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Everything posted by Paganman

  1. Cal Nat is still very good but its expensive and I now have to start watching what I spend. The basic SC lines are full of fillers yes (and I wouldn't touch it) but if you look at the link, the special care lines are made without fillers for sensitive stomachs. They must be a new line? That is why I want to get some asap while I have Cal Nat left so I can switch her over slowly ;) If she doesn't do well then I will go back to CN. Oh right O I was a bit surprised coz you raved about cal nat and theres a hell of a difference between cal nat and supercrap.But yeah its expensive.
  2. I wouldnt take my pup to somewhere where all the pups are thrown in together like that and carnt get away.Some pups are more outgoing than others and throwing them in the deep end like that can effect them for life if they get really scared.Pups should socialized with other dogs but it shouldnt be a free for all, this doesnt sound like a real well run puppy school.BTW you shouldnt give a pup a treat when its acting scared coz what your doing is rewarding it for being scared and thatll encourage it
  3. your not f***in wrong mate and this forum is full of it! people who claim apbt life who dont even abide by the restrictions pipe up and call the responsibility card all the time lol. its a f***in joke. You know no offense but why is it whenever theres a discussion and anything about pitbulls come up a lot {not all} of the people who own them come in all guns blazing and aggressive and the f%$# word starts appearing ;) A lot of joe public already think that all pitbulls are owned by bogans and criminals and posts like this just reinforce it IMO.I got in a discussion on this forum last year and was sworn at and got nasty pms telling me I was a bsl supporter just coz I questioned the comments in a post.Geez I know Ill get flamed for this but sometimes you guys are your own worst enemy and dont further your cause one bit I really like pitbulls and any Ive met have been great but there a restricted breed and there are things have gotta be done if you want to own one and not have it taken off you.The OPs got to realise this is serious stuff and hes got to comply with the law and then calsonic and NSP come on and just about tell him not to worry about it and everything will be fine.Sure the dogs only a wee pup at the moment and no trouble but if he doesnt put the work in and make sure his yards escape proof and his dogs preoperly trained and socialized it could be different when the dogs a year old.I dont think owning a restricted breed is something to be taken lightly at all and if something goes wrong its the dog that suffers and may even lose its life.
  4. How come your buying Supercoat? In a thread just recently you told me to buy California natural coz it was the best stuff out If your changing to Supercoat do it slowly coz it doesnt suit all dogs theres lots of fillers in it.When I tried it it gave my dogs the runs something cronic they did piles and piles of poop.I ended up chucking it out.
  5. Hey mine do this sometimes usually if one of thems eaten something yummy like cat poo or something like that ;)
  6. She probably isnt settled in yet maybe shell learn to play when shes got used to her new place.That said not all dogs like to play with balls one of my two couldnt care less shes as much interested in balls as she is in bricks
  7. Thanks bb but I dont want to support PP in any way at all.If I went and bought anything from PP or PGD or any other store that was part of the PP chain some of my money would go back to PP and be used to buy more puppies from farms. Im sure the foods excellent but theres absolutely no way Im putting money in PPs pockets.I love dogs and not one cent of my money is going to be given to a puppy farm.
  8. No ticks in Gembrook I live near there.There arnt any ticks around Melbourne at all the nearest tick area is around Lakes Entrance about 4 hours away.
  9. Do you live anywhere near Cranbourne VIC? About 45 minutes.
  10. Thanks for the info everyone I should of guessed it was one of the petfoods sold by PP. Needless to say I wont be trying it.
  11. He looks quite bright in that photo. Hang in there little Bucca man you can do it
  12. Yeah I sure hope hes continuing to improve
  13. Was wondering if anyones used Evo and if so what they thought of it?Thanks
  14. Sounds a bit extreme for just a fear period if she freaking out at everything even the wind in the trees.Sorry I dont have any advice but theres quite a few experts on this forum and Im sure one of them will be able to help
  15. Oh how awful for you :D Heaps of healing vibes from me and I hope he pulls through :D
  16. I couldnt use Bonnie or Supercoat with mine both dogs lots of poop and very soft since Ive been on dogz Ive learnt this is coz they both contain lots of cereal fillers and not much meat and some dogs carnt take cereals.Eagle Pack Holistic and Royal Canin suit mine.I tried Nutrience once and its ok better than Bonnie or Supercoat anyway.I didnt think much of Advance
  17. This happens sometimes I dunno why.Doesnt usually cause any problems and usually goes down on its own but can take a week or two.
  18. Hey Banjo it might be what your feeding him Bonnie goes straight through my dogs they did lots and lots of runny poop.Its a very cheap food try one of the better ones
  19. Your dog wasnt actually seized he was picked up wandering at large.When they seize a dog it usually means they go to someones house and take it coz its bit someone or something.If hes done nothing wrong Im sure youll get him back like another poster said pitbull arent banned just restricted in Vic and if you follow all the rules youll be allowed tokeep him Im sure
  20. I think I remember K9 Force saying something about this at one of his seminars that unless the dogs been trained in personal protection its just protecting itself not the owner.Most people like to think their dogs protecting them but its not the case.Apologies Steve if Ive got the wrong end of the stick and quoted you wrongly
  21. My dogs hated the stuff and what I got them to eat looked like bird seed coming out the back end
  22. Yeah I agree but the trouble is that most of joe public would probably agree that these dog sports should be banned coz the dogs taking part are taught to bite and thats wrong in their eyes. Joe Public dont really think about these laws they just accept them because on the surface they seem right and sensible and they dont know any better. Training dogs to attack things is dangerous and shouldnt happen. Pit bulls are fighting dogs and people shouldnt be allowed to own them Tail docking is cruel and shouldnt be allowed If your an ordinary person and you happen to hear about these laws youll most likely agree with them I know I wouldve thought they were good laws if I hadnt been on dogz for a while. I reckon most ordinary people believe what they hear and plenty would be for heaps more restrictions on dogs and not many against coz most people arnt into dogs like the people on here are.
  23. I dunno JulesP but thought Id reply coz noone else has I wish I could help but I carnt I hope you get some answers
  24. Boycotting is pretty damn good also. Money talks. No way would I buy anything from the PP mob you carnt be against puppy farms if you go out and support one of the companys that sell puppies theyve got from puppy farmers.If your giving PP money part of that money will go to puppy farmers to buy more pups and the more pups they buy the more the puppy farms will produce. Just think of all those poor bitches locked in cages having puppies twice a year til they carnt physically do it any more and then god knows what happens to them I think its hypocrtical to say your against puppy farms but buy your food or anything else from PP or any of the companys that are part of the chain. Youve got to stand up for what you believe in.
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