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First Time Puppy Owner

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Everything posted by First Time Puppy Owner

  1. Cool - ask there heaps of people have success with diff things cause not all Golden are the same and I am changing to raw soon so can't really say if it's right yet?!?!
  2. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...amp;start=32265 Come join the Golden Retriever Thread
  3. Albert Animal Hospital charge very reasonably! But they are in Springwood.
  4. Sounds like it's going well Munchin Well seem to be on the same tract as you - tonight we are injecting .8mls of vial three and on Tuesday 1ml of vial 3 on Tuesday and a recheck with the vet so will find out what is next for us. Stormie I have everything crossed that the diluted solution works for you guys!
  5. Oh no - that looks awfully uncomfortable for Orbit I so hope that the diluted solution helps and that you can build up to the full strength in the coming weeks! Now just clarify something for me please is Orbit's nick name Porpee? And why???
  6. I managed to get the hot spots under control using diluted pyohex and Cortavance. Didn't need to put him on antibiotics so thats a plus Sas - I am going on Champix but really need to work on the mind too so I am gearing up with the 'quit' material - reading and making a plan or attack as I tried Champix alone and gave up after 5 days
  7. I have to - but f*&^ me it's hard after smoking solidly for 14 yrs Congrats on quitting
  8. Yeah that's it - but still disappointing and frustrating I'm sure Everything crossed the diluted solutions work better! Thank you - I just wished I had never started in the first place Will let you guys know what the derm thinks following our recheck!
  9. Best of luck with the trial We have done two elimination diets - one raw and one dry prescription food, sadly both with out much success as he is allergic to grasses and trees primarily. A great alternative to fish oil is Mega Oil from the health food shop. The ingredients are Flaxseed Oil, Soybean Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Borage Oil (15ml GLA), Safflower Seed Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, Sesame Seed Oil, Pumkinseed Oil. I feed yoghurt daily so I have never looked into probiotics really.
  10. Oh man - I am so sorry to hear you guys are both having such trouble with your woofa's Benson is doing really well on the injections I think - he did develop some hot spots but I really feel they were unrelated - tonight we are up to 0.4mls of the third vial and then 0.8 on Thursday. Then we are seeing the derm next Tuesday the 14th for our recheck. Just have to quit the stupid freakin ciggies, but I am determined to start my plan of attack this weekend.
  11. It's so weird that we all have such different schdules for the injections - I wonder why that is?!?! Well Benson has been going great with the injections thus far, no reactions but I am not sure whether that was because he was on the Atopica - but we have discontinued that as of Friday 26th of June. However on Monday the 22 nd of June he developed two hot spots and these have not cleared up even with treatment but they were not brought on by the injections as such cause these are done on Tuesdays and Thursdays - so I am calling the derm today to find out whether we should put him on antibiotics for a bit to see if they clear up.
  12. Cosmolo - how exciting - what breed if you don't mind me asking? Ok this stuff is from the point of view of one who is 30 and gushes like a little school girl when she sees puppies or dogs of her favourite breeds - do up a list of things you want to ask so you don't forget to ask stuff when you start gushing over their gorgeous dogs! - yeah take some piccies of your dogs with you - and gush over them and how you're going to integrate the pup - prepare yourself to be frisked by the breeder if oddly you have grown a massive stomach in two seconds under you over sized trench coat (trying to steal a dog cause you can't wait for the puppies to be born or the whole litter is under there - ) But seriously Go sse other breeder after and you will know which one is the one - I know I did with my cat's breeder, Marilyn was amazing comparative to all the other we saw and knew we had made the right choice with her! Best of luck can't wait to see Fluppy Piccies!!!!
  13. That photo is just beautiful B9 - belongs on a greeting card IMO with a caption like stop and smell the roses! Such a sweet little girl!
  14. Thank doG for you B9!!! :clap: Oh man it's killing me not seeing what they all looked like in their last week!
  15. But I though she was sending some piccies to you!
  16. What the hell LP! I thought we would have some piccies by now!
  17. I personally still would get a sample pack or even two from Judith of Artemis Maximal Dog Food to trial and if your boy likes it (which I am positive he will) that could help alot towards his allergies - no wheat, oats, lamb or beef in it!
  18. Thank you for advisiing us MV! edit cause I can't spell
  19. Hmmm - I don't remember what my invoice said Actually I have my folder of stuff with me today and it says on the invoice 1 vial.
  20. Stormie - when you say 3 vials - do you actually get 9??? And if so do you have to give three injections each time? Cause I got 3 but they contain differing level of the antigens.
  21. Oh boy that is a lot of things Munchin - was the vet able to recommend a dry food that he can have?
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