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Everything posted by Angelina

  1. I despair sometimes.... at what sort of person, has that sort of rage, and cruelty in them
  2. Well I got my 3 boys done today, booked in advance, and they look beautiful. Bows in hair. Love it All credit to the groomers, because, seriously, I have tried to do my dogs myself, and I just butcher it. I think you are all very talented. My groomer is fantastic. I have to confess, I only booked mine about 3 weeks ago, and she squeezed me in, and thats 3 dogs. I am a regular though
  3. Good grief On a side note, what did she do with the walls (the vet this is).
  4. Thanks Lowenhart, I do remember. I have to say Moo responded really well to crate training and medication last year, and truly he was back to what I thought was nearly 100% Then all of sudden last week, he went downhill fast. And its worse, but as I said, I am hopeful that he will respond again to the medication and crating.
  5. Thanks so much Long Dogs. I'm going to get Vitamin C tomorrow. I am feeling so much more optimistic about this today
  6. Went to the vets today, and my normal vet is back. She has put Moo on the steroids, he was on last year (he responded much quicker to these) Gave him an enema (he was blocked up) Gave him a needle. I'll see her in a couple more days, but she thought he should respond a little quicker now (she seemed a little annoyed - didn't say so - about the medication the relief vet put him on). So, I am feeling a littlel more optimistic.
  7. The vet was talking about referring him to a specialist. To be honest, I don't think we will go the surgery route. I am hoping anti inflammatory's, chiro and rest will work. My normal vet is back on Monday, so I have an appt at 9.15 am, and will have a good chat then, about pro's cons, everything. Thanks for sharing your experience it does help. Also, guess what, he just did a little pee (WOO HOO)
  8. Will do, will call them this afternoon
  9. Yes I'm definitely going to look at the chiro's. Yesterday, I noticed a thread on Chiro's in Brissie, so I am going to contact one of them. (Because at the moment, he looks all crooked and humped in the middle) thanks
  10. Hi Poodle Fan He's pretty only approx 4.5 kg. I think the problem is he has this disc problem, which as you say, will reoccur (and it has), but its deciding on whether to go the surgery route. My normal vet, last year, told me she didn't think we should consider the surgery, but this vet indicated maybe we should consider. So at the moment, I'm just giving him the anti-inflammatory's and will take him back on Monday, and have a pretty long talk with the vet then, asking lots and lots of questions.
  11. He was pretty bad this morning, and Mum says just been lying very quiet all day. Not really moving. When I took outside for toilet this morning, he took a long long time, and to be honest, I couldn't even see if he went. I take him back to my normal vets on Monday, but I am hoping he will respond to the medication, and he will be able to manage on medication and rest.
  12. I just wanted to attach a picture of my poor little boy (this is him in good health)
  13. No, my normal vet is on holidays, and is back next week, this guy was filling in for her. Last year, she suggested no surgery because of the things you mentioned. she was actually surprised at how well he recovered, but he had strict rest, the anti inflamatory's and he came really good. This guy was saying it can be successful, although he did say, this disc was a different disc from last year, and may occur again, in yet a different location. At the moment, he is crated again, Mum is down looking after him, on the anti inflammatory's, and I am just hopeful, he comes good again. I was concerned this morning, as he appeared to be having difficulty in going to the toilet. So, I think it is fingers crossed for the next couple of days.
  14. My little Moo, had a disc problem last year, he was on anti inflammatorys and crated a little while, and he came really good. Yesterday, nearly a year later, when I got home, he was walking like a camel, all humped up in the middle, yelping, terrible pain. Took him back to the vet, he's really bad again, he is back in the crate, back on anti inflammatorys. We will see how he goes. He said, if he deterioriates it is either surgery or pts. Has anybodys dog has this sort of surgery done. He is a little maltese cross (4kg), 7 years old.
  15. Wow, that was the most informative thread. Thank you everyone. i have 3 dogs, I take to get groomed, mine are generally done every 10-12 weeks, and they are really needing it by then. I brush and trim a bit in between. I must say, last time, the shitzu and maltese cross, had some terrible matts (I was embarressed), but my groomer told me she had seem a lot worse. I work in the city, and drop my dogs in in the morning on the way to work and pick them up in the afternoon. Do many people do this? I would love to know how to groom mine myself, but I tried to once, and I made a real mess of it. I just love the way they look after the groomers. You all sound very talented to me. By the way, a question. When I lived in Melbourne, I used to go to a salon and they used to do between my shitzu's nose between the eyes, it was almost shaved. You could feel the skin, it was really smooth. The groomer up here doesn't do that, just a question, do many people do this? I quite liked it. (I probably haven't explained it very well)
  16. My 3 love them, but I only give them for a treat, every now and then. There very expensive. My cat loves the cat ones too.
  17. Well, everybody I think it was dust. I have been bathing them twice a day, and they have improved a 100%. I think its just him running behind the other 2 larger dogs, and them kicking dust in his face. Poor little boy. Thanks for the tips though.
  18. yes, it is very dusty at the back at the moment. I have 3 dogs, and the other 2, have made themselves a running path, and it is quite dusty outside now. I can't water because of water restrictions (I ordered a rain tank some 2 months ago, but it hasn't arrived yet). Anyhow, I bathed them this morning, and my son is home today, so will be home all day, so the little Moo can stay inside during the day today with him. I'll check again tonight. They did look a little better this morning.
  19. No, haven't been to the vet, because I didn't really notice until tonight. His eyes, look a little better already since I bathed in the warm salty water. I will try the tea, or colloidal silver. I was going to check tomorrow, and if they didn't look much better take him to the vet. Where do I get the colloidal silver from?
  20. Hi everyone My little Moo, a maltese cross, has very sore eyes at the moment. They are really red and had gunky parts. i have bathed them in warm salty water. any other suggestions??
  21. Cool, thanks again. Yes, they are passing fine. But I will add some vegies to the diet. They are generally just buggers, you know, you can add vegies, and they eat everything except, so I will puree.
  22. Thanks Schmoo I will print this out, and go shopping for him tonight. My other 2 boys are eating what he is on, but have no problems. Do you think I should change their diet as well??
  23. Okay, I give my 3 dogs, either chicken necks, chicken wings or lamb off cuts at night, and they have dry in the morning. The only reason I swapped them to this, is because they just won't eat canned food. Should I be giving them veggies too, because I don't. Sorry if question is a bit basic
  24. Hi everyone I have a small 6 year old maltese/lhasa apso cross. A couple of months ago, he was diagnosed with a disk problem, and his back legs aren't what they used to be. The diagnosis was quite bad at first, but after rest, and anti inflammatories, he is going okay. Good spirits, yelps sometimes still, and legs obviously not great. However, what I have noticed when I do the poo patrol, he is clearly straining when he goes to toilet. I did mention this to the vet last time, and she said, its harder for them because of his back legs. However, my daughter said yesterday, she saw him pooing, and everytime he tried to poo, he cried. He eventually did, but after a couple of attempts. His diet is chicken wings or necks (chopped up) and dry food. What do you think?? I would appreciate any suggestions?
  25. I had my 2 boys done in February, and one of them the elizabethian collar was sending him batty, he was banging his head against the lounge etc, to try to get it off. I took it off him, and he was fine, didn't go near his stitches. I supervised him for the first bit, but he didn't go near the stitches, just wanted that bl**dy thing off his head.
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