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Everything posted by FGM
What devasting news for you and the owner.My thoughts are with you all at this difficult time.So sorry :rolleyes:
Thanks Rocky,yep I know that bones have to be raw.Chicken wings and necks don't last long with this one and I wanted something that would last.She is such a little chewer.OH calls her a land piranah!hehehehehe
Just wanted to know how often should I give my maltese/shih tzu cross bones.She is only 4 months old. She really loves them of course and I have got a nice butcher who has given me some small size. What bones are the best?I know this has probably been asked before but I can't find it anywhere.
I don't know if this would help but I used cornflour with my children as they were allergic to talc.It does the same job but no perfume.
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!
ok,so I warned everybody about the crying that might occur to try and Josie to sleep through.Well you wouldn't believe it she has slept through for three nights in a row,no crying at all and one wee onher training pad.What a cutie pie.She has been getting up at about 5:30 and I don't mind as it gives me some quiet time before the rest of the house gets up.I have been making sure she plays before bed and then we go outside for toilet were she does a wee and a poo.Whata good little puppy.Still bracing myself for a night of crying though,might be a delayed reaction coming.lol Thanks for all your help guys,hoping to get a crate next week aswell.
She is soooo cute,I recently got a shih tzu cross puppy and was thinking of trying flyball as an activity for her.Even though she is small she is a bundle of energy.Also thought I would do agility,I miss it from when I had my border collie.
This is what I thought I should be doing,but it is so hard.Will try from tonight onwards.Last night she woke at 3am and I took her outside she did a wee and then I put her back in the bathroom where she sleeps. I think I need to be stronger,thanks for the advice guys,its good to hear it from other people.Guess I will be getting more sleep now.lol
As some of you know I have a new puppy.Josie is 9 weeks old now and a maltesexshih tzu.At night I have been waking up taking her to the toilet,she then has a little play then back to bed.I would like your opinions wether or not this is the right thing to do or should I take her to the toilet and then put her straight back to bed.I am not worried about getting up at all but don't want to get her into a routine of doing it for the rest of her life,I thought as she got older she would sleep longer and be able to hold her wee lolnger aswell. Do you think I should be trying to put her into some type of routine for night time? Any help or ideas are apreciated. Thanks
My puppy is doing this too and sometimes driving me insane.I have to use time out and or a sharp growly ah or no as she thought the water was a great game.It is really hard work and I find when I am feeling frustrated I put her in her bed for awhile for time out from her. Like Roo said you must try to be consisitent,if you have other people in the house explain the rules so they do the same thing,also if someone visits.Just remember it will all be worth it.
Thanks Sas ,I was really quite angry with the lady but like I said I couldn't leave her there,I just hope the others get to go to a good home.
HI guys I ended up getting a maltese/shih tzu cross,little girl from a private breeder,my husband bought her as our 5th wedding anniversary present.She is such a terror but so beautiful and has won the heart of everybody in our family.I am going to have my handsful with this one but I think I would be bored with a really quiet dog. She has settled in well and given us two scares already.Firstly she wriggled out of my daughters hands and fell,then she has been doing little sicks aswell.Today after vet visit and worming she is full of bouncing beans and hasn't had any sicks. We named her Josie as I have two cats."Josie and the pussycats". Here are some photos of the little fluff ball. meeting Brutus the alpha cat,king of the house.lol meeting squishy(leo),playful kitty look mummy I found a stick crashed out after a big play,gotta love those spotty puppy tummies. found the lounge first night meeting her auntie Sara(border collie) giving my daughter puppy breath kisses Have heaps more pics but thought this would do.lol
I was wondering if I am doing the right thing or not.Our new little ankle biter is actually biting our feet and hands. I know puppies do this but do I say "no" or "ouch" or "ah ah" and then give her her toy to play with and then praise her. Sometimes she gets so worked up that she starts growling etc.Should I put her away at this point or just give her the toy? She seems to think it is funny and that we are playing with her sometimes when I tell her off,very cheeky puppy. Any suggestions? Thanks
little Josie is doing this same thing,just picking up evrything she finds,just like a crawling baby that gums everything in site.She is so proud when she finds a big stick and actually brings it to me.lol Cheeky girl.Can't wait for puppy school as it has been years since I had a puppy and there is so much to remember.
took Josie to vet yesterday and she wormed her and gave her the once over.Scared me with saying they had lost three pups her size last week due to a virus and to bring her in the morning if there was no improvement.Josie is fine though and full of energy,sometimes a bit too much.like this morning at 1am but I am just glad that she is going to be ok.Thanks for the advice guys it is really appreciated.have got the vet to ring and remind me about worming as I am really forgetful,so that is great they can help me that way and that they are willing to take the time to do that too.She weighs 1.3kg,so cute.
Thanks steve for the reply,will ring the breeder tomorrow and ask her.She did say that she had used drontal allwormer for puppies but didn't say when.I just thought it was the same time as her first injection which was on the 2nd of april.
I was wondering if I should be worried about our new puppy,she has little tiny frothy sicks every now and then. Probably one per day but not every day and she eats everything that she finds outside,chews on the grass. The sicks are like when a dog or cat has eaten some grass like they do.I am going to ring vet in the morning but just thought I would get your opinions here aswell.She is healthy otherwise with normal temp and eatin/drinking fine. Any ideas? Also does anyone keep a record of their puppies day of eating/weeing/pooing etc.I was thinking this might help in her toilet training etc aswell.
wow yasimum sound slike you have your handsful.Have just got a new puppy and goimg through the toilet training thing myself so you are not alone.Maybe she has had something hapen in the past and this also may be why she is a nervous dog.Good luck and keep posting so we know how you are going.
So sorry to hear about your loss.Please don't blame yourself though you were only loving him.
They are all so cute.Love the photo of boy holding puppy.looks like they are doing well.