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Everything posted by helen

  1. I was asked to take Bella along for a trade show for a lady who does a grooming school for a demo dog. Aparantly groom salons can get this kind of set up, and you can get ferminators that attach to vacumes too
  2. Weibritty, there is just something not quite right about that photo. I think if you make the scarf brown and yellow it might improve the image
  3. :D what a doofus, that is so funny. Amazing what amuses dogs sometimes. I know people teach dogs on a skateboard, but it never occured to me they actually enjoyed it until last week. Chazer is in a tricks class and the instructor brings skateboards in. We have never tried it but we were doing foot targeting and Chazer decided to go target the skateboard. 5 minutes later he his zooming along on the skateboard having a ball. He then tried to go back to the skateboard at every oportunity :D
  4. Yes, you can really tell she's a cream, up there against Tali's white . Loooove your groovy scarf pic of Prince Chazer <3<3<3!! Love the colours & his beautiful face. You got the crotchet flower just in a nice spot . I'd been wondering where a 'missing bag' of Kyla's fluff went to :D ...now I think I know! Chazer's scarf looks like it has little tufts of Kyla through it Lol Gorgeous, gorgeous shot Helen. Yet another good one for the book! Looks like Kyla's hair LOL. There is an idea for her next coat drop
  5. very cute. Kyla's color really stands out well in this photo next to Tali
  6. Glad you got the photo up Katalily, she is looking so cute doing her relax trick. Thanks for the loan of the camera last week Wagsalot, very cute, I am a sucker for photos of dogs on chairs very cute Gila, love the addition of the cushion Cute photo of Asti SammieS happy birthday Ralleyvalley, how cute is Toby dressed up in the lab coat great photos of Lottie, I prefer the 1st one too Cowboy is looking very happy there Happy 2nd birthday Moo!!!! Maggie is looking very sweet, great exposure and love the shine on her coat Piper, have you got pups on the way? Naomi, I reckon Archie has changed so much is the last week, growing up a bit Bob sure loves that tunnel ____________________ Chazer is rugging up now that it is getting cold already The crochet scarf is my latest find at the mill market, a 2nd hand/antique market around here .
  7. some more great photos. Crazycresties, how lucky finding a skink, great photo Dogfan LOL, have you gone and mesmorised the chooks Redangle, great photos, Rosie is such a cutie Ruby is a photogenic little thing isnt she, very cute MTD, what a bummer , lucky it happened before you got there Evolving and Terranik, who could resist a Lappie photo The MCP theme this week was from the jewellery box but I was pretty uninspired by that so I am just using my Chazer shot again. Chazer is rugging up now that it is getting cold already The crochet scarf is my latest find at the mill market, a 2nd hand/antique market around here .
  8. I have been doing a tricks class this year, and learnt this recently, it is the first time I have done a keep going signal, I dont use reward markers. Once he stopped after his normal few steps back I just said good boy once, maybe twice to start with (with happy voice) and added some body signals to encourage him to keep moving back. He didn't understand to keep going the first few times but got the idea quickly. It probably helped that he could walk backwards with me walking with him, but I used the keep going signal when I wanted tp teach him to walk backwards on his own with me standing still. I don't you and no reward mark, never have
  9. Hi, just wondering what dvds or books are recommended by people who know about freestyle and heelwork to music Thanks
  10. Just flicked through this really quidkly so don't know if this has been said: Make sure you click for movement in the back legs, easiest way to teach this is to just watch the back legs, not the front of the dog. To extend you can say good dog, and encourage them to keep going, they might take a few tries to get it but should then progress pretty quickly
  11. AOK. Best to buy working lines, natural instinct, better drive, memory etc. The dam I am looking at has multiple dual ch's in the 5 gen pedigree And a full brother to the dam is in the field and doing really well. Unfortunately with a small breed, a small genepool and a dog that I can show too I don't think I will be able to get a pup with field trialling dam/sire. There are a lot more rough hunters around in Brittanys than triallers in Australia (ie people who go hunting with the dog but never near a trial)
  12. Sorry to hear about Bradshaw, he was an adorable looking dog
  13. cute puppy huga, glad Lola has taken such a shine to him. He is as big as ralph already LOL
  14. very cute, love the way the ears are pricked up, something must be interesting
  15. great photos everyone, I really love the first photo of Otto on the seat I didn't get a chance to do my non doggie photo so I am cheating and using chazer's photo for 52 weeks for dogs, taken while away showing, luckily I borrowed a camera as I didnt have mine .
  16. This is my photo for week 11 while we were away showing. Luckily Katalily let me borrow her camera I know she has a cute photo of Tali this week too, I am waiting to see it .
  17. lotus week 10 very cute mtd - love the framing, very cute fionaC - love the two sitting together turned, great photo sammies, great perspective piper & sheena, cute Border Collies, great photos happy birthday Flynn lovelottie, that is cute and exactly what I feel like doing right now TLC, I want to do some of that with Chazer :-) naoimi - archie is so adorabele, great photo
  18. Brittanys use their paws to play and communicate a lot, and when the brittany puts his paw on his friend in the video it says a lot :D A friend of mine lived in Japan for about 10 years, she has always said dogs are very popular in Japan, people take them out everywhere and the dogs are always friendly and sociable and really lovely
  19. With the first link there is no way of avoiding soap in the dogs eyes so I rule that out, along with the fact that they are in there 20 minutes drying. Wonder what that would be like on a hot day? The 2nd one I wonder how the dog even gets clean, it looks like sitting dishes in a sink and expecting them to come out clean
  20. TLC, I love the new look Hope you all managed to raise a lot of money. We have a guy at work doing it, but he is only loosing a beard and a 30yo moustache, not as brave as you ;)
  21. OK, so Chazer was supposed to hold a barbie doll in his mouth this week. He was happy to do it a few days ago but not for a photo shoot. I am glad he wouldn't though as I like the photo as it is, except for the crop which I might change to take a bit off the top when I get time .
  22. Sorry to hear the sad news about Tex, poor old boy
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