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Everything posted by Mina

  1. Awwwww My kids have no choice but to love dogs
  2. I just love these series of photos from one of our adoptees Mini Me
  3. I could keep going all day..... I went through a bunch of files and found so many to add on here...
  4. Great mates, having a good old chin wag..... Both rescues from Hawkesbury pound and now living it up at the Gold Coast On a side note, the big Mastiff boy (Tango) was surrendered to the pound at the ripe old age of 10 years. He was old and sad and very very unhappy... not anymore
  5. Or how about some matching Staffy foot warmers on a cold winters day.
  6. Love the Siberian Bookends.... How about some Mastiff bookends to match
  7. Here is my Tilby, she ws looking on DOL... seriously
  8. And they call the Stafford the nanny dog.... heres proof
  9. I have found sooo many fun photos to add to this fun and uplifting thread.... I might have to spread them out in a couple of days Chica see, Chica do....
  10. Kimmy: 'do you think they would notice me? I did not do it.....
  11. I turned the photo upside down..... no still a face only a mother could love.... And I do love my Kimmy
  12. Now this is a BIG DOG Not sure if this is even appropriate, but check out the size of Sarge's head compared to my daughters
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