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Everything posted by helen

  1. A chance for all photographers to enter a great compeition, it is based in Geelong, Victoria and is an international compeition - see their website http://www.vigex.org/ Even if you don't enter the DVD of the acceptances and prize winners is great. I helped out with the unpacking and cataloging of entries last time and there are so many awesome images sent in to this compeition ETA a dog photo won best color print in the last competition Check out the gallery, especially the experimental and creative, there were a couple of people from Argentina whose work just blew me away
  2. When I say my dog is a Brittany I have had quite a few people think that is my dog's name, not my dog's breed. I have to admit my number one bad name for a dog is Brittany for a dog who is not a Brittany (apologies for anyone with a dog called Brittany) - but it is just too confusing for me
  3. Terranik - Don't do it TLC - that last photo at the beach is really beautiful \ The spider photos are great, and the one with the flower petals is amazing, I see webs with spiders and run the other direction, not stop to take a photo LOL The collie photos are great Tangerine dream - love the garden and the fly screen added an interesting effect
  4. Cute photo, I prefer to color version too
  5. I agree - there are dozens of people out there with the same names etc its easy to confuse who is who??? My darling sister searched for me on facebook and found my so called profile - once accepted she found out her innocent younger sister was in fact a stripper etc - LOL!!!! She rang me all confused and I patiently explained to her that I am not on face book - god it be funny if people did a search on me to find I am a stripper - you kinda start thinking of centitout feeding her dogs in a g-string - imagine a stripper! LOL - my name is not so bad thank goodness. I could either be an interior designer, a person who took on the Deutsche Bank for bullying and won, or I could be a 'fuel girl'. Apparently I am on twitter a lot too To answer the question I have not used the internet - but remember a story some time ago from a breeder who does house checks. Went to an address given which was an empty block, so maybe google maps is not such a bad idea
  6. I am going to cheat and add another one for today, I love this one too, the setting suits her to a tee
  7. How funny I am going to cheat and add another one for this week, I love this one too, the setting suits her to a tee
  8. Beautiful photo fluffypaws. I have been very slack but took photos today, so here is mine - also my photo for the 52 week challenge
  9. Poocow that is fantastic Here is my 2nd week of Bella, poor Chazer hasn't got a look in yet
  10. St Nick still has that cheeky look, who could ever resist him
  11. I do, you have to find the breeders somehow, but nothing beats speaking to the breeder in person IMO
  12. Hi. I paid mine a while ago now but added $5 for postage as it didn't go for much, so you might not have picked it up
  13. Great job, hope they all find homes soon, especially poor KittyKat
  14. Just saw this one, congratulations
  15. That is great. Fingers crossed for good weather, but I suppose you enter shows at this time of year with the attitude that it might or might not be too hot for it.
  16. Congratulations, he is off to a great start for the year
  17. What a cutie!!! Good luck at the show
  18. How scarey, good on Atlas and I am glad that Luuka wasn't hurt
  19. I phoned customs who told me that for anything over $1000 there is 10%, plus an extra 3% for video, no extra for still - not sure how it works with the cameras with the video
  20. Great shots, and the lens is fantastic, and definately Corgi there - you can get tri color corgis, here is one http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/profile.asp?dog=14854
  21. That is easy, the Brittany Specialty show, not to be missed
  22. For me some photos don;t have much adjustments and some have heaps. I know what you mean about the time though. I have taken a few photos since Christmas, I am trying to get together 2 calendars, one for myself and one for a friend, now it is 7th Jan, then I have 2 people who want a canvas of photos I took very recently, so I think I will have to spend some time very soon doing photos on the computer, not taking photos - if it is photos just for myself they tend to go on the backburner sometimes
  23. S90 is below $1000, not sure how import duty works though, might \find out
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