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Everything posted by Kahn

  1. Kahn

    Sibling Rivalry

    Thanks for all the advice. That article about multi dogs was very useful. "objectivity" is required because honestly I have my favourite and my husband has his and secretly we both are rooting for our favourite to be dominant (this is hard to admit) You are right. Sitting is the only thing they do well together. Anything else they tend to just get really distracted by each other (we never have a training session of more than 5 minutes or so) This is something I never thought about but makes perfect sense. Will start separating them for short periods. Right now they have been separated for 20 minutes (for the first time in their life) and they were ok (only because they were napping) but Diego has just starting whining a little as he has woken up. But will definitely do this every now and then.
  2. Brother and sister Diego and Layla wrestle…. A lot. We (OH and I) got two puppies because we wanted our dogs to have a best friend when we were away, not an enemy. Sometimes it seems like they might actually do some damage. They play fight when we are trying to do a little training session. So one of them will be “sitting” and the other will run up and knock them over and they will start wrestling. They play fight when we are playing with them. Sometime they will just plain ignore us while we are squeaking little toys, running around playing fetch with ourselves (trying to distract them but failing miserably). Also Layla (the girl) often cries or yaps loudly whilst Diego has a hold around her neck/shoulder area, but then 5 mins later she wags her tail and happily pounces on him when he is not looking. And I have recently found some small scabbing sores on both dogs’ necks. I assume this is from bites from each other. Originally, we thought we should ignore it because they were playing; then we thought we should ignore it because they needed to sort out who’s the boss/dominant of the two – but clearly neither is since they are both only little. But it is starting to get annoying and we are feeling like we are definitely NOT the boss as they tend to ignore us when they are fighting/playing. Should we intervene? How will that help when we are not around? Any Advice? Breed: Border Collie Age: 10 weeks Layla preparing to pounce Diego manages to turn it around and get the upper hand
  3. We have two 7 week old border collies. We are trying to spend a lot of time outside with them at the moment. I can suggest something that worked for us. 1. Try to create something to differentiate the spot you want them to do their business from the rest of the lawn/garden etc. For example, we put some lawn clippings and raked up leaves in a shady spot in the corner. They seem to now have developed a preference for the crunchy leaves when they go poo. 2. When you are outside and they start to give the signals (sniffing in circles, distracted) that they need to go; pick them up and take them to the spot. If they walk away, we just quietly picked them up and put them back in the spot. 3. If they poo in any other spot, scoop it up and put it in the spot. This has worked fairly well for us - but I have to say when it comes to peeing they tend to just do it anyway on the lawn.
  4. Thanks for that. My favourite point was: "7. Puppies Love Pleasing You" This is why we got dogs (read puppies). That look in their eyes when they know (I have let them know) that they have done good is priceless.
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