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Everything posted by rocco

  1. No Rocco1 .... it is not a silly reason. But it is only ONE of the benefits of using a "Pressure Point Collar" (PPCollar) (aka "pinch" collar). Other benefits include, as Kavik as posted, less correction required to receive desired response. This is good for the handler, but also (and importantly) good for the dog. You don't get the affect to muscle or skeletal structure as you do with other available training tools presently on the market. The design of the links also minimises/avoids stress/pressure to the dog's throat/trachea/windpipe. Dog's responses are normally quicker and stress to the dog is reduced - not only for the reasons aforementioned, but also because learning can be faster. Like any tool, it should always be used with knowledge and consideration to correct timing of application as well as to any behaviour modification method you are using. I'm in Melbourne (so not allowed to use the PPCollar as regulation has unfortunately prohibited this ..... although refer THIS LINK and THIS LINK if you want to read further information in that regard. Not sure of trainer/s in Queensland who can help you but I'm sure others here will be able to guide you. Thanks Erny, I have followed a lot of the PPcollar threads and they seem to work wonders for alot of people. Thanks for the advice, looks like it could help my situation.
  2. Yep Delta is all positive and when Roc is working he is fine, he knows what expected of him. I dont come across aggressive dogs at training. The problem is more out on walks and expecting the unexpected when he is not working, that is when he wont focus and listen and positive reward dont always work. Thank you I will search K9 force, and see what they recommend aswell.
  3. I own a large strong breed, whom I walk in a check chain. He is not a puller or badly behaved dog. He walks beautifully on lead 98% of the time, we do obedience and I am on my way to start his CGC title. Over time I have come across more and more aggresive dogs out on our walks. The sort that are "oh he just wants to say hi" and straight in to attack Roc. Off lead dogs rushing and attacking him, and even onlead dogs trying to attack him as he walks past. So Roc has become more defensive and wont take any nonsense now. Roc then became funny around other dogs that fire up and challenged him. Now generally when out walking and I see a dog I get his focus click his check and use the words "leave" and he will trot past happy as larry and if he was a good boy he got a treat or heaps of praise. But I do adjust his check up under his chin for my own hold over him. If other dogs are fried up and lunging at us as they walk past, I lose Roc focus, he gets set for a challenge and can pull then I have to break out Popeye. My question is to the experts on pinch/prong collars would you recommend one here? I feel as I am always adjusting his lead up under his neck, when we see dogs, he will be sensing my anxiety. Where I have read the pinch collars stay in place. Is this a silly reason to use a pinch collar on him and would I see results from it? I have used halti's - but he hates them and he will still pull in one, snapped a lead pulling in a halti. He is not an out of control aggressive dog, he is actually very sweet and gentle, he will never start a fight just easily finish one. I just want a way where I keep us both safe, but also where he is happy in his gear and I am 100% confident controlling him. If so where would I go in Brisbane to learn how to fit and use one? Sorry for the long post.
  4. Sorry luvabull I thought Reef was a boy as she look huge compared to the others.
  5. Love the second movie, made me laugh, what a character. The way that tail is moving he was telling you a pretty exciting story. Chopper is so beautiful I love his markings. Reef cracks me up in your sig - having a nap while the others are all smiling and excited.
  6. Cassie I am so sorry to hear of Oakley. He was my favorurite dog on DOL, I could never get enough pictures of him, and his beautiful gentle face. He always made me smile or even giggle, as he looked like such a awesome character. He was truely a beautiful dog. RIP Oakley. Take care.
  7. Harminee thank you, this looks amazing. Fantastic job.
  8. I have been watching this fantastic photoshop thread. Great stuff. I had to have a go with my boy and thought I would share.
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