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Everything posted by helen

  1. Would love to hear from you if you are going to Victoria. Am part of a club that has been running Rally-O classes off and on and they may be very interested.
  2. I have used this before and it is a fantastic alternative to making the barf diet yourself if you don't have the time. My dog gobble it down even without meat Bruce Syme did a talk on feeding BARF some time ago now and also mentioned this complete mix. The complete mix is made for people wanting to feed a natural diet but don't have the time to make it themselves. He said it contantains all the vegetable etc matter that your dog needs, just add the bones & meat but he also said the ideal is to make the Barf yourself.
  3. Puggypuggy, thanks for the great info. Will have to print that out I think.
  4. Great link CooperDog. The night before this article came out I had been speaking to another breeder who has redued processed food to their dogs and has been feeding them meat & vegetables (but cooked) and commented on how much better they are doing. After work I decided enough is enough and went to the supermarket and made a HUGE batch of BARF. My dogs have eaten it before and really love it. There is a product made in Australia for those who want to feed BARF but not do the work, complete mix by Vets All Natural. You just need to add meat and bones - http://www.vetsallnatural.com.au/ - producer says a home made BARF diet is the ideal but this is great for those without the time
  5. I would certainly like to know too - should be forced to recall I reckon
  6. helen

    Rip Kareese

    RIP Kareese. Sounds like she was a real character.
  7. LOL, I think they call that preaching to the converted
  8. What did this cost Cockerlover, as I also have insurance with AMP/GIO Insurance
  9. If it is of any help I went to the local German Shepherd Club a little while ago to introduce a friend with a rehomed GSD she has to some people there I know. I found the people at the club to be extremely helpful and knowledgeable about GSDs, might be worth a visit to your local club for some advice
  10. For a serious photography a SLR camera allows much more control. Doesn't mean that you cant take great photos with a compact though - I won a competition with a photo taken with a point and shoot. Photoshop elements 7 is out soon, might be worth downloading a trial of that and see what you think
  11. Tollersowned, if you end up in Geelong I might take you up on that
  12. I agree My older dogs were all microchipped at at least 6 months old and was painful Had a litter that was microchipped at 8 weeks when having first vaccination and was much less painful for them at that age.
  13. I thought Brittany was the only breed of dog :wink:
  14. There are some great links if you do a web search like this one http://www.breedingbetterdogs.com/littersize.pdf - I know someone who had a singleton litter with a breed that can be quite people shy, this pup though was very outgoing with people
  15. Great idea. My girl Bella loves the water so we were doing some retrieving one day to encourage a few other dogs in the water and it worked a treat.
  16. For those that have purchased this does she cover different weaving methods or concentrate on one in particular?
  17. Just be careful at Warringal. I have had gazebos that have withstood wind at plenty of places only to be destroyed at Warringal
  18. I prefer gazebos, they can be used in any weather, including warm weather. Tents get too hot if the weather is warm. Oztrail are good but NEVER use your gazebo at Warringal trial (damaging winds every time)
  19. Thanks for letting us know, should be fantastic
  20. One of Bella's pups was (and still is a bit) like this, not so interested in food and keeps wondering away. They have tried many tricks which have helped a bit but not a lot, but the dog is not underweight at all so is eating enough for him (he was born in January), They also feed chicken necks which never go untouched, so maybe add a bit of something he finds more appetising. Every time he was having a growth spurt and needed more food he would eat well, so feed him as much as he will eat during those times. He does stay with me on the odd weekend and in the beginning I just fed him close to me which worked well enough. Probably not much help if he is an only dog but now the pup eats very well at my house when I feed him in the prescence of my own dogs as they will eat it if he doesn't.
  21. LOL, I remember that photo - that is definately the best way, teach the dog to do everything and you can sit with your feet up :p
  22. I never did much practice with Chazer to teach him to stay as a youngster but did plonk him in a lot of places and just expected him to stay while I took photos (and he did) so he learnt on the job With puppies it is easier to tie them up or wait for them to tie themselves up Or quickly remove your foot from the shoe they are eating and step back and shoot Or failing that just have another pup hold them down for you
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