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Everything posted by BC

  1. Becboo, treadmills are a great cardio work out for a dog when the owner does not have the time etc to walk to give the dogs the amount of required excersise, and helps build muscle etc. There are even treadmills specifically built for dogs isiss, I would just put my dog on it, tied to the handle and have it at a very slow pace. The dog will not hang itself but to encourage it a bit more you could coax them forward with a piece of food or a toy etc. You could also try the method of getting on it yourself with the dog walking next to you then when the dog is more comfortable just step off the side and let the dog continue. That is something I will invest in one day
  2. I agree with Clyde. If its a known case then I would not touch it. It is the owner responsibility to have it treated, and your resposibility to the other dogs in your care so just nicely explain to the owner the situation on why you cannot groom the dog for the time being A bad rep will break you
  3. I use Groomers Royal Jelly Shampoo $89 for 5 litres, and Groomers Blue Pearl Professional $107 for 5 litres for Shiloh and any dogs I'm showing. For the pets I use the Groomers salon product range which is $49 for 5 litres with 3 different choices of product. If medicated is needed I use Aloveen or what the client has been prescribed to use, and flea shampoo I use Groomers Ridasect Anti-flea $85 for 5 litres. As you can tell I like Groomers products
  4. There are some bulk buying options on pet network http://www.petnetwork.com.au/cgi-bin/shopp...;cart_id=469207 or priceless pets have great prices for all wormers http://www.pricelesspets.com.au/products1.php3?cat=6
  5. I am not aware of any alternative treatment apart from following vets advise for mange. All dogs have mites, but if it is Demodex, at times of stress or having a low ammune system causes the mites to multiply and of course then problems occur and mange can become apparent. Demodex you will first see appear on the dogs face, normally around eyes etc, and I have also seen it start on the inside of back legs. I would go to the vet first, a different one maybe to the one you have been going to, and just check that it is not something different first, then treat as required Also, another idea is when you go back to the vets, check if you can just call in the future and pick up the medication over the counter should your dog get it again. I do that with the "cat flu" medication so I dont go in for a consult every time
  6. I highly doubt that a 4 month old pup is toilet trained. It takes quite a while to fully toilet train a dog, and it sounds as though you are just going through the ups and downs of it. When you think you are making great progress, there is always a back step, so as SD said, go right back to basics and start taking puppy out every hour or so
  7. Not sure what finish you do, but I would start doing it against a wall so the dog cannot get to your left. Only reward when the dog is in front of you, and use "front" for example, as a cue so your dog knows what you are asking for. I use "left" when I then want a finish. And yes, never teach your dog to finish after every recall or front, guaranteed, it will happen in a trial without you asking for it :rolleyes: I will do my recalls with the dogs, and only ask for a finish every now and then Once the front is mastered, you could also teach the 2 different finishes so your dog never knows which one you are wanting and will have to wait for your command prior to doing so.
  8. As everyone else has said, for the cats I crush with a spoon or knife and sprinkle over some mince and mix in well, or quick and easy for the dogs open their mouths, push tablet down back of throat with index finger and hold muzzel shut so they cant spit it out. All done in 2 seconds The more you fuss around the more the dog carries on, do it quickly and firmly without a big deal made of it and its over before they know it.
  9. Nope !!! My dogs eat before me nearly every day and I have no leadership issues.
  10. Black dog sell them http://www.blackdog.net.au and look under shopping then accesories
  11. :D never heard of that before A dog will be loyal to the pack leader not someones spit
  12. Shiloh had the spewies for a couple of days, and just at night time, but I just fed her half as much as what I was at meal times and she came back to normal straight away. Back onto normal sized meals and no more yellow vommies for me to clean up
  13. Top right hand corner of DOL, click on search, and then advanced search to find topics etc :D
  14. :D its a thread I started :D http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...&hl=dumbell
  15. Aaaargh, the joys of teaching the dumbell (if thats what you're talking about ??). There was a thread a while back on different methods of teaching the dumbell, going through all stages or getting the dog to touch it, then take it in its mouth, to holding it, then picking it up off the ground, etc. I can be a long process but it rewarding when you get through it and your dog actually ends up really enjoying it. I'll try and find the thread for you :D If it is not what your talking about just ignore me :D
  16. I would think it is more of a comfort thing ! All puppies I have had have done this, but has chanegd as they have gotten older.
  17. :D I've had that quite a few times with clients dogs- disssssssgusting! its rank and this has been the only dog I have actually seen it sliding in and out and I dont want any more so I dont envy you Try having the cat sitting on a book that you are reading and well leaving one behind!!!
  18. :D I've had that quite a few times with clients dogs- disssssssgusting! its rank and this has been the only dog I have actually seen it sliding in and out and I dont want any more so I dont envy you
  19. Sorry this has reminded me of a client. Do these 2 dogs every 6 months or so, last time I did them she said one of the dogs has a very crusty bum, is losing all of the hair around her bum and has been scratching her butt on the bricks. Yes, you may think OMG, but this lady had no idea. I said she would most likely have worms and lifted the tail to look. This would've had to have been the most painful painful issue for this dog, the skin was red raw and had cracks in it Anyway, did the groom, gave her a good clip and bath etc, as I was finishing off the groom, lifted the tail to make sure there were no stray hairs around the back end, and there was a TAPE WORM SLIDING IN AND OUT OF ITS BUM It's gross, but I waited for it to slide back out and I pulled it out with the haemostats So, to answer your question, there are the usual signs, first of which is scooting bum on the ground. Some wormers dont cover all worms, but it is clearly labelled on most brands what they do and dont cover. If you suspect I would worm them twice a couple of weeks apart By the way this dog went straight to the vet (it did cos I drove past and saw their car there :D) and was given the required treatment
  20. thats it, was just about to post it :rolleyes:
  21. http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?cl...p;articleid=412 There is snow nose, which is the sensitivity to sunlight forming lighter patches etc, and then a form of lupus which is an autoimmune disease that also causes lighter patches and scabbing etc It's not a huge article but gives you some idea :rolleyes:
  22. Bad luck Maybe, just maybe, you were on such a high from your last pass that you were slightly different in the ring :wink: Also, I just read that Tank was in the next ring, that can put off a novice dog :rolleyes: Yes, Cooper has been distracted by people he knows in the next ring :rolleyes:
  23. Brilliant work team I'm hoping to crack the 190's with Cooper at Croydon trial :D
  24. Mine are all walked on the left hand side
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