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Posts posted by Paganman

  1. Thank you for the explanation as I said it sounds bad if you don't know what it is. myszka the crusades were directed against muslims not pagans but I take your point LOL.

    Sorry I was not trying to be critical its just that I had never heard of these collars, once again thank you. I am sure if all you expert trainers say that they are ok then they are, i'm sorry if I sounded critical in any way as I didn't mean to, I am just ignorant of some things.

  2. Hey you really have to take this escaping thing very seriously you know or your puppy could end up getting killed or taken by someone. You have to make 100% sure that he can't get out, maybe keep him out of the yard when you're opening and closing the gate. As he gets older he'll be able to run quicker and get further away quicker and he'll get more confident so if your not careful he'll end up off down the road and you won't be able to catch him then who knows what will happen to him.

  3. My dogs did this when they were young, I have a staffyx and a bitsa and the staffyx was destruction on legs, but theyre old now and don't do it anymore.I think when theyre puppies theyre real inquisitive and full of life and energy and get bored easy and that's why they do it.


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