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Everything posted by BC

  1. I emailed the makers of Advantix asking them if they could send me out brouchers on the advantix as i can purchase it from my wholesaler and was going to sell it to clients in my dog wash business.They emailed me back saying sorry,it's only sold through vets I'm like Hello,i just told you i can purchase it and just wanted the brouchers to hand out I dont go to the companies directly, I just go to my wholesaler and sell it onto my clients. Just ignore them, If they dont give you brochures your wholesaler should have some or maybe you can get them off the internet. Cheers
  2. Hey Poodle Wrangler, Teeth are a big one I find a lot of probs with. I have had many clients say "my dogs breath smells" and when you look at the dogs teeth, their gums are green, and the teeth are black nearly to the bottom of the tooth. These dogs would be in the worst pain ever ..... arrrrrrrrrr The worst teeth I saw was a little malt, very loved, but ignorant owner. Her dogs breath was rank, so of coarse, examined the mouth and the gums were green, looked mouldy, and I could see the gaps in her back teeth, between the gum and the start of the roots of the teeth. This lady was horrified (as she did not realise) and took her little Daisy to the vet asap. All back teeth top and bottom were removed and now she only has front teeth but pain free .. And, I dont really like the excuse of I cant afford it. This lady does not have much money but at a large animal hospital in Melbourne they have a payment plan and take $20.00 from her account every fortnight so she can pay for her dogs treatment. If you look these vets are out there. Cheers
  3. Yes, I know, I'm taking my time deciding. I just dont want to look at it in 12 months or something and think, "What a d**k for calling my dog that," I'm deciding tomorrow when I see my private instructor so I promise I will let you all know. Cheers
  4. Magthedag and Showdog, Yes, This is what I cannot understand. Is it really that hard to spend 5-10 minutes every 1-2 days to give your dog a complete brush through. (I use a fine comb) Obviously, it keeps you dogs coat in nice condition and is great bonding with you dog. IS IT REALLY THAT HARD ??
  5. Yep, I hear ya !!!! I find this happens before Christmas and any other holidays.....grrrr And, NO, I cant just groom your dog today..... It is amazing how many people say "but I need it done by the weekend so can you just do it now !!" I now think, well at least I have made the dog feel so much better for the next few months.
  6. hehehaha, shitty, could possibly be that tad worse than pooey,
  7. oooooooh, Coopers Sparkling. I'm liking :D
  8. Thanks, I do always feel the dog prior to the groom, for abnormailities but also for the texture of the hair. These sores just felt like part of the matted hair, grrrr and I didn't know until I tried to clip under there. At least I feel better now in that I am doing the right thing by taking off what I possibly can and still bathing them. Yes, it does ruin blades and scissors. I do now have a set of crap scissors just to do jobs like this so my sets of good ones dont get ruined. Thanks heaps, I feel better now.
  9. How sad. :D There are some exceptions but it just makes me mad when these owners dont seems to care. I'm sure your parents spoilt this little one with everything they had
  10. Have you ever taught her to refuse food ?? Nikki might think she is doing something wrong as this is like accepting food from someone else, even though it is her dinner. I have never taugh my dog this but if someone else gives him a treat he wont eat it, but if I pick up the same peice he will then take it. Not 100% sure why they do this. Another member may be able to advise you much better than myself on this one. I think in a wild dog pack the alpha will always eat first, I think, so this is maybe why so wont eat until she sees AJ eating.
  11. I have seen many dogs in disguting condition while grooming, such as maggots, ticks, dogs covered in blood because of fleas etc. Recently I have been getting a few dogs that are completely matted, to the point where I cannot even find a patch to start clipping. I discovered on 1 dog that in her groin area, on the inside of her legs on both sides, that I came to a hard spot of hair. The dog did not appreciate me poking and prodding, but after looking closer under the matted hair, were 2 infected wounds, so bad that the matted hair was stuck to them and there was no way possible I could get the hair off. The wounds were also a green colour. I had no choice but to leave the hair on the dog. I still washed her and finished the groom but left this hair on. I then gave the owner a good talking to (as the matting on this dog started about 1cm above her eyes) and advised him that she needs urgent veterinary care or she could suffer from poisoning etc. I also had a little one yesterday, again very bad matting, with old scabs coming off all over her while clipping. At least these ones had healed. I find this hard as I get so angry, and can only advise the owners, but have no way of knowing if the veterinary attention has been given to these dogs ?? I am wondering if I am doing the right thing by still bathing the dogs etc, or should I stop the groom ?? Is bathing them making it worse or should I be doing something differently ?? The reallty badly fly blown dog I was grooming, I did stop the groom as he had maggots up his rear end and told the owner I was taking her dog to the vet right now, and I suggest she follows me (as she did not want to touch her dog) I said if she does not come she will not be getting her dog back. She followed me and reluctantly paid $350.00 in veterinary care, but I now groom her dog every 2 months so I can keep an eye on this one. Any suggestions as to what other groomers so in these cases. Thanks
  12. hey, dont laugh. Have done it before, luckily in front of my brother and his girlfriend. My brother thought it was the time to remind me that when you do spell check on my name, toenail appears, and how would I like it if he started calling me toenail.
  13. Thanks heaps. The "C" words are jumping to my head now after the kick start. You're a gem
  14. BC Lover, I just checked, VCA allow 2 names not more than 20 letters long. Good luck thinking of something . Thanks heaps. Now I can get down to some serious naming business
  15. Yes.......I am not the only looney out there. I dont normally tell anyone this, but I call him Pooper or Pooey, and yes, he does answer to that. I have to keep in mind where I am and who is over cos I would be horrified if someone heard me call him that, hehehehahaha (The cats are looking at me like I'm Loopy cos I cant stop laughing)
  16. No kisses is a good one too. Just as long as the dog can distinguish between and general NO and a NO, not to do a particular act. Picture is cute It does take a while, well it did with mine. He is not silly (very clever actually), but a very happy and energetic dog. He just gets so excited when he sees people and loves giving them a big smooch on the face. It can be frustrating
  17. Sway, there is not really a theme I'm going with. Just something catchy. As I could not think of anything I was thinking of Coopers personality. He is very sensitive dog, and exremely loyal. Loves to be an inch behind me wherever I go. I do like Cascading Cooper though. Thanks for that one. Cosmolo, how cute is Cosmopolitan. Thanks MrsD. I have not checked this out myself, but have been told of our trainer to think of something cool so I am assuming it is OK, but I will still check it out. Shoemonster, we can ever take it one step further and have SooperdooperCooper. I'll end up needing an extra page to fill out any registrations,
  18. Dont know if this is the case, but I did read that licking is a sign of submission ?? Just thought I would add that in. One of my dogs is a real licker, his tongue just jumps out of no where before you even know it. I always told my dog off, but instead of just growling anything, I always used the same thing. Not very imaginative but I would always growl, "No licking". Once he stopped I would then reward him. I think that if you are just saying "no", the dog could take this as, no I cant be near you, no I cant cuddle you etc etc as NO is very general and then he may think that it is a bad thing to be near the baby. I find that now when I say no licking, he knows its OK to be near me, or cuddle me etc, but he knows not to lick. It does take a while though and occasionally my dog will still sneak a wet one in but I have found this has worked for me. Good luck.
  19. They're great. It takes someone elses to look for the obvious to appear !!!! It's one of those things when you think about it or look at it too much and just cant find it.
  20. Hello, I will be going for CCD and CD this year with my 2.5 year old BC Cooper I need to register him with the VCA but am struggling to come up with a cool name for him. (that'll teach me for calling my dog Cooper) Do you guys just register them as their name, or do you add something special to it ?? If so, how do you come up with this name ?? I cannot think of anything. My dad think Cooper's Brewery is a good one, Cheers
  21. I have had all of the above and continue to on a daily basis. Yes, nipples are by far the worst. No matter what I wear those sneaky little hairs work their way down my top But I love all of the little babies so I cant complain too much.
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