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Everything posted by helen

  1. I know the feeling with this one. I took Bella to the last Pet Expo for the gundog stand - she is the perfect size for a Brittany and was so sick of being told she is so small for a Brittany compared to theirs or whoever else's Brittany. Next year am going to take an oversized one
  2. Chazer was 5 (no so long ago) when he first trialled. His training has been very much on and off and I was concentrating on his mother when he was younger but waiting has been an advantage IMO
  3. Some people did get their photos taken - http://www.pedini-photography.com/dogs/roy...009/trials.html - maybe the RAS need to make it clearer in their publication that the winners can go and get their photos done
  4. Keilor Obedience Dog Training Centre has a great reputation http://www.dogsvictoria.com.au/Clubs.asp?ClubID=404
  5. Way to go Jordi, did it in style, and he looks beautiful
  6. Books - I sent links to the Before You Get Your Puppy and After You Get Your Puppy long before the pups went home. Puppy people got a copy of a Gwen Bailey book either "Perfect Puppy" or "Puppy School", both excellent books and one of the best things you can arm new puppy owners with They got a toy and bedding with mum and litter's scent on it A lead and collar - blackdog puppy collars are great as I found they have more room to grow than other brands I feed Purina Pro Plan and get a breeders pack which contains food, 1 kg pack. For interstate people these items can be sent in a post bag with papers etc, the blanket in the airline crate I had photos they could see any time on Flickr and of course free pet insurance with Petplan
  7. Anything by Gwen Bailey is fantatic, I would highly recommend her books Also here is a great free book - After You Get Your Puppy by Ian Dubar, another fantastic book - http://www.k9events.com/AFTER_You_Get_YourPuppy.pdf And a list of recommended books http://www.clickersolutions.com/reading.htm#clickerbooks
  8. You will be able to see what is on each day on this link http://www.royalshow.com.au/competitions.asp#dogs
  9. Our club has an ideal class size of 6 with a maximum of 8, never 8 in puppy class though
  10. My last litter left at 10 weeks as they were vaccinated at 8 weeks. They have had no problems but all were very outgoing, confident pups with outgoing parents
  11. Usually they can go to a puppy kinder from 8 weeks, depends on who is running the class. What area do you live in, some people might be able to recommend a good place. Your pup left the litter very early, has it been vaccinated yet? Will need to be vaccinated before attending puppy kinder
  12. I didn't believe it at first, thought we would find out it had been a mix up, so sad that someone so nice passed away, the world needs more people like her, not less
  13. Have to wait for October for the next one, at least I only have to travel 10 minutes for that one
  14. Just posting this to let Victorian agility and obedience people know, Lee Smith (with Pepsi and Jade) passed away on the weekend. Very sad news as she was a lovely person and way too young. Condolences to her family and friends.
  15. Yee har well done We don't have tunnellers in WA - whats invloved and do you find the dog becomes tunnell obsessed on a normal agility course? Thanks everyone and congrats to Natsu Chan on your first quali too, must have been the weekend for it. Tunnellers is with NADAC. The course has nothing but tunnels and the time is very tight so unless your dog loves tunnels and zooms through you won't make the time. Like Tassie said it can be hard remembering the course if you are not used to it and you don't have time to read numbers, and calling off straight from one tunnel to another can be tricky at times - but it is great for dogs who love tunnels I think they have to be tunnel obsessed before they start (Chazer is) Chazer was the only dog to qualify in the agility course we won, it had a tunnel leading on to an A-frame/tunnel discrimination, dogs were supposed to go tunnel to tunnel but many went tunnel and over the A-frame so I suppose it can't make them too tunnel obsessed.
  16. Depends on the club. I had to get an agility trial pass to do agility with Chazer at my local club as I didn't want to do obedience classes
  17. Congratulations, looks very hot and dry there so you did really well. My boy Chazer loves to say hello to judges/pole/setters/time keepers or anyone else who happens to be in the ring too LOL, that is one thing I can't wait for him to grow out of even if he does it very cutely indeed
  18. Well I finally have a brag for this year too, not as big as some here but Chazer started agility trialling and has 2 tunnellers qualies and 1 agility quali
  19. Thanks for the videos, have watched a couple and they were great, will watch some more when I get some time
  20. Agility Dogs, you were right, he got his first agility quali yesterday on the same dog walk - could have knocked me down with a feather, I wasn't expecting a pass but he went on the dog walk perfectly
  21. You dont know the url for the videos by any chance smisch?
  22. Books arrived already, they are fantastic. I also got Flatwork and love it
  23. Here are another couple of great links to deal with/prevent food aggression that were added to another thread - http://www.petrescue.com.au/newsletter/aug05/#food http://www.positivepetzine.com/food_guarding
  24. I agree with poodlefan about feeding him separately and another very important thing for you and the pup's owners when it is old enough to leave do is get the puppy very used to having different people present when the puppy is eating from it's bowl - if you download Ian Dunbar's After You Get Your Puppy book from the internet it explains a great way of teaching pup to accept people around while the dog is eating - http://www.k9events.com/AFTER_You_Get_YourPuppy.pdf - in fact if you ever breed it is a good thing to do with your own puppies occassionally
  25. Thanks to both of you. I have ordered it, somehow managed to find another book and a toy to purchase while I was at it LOL
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