace pretty fast and the faster I go the worse he looks. Anyway Ill put some of your suggestions into practise and see hoe he goes he didnt do it as a small pup so maybe its a growing stage or something.Thanks again :D
  10. Its a Stafford editted to ask whats a courtesy turn
  11. Does anyone know how you can stop a dog pacing when its in the ring?
  12. No way theres enough rules and regs now
  13. Both dogs look like x's to me the second dog looks like one used to live next door to me and he was a ridgebackxstafford x
  14. Councils limit the no of dogs you can have at one address some councils let you have a permit for an extra dog but some wont. A lot of councils wont let you have a permit without the neighbors permission and if someone objects you wont get the permit.
  15. Keeping 9 dogs when theres a 2 dog limit is a bit risky theres one hell of a diffrence between 2 and 9.Do they bark at all coz all it takes is one complaint from a neighbor and youll probably be forced to dispose of some of them
  16. Id say puupys barking when they play is ok and normal but you dont want them barking at people or other dogs
  17. Would have thought the same thing... I carnt see where it says there show labs or even registered labs they look like crosses to me nothing to do with kennel club labs at all.You see the same thing here dogs advertised as some breed and they look nothing like it.Carnt see its got anything to do with breed standards deteriating.
  18. Wasnt that in Victoria?And I think the cross was with a german shepherd.I think the ops dogs a kelpie cross but have a look at the dutch shepherd thread in dog breeds 101 theres a breeder called artur on there wholl be able to tell you
  19. Ive got it for the dogs thought Id start off with a teaspoon and build up to a tablespoon.I hope they eat their dinner when I put it in mind you at that price I guess it doesnt really matter its not like Ive lost $100.Megapet had it for $26.20 for 2kg
  20. That's it Ok thanks, I was a bit worried
  21. Ok so I got 1kg of Livamol for $5.50 from a stock feed place and it looks like red gum sawdust.It wasnt in a packet they had it loose in a bin.Have I got the right stuff?It doesnt smell of anything much.
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