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Everything posted by Abbie

  1. Does anyone have a good description of what an aural haematoma is?
  2. Thanks guys. Do yous happen to remember what drugs they were given?
  3. I'm doing an assessment for tafe on discharge for a dog thats just been treated for an aural haematoma. Looking for any help that I can get. So I need a discription of the procedure (putting the drain in), a discription of possible complications and clinical signs that these may be occouring, home managment procedures, a discrption of meds to be given. If anyone can give me a hand that would be great. Thanks
  4. I do appologise for my last post. Wound guard is an anaseptic and a biterent that you spray on the wound after the sx. Because it is a biterent it has a yukky taste to it and belive me you don't want to taste it. 80% of dogs hate the taste it too, so by spraying it over the stitches if the dog goes to lick/chew at the stitches they get the taste=them not chwing/licjking again.
  5. With wound guard spray you don't have to dress up your dog and make it look like a gay
  6. Hi There. What I teach in my puppy classes is that you need to get up before your pup, so if your pup gets up at 5 you need to get up at about 4:30, just to make sure that the pup dosn't have an accident. As soon as your pup wakes up put him on the lead and walk him out side. Keep the pup on the lead. You only wait about 2-3 min. If your pup goes then reward and praise and take back inside. The reason why you keep him on the lead and stay out there with him is because if he goes to the toilet you're there and can reward him and wont miss him doing it. If the pup won't go bring him back inside and then go back out on the lead about 10-15 min later. Take pup out to pee 10-15 min after all meals and before bed time. Make sure that the pup has acess to the loo 24/7-wether that's a doggy door or you leave the door open just so when your dog gets the idea of what he has to do he won't get to the door and it's shut so then he goes back to peeing on the carpet or somewhere where you don't want him to. Hope this helps.
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