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Everything posted by helen

  1. That is so funny. Jaffa from the last litter I bred is a real water dog and loves nothing better than playing in the rain too.
  2. Thanks - she came sneeking up from no-where while I was taking photos for a friend and turned around and quickly got this one. Must be the week for indoor shots there - some nice window light portraits or something :-)
  3. Great photos - ShelleandShyla I love the way she is cocking her head, very cute Usually I take a few photos and that is it so I can decide what I want - this week though we were out and about so I took a heap and can't decide - what does everyone like best? 1 2 This one looks so much like Chazer but it is Bella his mum - I know it isnt him because he wasnt there today LOL 3 4 5 6 7 and just for a laugh Bella just couldn't keep up with this one but had fun trying
  4. They are great, lens is working well
  5. There is also virtual photographer http://www.optikvervelabs.com/
  6. This can happen in a shop as well... Shops can easily put a returned item back on their shelves and open it again for you to show it to you I never said Grey Market gives you full warranty... For peace of mind, get a seperate warranty from Mack who are international and deal specifically in Warranty repairs. Well I never thought of it that way So do you reckon with the Mack warranty I would have been safe getting a camera there?
  7. Thanks, KJA I saw the daily blog, the shoes up the tree are so funny, shows it pays to look up every now and then
  8. Question, what site have you all used to create your blogs? I started one on my website but it doesnt allow for comments etc
  9. Whats this? Greymarket is not full warranty. If you do a google search you will find more, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey_market - the biggest risk for me is the fact that you could be purchasing a returned item that has been repaired and re-sold as new. I would be much more likely to be getting a lens from them than a camera though, less can go wrong with a lens I figure. I have purchased a lens from http://www.bhphotovideo.com/ - used mid range shipping and they were very quick, got good deals for memory cards at the same time I went to Digital Camera Warehouse for a camera, they were great there too. Ordered online and picked it up so everything was ready when I went in. Would love to know which lens you end up with too ETA when I was purchasing my camera I was looking at the Canon for my next lens
  10. Great one Shell, hope he doesn't get fur balls LOL
  11. OMG, she must have eaten a lot. Glad she is feeling better now
  12. That is a bummer. Is she a small dog? I have apples out at the moment, I have even been known to pick some apples off the tree and leave them on the ground for the dogs to munch on during the day, maybe will have to ration a bit
  13. Sorry to hear about poor Misty, I know how much you loved her. She had a great life though and will definately be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge
  14. Are you in Victoria? The Tracking Club of Victoria are great, might be worth contacting them and joining. They also have a weekend workshop every year open to non members as well as members
  15. Well I like the first 3 best (not much help I know)
  16. That valentine shot is so cute!!! Anyway, here is my week 5 photo. Bella got the lucky job of socialising the world's cutest pup (snowflake from Armahani's litter), so had to take some photos and thought this one was too cute of her telling Bella a secret
  17. Blog - http://helengreenphotosblog.blogspot.com/ Website - http://www.helengreenphotos.com Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Helen-Green-...114864091881758 Redbubble http://www.redbubble.com/people/helengreen Flickr - http://www.flickr.com/photos/rivamist/
  18. You know what they say - don't stress about things you can't change (my word of wisdom for the day LOL). With your judges training it is a great opportunity to learn. Had Chazer along to a few training nights last year. Was great to see the judges learn, and to see enthusiasm. One judge picked things that were different about Chazer thinking initially they were bad because they were different, but then someone advised that the things were required under the standard, so I reckon use your training to learn, learn what is correct not 'the same as' like these judges were, talk to your fellow students and go with that And guess what, an add changes nothing about a dog, and probably most people in the breed can work out what they like without any advertising, wins etc
  19. They are great, I can see why you are happy
  20. Dont forget to vote for Chazer :D - Poor thing only has 3% of votes so far - you can enter to win a year's supply of dog food too
  21. Dogs Victoria have some suggestions for this survey http://www.dogsvictoria.org.au/Content.asp...7&SubID=398
  22. Great photos everyone, do love the shot thought the racquet
  23. Would be great to keep the neighbourhood cats out of my yard
  24. How cute, we will be looking forward to the Humphrey photos
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