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Posts posted by Paganman

  1. No I wasnt being sarcastic I thought I was showing interest trying to be friendly.I didnt read the whole thread just followed on the from the last post just trying to be nice and welcoming.Why is it that everyone on here always thinks that everyone has bad motives when they post :)

    I dont give a crap what breed it is just trying to be nice but I wont bother in future

  2. Sheesh, why is everybody so hung up on the breed? Does it matter in the long run? What IS it with DOL lately? :)

    Just curiousity I guess :thanks: If you post on dogz about a new puppy everyone wants to know what breed and wants to see pics why else would you post :) Seems pretty normal to me :laugh:

  3. My sister lives in the UK and over there the e-collers just been banned by the goverment in Wales she reckons its only a matter of time before theyre banned in the whole of the Uk and the English kennel club is pushing for this.She doesnt know anything about prongs or even if theyve got them over there. Do you reckon Australia will follow the Uk?

  4. Id never bring another girl home here my Jade is good with males but not keen on other females and if I brought one home I reckon thered be trouble. Shes desexed but still doesnt like other girls.

  5. My mates having problems with his dogs recall. When he was younger he was ok but hes 18 months now and wont come back when he sees another dog he chases after it and was starting to annoy other owners and frighten there dogs so theyve stopped letting him off lead. Now theyve stopped letting him run at the park hes started digging in the yard and hes real hypo and restless..They go to obedience but the instructors there told him to use a long line and call him back with treats and its not working when theres other dogs around.But for the recall hes a good dog so I was telling them about the remote training Ive read about on here and hes intrested.

    I told him hed need a trainer to show him how to use it and hes ok with that but when we looked at the collers theyre $750 and he carnt afford that sort of money with three kids and a mortgage and only one wage.

    So can anyone tell me if you can hire them? And how long does it take to train the dog is it an ongoing thing like you must buy your own coller and use it all the time or what? If you have to buy your own can you get cheaper ones than $750.

    Sorry for the stupid questions but Im not well up on this sorta training.The dogs a german shepherd malamutex and they really want to get this sorted

  6. I reckon your locking her up to early 8.30 seems real early to me but then everyones different about the time they go to bed. My dogs dont go to bed till at least 11. I dont know how youll go when its still light at 8.30.

  7. Hey Arnah theres some good trainers on here and you can get in touch using the PM system. I dont know where you are but in Sydney K9 Force is about the best around then in Melbourne theres Erny and Cosmolo. Sorry I dont know any in the other states. I wouldnt go to any of the franchisers like BB

  8. Crate training is good but you carnt leave a dog in a crate for 8 hours a day a dog run would be better.Is the dog a working breed coz theyre usually reallly active and need lots of exercise and things to do, if you take the dog for a run before work it might tire him out a bit. Toys are good but if you leave lots of toys around the dogs get bored with them so maybe just give him a couple a day, but toys dont take the place of human attention. Is the dog desexed if he isnt maybe have him done.I wouldnt get another dog when your having problems with the one youve already got chances are youll have two dogs with problems. Id get in a qualified dog trainer and behavioralist wholl be able to help with most of the problems and teach your dog to walk on a loose lead. If you say where you live someone will be able to recomend a trainer.

    Sorry Im no expert I only replied coz no one else has LOL, one of the dogz training experts will probably be on later

  9. Sounds like a normal staffy to me :cheer: Pup carnt tell the diffrence between toys that belong to your daughter and toys that belong to him so I guess all you can do is put all your daughters toys away when shes not playing with them if theyre small enough to be moved and wait for him to grow out of it.

  10. I introduced a 18 month old bullmastiff cross bitch (desexed) into my household 6 months ago. She belonged to a friend who was unable to keep her. At the time I had a 2 year old golden retriever (entire as i show her) and a 3 year old desexed kelpie cross bitch. Initially all was fine, then one day my kelpie attacked the bullmastiff.. and since that day its been fun fun fun! The bullmastiff has since attacked both the other dogs with no provacation and the fights are nasty! the only way to seperate them is with buckets of water and there is usually one or both dogs bleeding. The kelpie and the goldie have never fought and still dont. So now the bullmastiff is separated from the other two at all times. She has her own section of the backyard and they all have crates inside so i can have them all inside at night. I jsut let them out of thier crates in the evening in shifts.

    Its not perfect but its the only way i can safely have all 3 dogs in my home. I have since adopted a male staghound as a compnaion for the bullmastiff girl and they are the best of mates. So be aware when you bring this new dog into your household that altho things may appear fine initially.. that may well change.

    My girl doesnt like other females much and I wouldnt ever bring another girl home she gets on great with my male but other girls no way, I wouldnt take the risk.When one of mine passes on Im wanting to get a purebred staffy to maybe show and all the breeders Ive spoke to say I should get one of the opposite sex coz they get on better.

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