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Everything posted by helen

  1. What a co-incidence, I was looking for heeling videos this morning and came upon this which I love. This is part 1 and there are 3 parts to the video,
  2. It was a great weekend, and great to see so many entries. Hopefully more clubs will start to offer Rally 0 at their trials. Congrats to everyone who passed and to those who got titles. The judges were great too and really wanted people to pass, even when their dog decided to go into hunting mode, nose down At least Chazer managed one pass, but now we know how we want to look and have some learning to do :) I have even brought a new kindle book today, When Pigs Fly, so lots of work to do now, so Chazer's next two passes are a lot prettier :laugh:
  3. I have gone from using pockets to using a treat bag :laugh: I always forget the food in my pocket and I don't know how many jeans I have had with the pockets eaten. I blame Tilly usually
  4. I use the Kramar one, I love it :) But for shows you can usually get something very small that is not noticeable from vendors at the show
  5. When they arrive, if this looks good, you can always buy mine from me. I checked all the books except for this one to see if it was on Kindle. As it turns out it was on Kindle and I prefer e-books. Let me know if you are still interested - unless you have a kindle, then just head to Amazon :)
  6. and here is a website I could spend an absolute fortune on http://www.tawzerdog.com/ ETA - thanks for sharing this, I am glad I got all this stuff, I don't splurg very often :laugh:
  7. Well I just went mad and spent $132 (including postage of $50, it was $81 before postage. The normal price of the goods I purchased were $237.80 so a good bargain anyway. I got things that you don't normally see: CTS in The Ribbons - Brittany Brittany DVD Good Times With Older Dogs - Care, Fitness and Health by Dorothee Dahl - book Winding Down DVD - Understanding and Appreciating the Ageing Process by Karen Shaw Becker When Good Dogs Go Bad DVD by Pamela Reid PHD - couldn't resist this one as she is so brilliant and this DVD was $120 down to $36 The Dog Trainer's Resource - APDT Chronicle of the Dog Collection book - a collection of articles from trainers like experts like Bob Bailey, Jean Donaldson, Ian Dunbar, Nicole Wilde, Sue Sternberg, and Karen Overall - I know I will love this 5 clickers for $2 - how good is that, I am always loosing them and they cost $5 each to buy at the club :)
  8. If you need something light weight, this is a great place http://www.jjdog.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=jj&Category_Code=2CATWoodOnePieceCompetitionDumbbellsWOOOPCD
  9. hopefully he will learn his lesson and not do it again. I used to have a Chihuahua cross next door. Went outside one morning and was wondering what the dogs were so fascinated with, wondered over and next door's dog had dug under the fence. They didn't hurt the dog, but I think it got such a fright when it realised how much bigger the dogs on the other side were, it never tried to come back again :)
  10. There was talk about the 1 metre rule on the obedience list, because there is nothing in the rules that say how close to the station you need to be.
  11. If you want a real couch potatoe I would stay away from gundogs or working dogs. When I read your description I was thinking of smaller dogs, Shih Tzu can be a great little dog and easy to train, I have seen some great working Chinese Crested dogs and of course Papillons
  12. You need to be able to walk your dogs around safely, so I think if the owners are not going to do the right thing then it should be reported. Two dogs across the road have been getting out, the first time I had just arrived home and one was on the road, and the 2nd time they came to visit me, because I had taken the Viszla inside so I could get a dog lead before he ran away :) Luckily they are nice friendly dogs, a Vizsla and a Golden Retriever, I just called them, they came and I took them home.
  13. Also wondering if this book would be good http://www.dogwise.com/ItemDetails.cfm?ID=DTB588EBK Sheila Booth, Purely Positive Dog Training Companion to Competition. No idea why it is not on Kindle, but at least dogwise have it
  14. It was great and very well run, thanks for organising it. On the bright side Chazer would have passed if I did the signs properly :laugh: So fingers crossed for the trials at Easter. We have never really done much heeling before but managed to get through OK. At one point when he really started sniffing (not far from where the bird was the last few weeks) I just have him a little pat which distracted him enough to get his attention just before a 270 turn. I just got myself a book that I really like to help me with heeling, Schutzhund Obedience by Gottfried Dildei & Sheila Booth, so am doing a bit more work on that. I also need to teach him to move his back end instead of the front end when doing left turns, but not sure how to do it. ETA - I would be interested in the DVD too. I hope at the Easter trial they separate us inexperienced people from the obedience titled dogs :)
  15. That is terrible, to go to so much trouble to let them out. I hope they catch them and do something about it
  16. I normally do an ultrasound to confirm pregnancy so I can cancel my holidays if there are no puppies
  17. I 2nd Ange, but when I read up on dpreview and compared the 5DIII to the 800 there was no glaring reason to change, might do what someone suggested one of these days and try hiring them to compare - but I guess to get a proper comparison you would need to put the same lens on, so maybe a sigma or something, but don't know if the hire places do Sigma.
  18. I agree with showdog, and maybe it was fine when the pups were vaccinated. About vet checks - I attend what is known as the best veterinary clinic in the area, and when I asked about documentation for a vet check he said they dont do it, and said that if there is anything wrong with the puppy it would not be vaccinated as they would not be able to vaccinate a sick puppy, they would have to wait
  19. That is great, looks like a great camera. Did you do any noise reduction on these or not? That is such a good selling point for these Nikons.
  20. The most common word in the Brittany standard to describe the body is broad, and the general description is cobby, so that may explain it?
  21. The question is not why the dog attacked, but what i was doing in an offlead dog dog park. Owners fault, not the dog, they obviously knew what he was like.
  22. I can feel Bella's microchip, it has moved around behind her elbow. I knew exactly what it was as soon as I felt it, I had volunteered at a microchipping day at the obedience club so knew exactly what they look like, and there was no mistaking what it was.
  23. Nekhbet, that is not what I experienced the day I went in, the staff were very busy but very friendly and helpful.
  24. Nikon have a reputation for better low light results, less noise at high ISOs (or so I have been told). Worth checking out dpreview a bit if you want to have a look at tests.
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