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Everything posted by helen

  1. Way to go Chas, congratulations
  2. Happy Birthday Cooper Great photo for the special day too No-one is going to mess with Lola LOL Anyway, here is my photo for this week, it is Bella's official mother's day photo
  3. The basic rule of using positive reinforcement is using what the dog values most as a reward, whether it is food, toys, attention etc. With a typical Brittany you will soon learn that food is way up there, especially extra special treats, toys may be OK around the house but not nearly as interesting outside of the house. Many other dogs may prefer toys to food etc etc. So you theory of using positive reinforcement sounds great to me but if the dog considers a great treat more important than a pat then use the treat. You can use some amazing things in training if it is important for the dog, for example Chazer pulling on the lead - he tried to drag me to a tree to cock his leg one day so I used it as a walking on a loose lead training session, as soon as he pulled I walked the other way, we only went forward toward the tree if he didn't pull, eventually he got what he really wanted (to cock his leg) once he walked nicely on the lead
  4. Looks great Has anyone ever used a Holga?
  5. Jumping 500, I consider them large! I think Brittanies are a med-large size breed. My personal fav of the coated gundogs Though if you were thinking of going that size, you would probably be considering the top agility breeds like BCs and Kelpies as well as you will be competing against them. Even some 'small dog people' are finding it hard/impossible to resist the idea of getting a BC if they are competitive type people Ha, I have had many a first place against plenty of Border Collies And if you don't like to live with some of the herding dog traits then they are perfect Emm - Brittanys are also a utility gundog, the smallest of the HPR dogs. Very socialable dogs and very loveable.
  6. Poor things, glad they are well enough to be home now and hope they recover quickly
  7. Great photos, I especially love these, I am a sucker for a smiley face and the expression is so funny
  8. Look here http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=167828 - I am getting some PJs made for Bella, they are not too expensive and should be perfect, haven't got mine yet though. Jenny had something very similar for her malt/shih cross and said the fleecy pjs are great - I love they way the chest is covered for extra warmth too, and the fleece should be more comfortable then the normal dog jackets
  9. Can you believe it is May and we are still going, nearly at the half way mark Not much time for taking a photo this week so took a quick one and had fun playing with my new textures again
  10. aaahhhm, why cant Lappies and Brittanys be on the same day again
  11. great shots, I love the red panda too, so cute
  12. maybe that front foot is the lever for the ears Hope you had a nice trip, looks like dogs did too
  13. Went to the Geelong agility trial today - not competing, and took this one of Bella running in the back paddocks, love the way her ears fly when she runs
  14. How cool. Usually I don't like black mounts, but with this one I really do - but white is best in a frame anyway
  15. Thanks, it was a cute look, she must be a natural born poser LOL
  16. Started playing around with a vintage look and this is what I ended up with, what do you think?
  17. Poor thing is probably so thankful to finally get some attention, give a bit more time and he will settle some more too. Brittanys do respond rather well to clicker training. If you can charge up the clicker with some special treats, then start rewarding the slightest movement away from you, even if you start with a look away, then throw the treat so he has to move away from you, build up slowly. Reaching The Animal Mind by Karen Pryor is an excellent book to read
  18. What terrible timing for everyone
  19. There is also a great free online book you can get that gives excellent advice on this exact problem, After You Get Your Puppy by Ian Dunbar http://www.dogstardaily.com/free-downloads Another great training place in your area is Keilor http://www.vca.org.au/Clubs.asp?ClubID=404
  20. Too bad I am not coming - do you have any idea how much fun the Brittanys would have pouncing on them all day - it would be like heaven for them
  21. She doesn't look that old LOL. What is the hydro therapy for?
  22. Lucky for me they were all sold ages ago LOL
  23. That is cute, he looks like a real character in that photo
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