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Everything posted by NoodleNut

  1. It can be a few things. In our case we think it had a couple of factors. Noodle doesn't like to wee when she is out and the first time she developed a UTI was after her first visit to the groomers. Whether she held on too long? This combined with the size of the dog. She was only about 3kg at the time and our vet said that because in little girl dogs the vulva and anus are reasonably close there can be a transfer of bacteria. Sometimes it is just the anatomy of the dog. So, in our case she is on cranberry supplements and natural yoghurt daily - so far so good. She has been fine for about 6 weeks now. As she grows the risk may reduce? Our vet has also talked with us about letting her have a season before she is speyed as he says this can help the anatomy develop better and decrease the risk. Much more common in girl dogs than boys I believe. Trish :cool: What did the vet give you for the UTI for Noodle? Any medication or just teh cranberry and yoghurt? I am starting to think this is what my Noodle has ... gotta work out how to get the urine sample now and put it in what ... hunting through cupboard for empty vegemite jar ... not using the Tupperware for that task!
  2. Hi Storm, Looks like she will have to be inside or contained on those really wet days (groan) ... feel mean but as she gets older and those cords develop it will take hours rather than 45 minutes with the dog dryer (35-45 minutes with the dog dryer and 4 towels even now). No matter,...can always hope some sense might prevail as she gets older .. love her to bits
  3. Hi Jigsaw .. well that confirms it .. it is her 'noodle' that is the problem ... sense has not yet kicked in!!! Her kennel is right next to the back sliding door so she can see everything as it is side on to the door so if she is sitting in it she can see straight through the door to our sliding door. Once again she was wet when I let her out this morning After a dry down we headed off to the Million Paws Walk with a coat. The only Puli there I think today :rolleyes:
  4. RIP puppy .... met his maker last night ... Beyond repair ... many good fun days have been bought to an end ........ And before anyone misinterprets my post .. I mean the toy puppy .. not Noodle .. she is the one that assisted 'Puppy' to an early retirement!!! Tissue boxes are also good 'toys' ... just remove the plastic around the top and let pup rip it to shreds under supervision ... also toilet rolls or aluminium foil cardboard rolls ..harder than the toilet roll cardboard ...
  5. RIP puppy .... met his maker last night ... Beyond repair ... many good fun days have been bought to an end ........
  6. Hello, I love the Tuffies sheep .. want one for Noodle but I agree the price is a bit 'out there' .. they'd wanna be good!! Noodle has something very similar (look at the photo above .. it is a red 'person' .. bought from Petstock .. also not sheep but VERY tough .. only problem is she doesn't like it at much as something that is soft and can sink her teeth into I haven't seen the Tuffies in any stores as ye t.. only on line .. I would like to touch and feel before buying
  7. Oh dear! I can only imagine your afghans soaking wet .. any photos per chance? I am thinking perhaps penning her outside but with the kennel inside the penned area to keep her in and hopefully try to reinfore using the kennel ... not sure that will work .. not keen to pen her on the decked area though .. pretty hard to clean up poop Today is the first day of real rain we have had for while. Poor Noodle ... it is also her first winter.
  8. Hi Stormie, Thanks for the reply. I have a coat for her, a Thermo master and a Wagwear one that are waterproof (but still concerned she will use those lovely adult pearly whites she has just acquired to shred it. Also concerned that if she does this will she get caught up in it (safety concerns when unsupervised) .. perhaps I am being a bit over cautious? I crated her this afternoon with no issues .. lots of inside games tonight .. she really wanted to play .. not much fun being inside as a pup. It has been pouring most of the afternoon .. too hard to even go for a walk. I have put her outside for a little while now until I go to bed as it has let up enough for her to go to the toilet and have a wander. Will bring her in tonight as usual. Can't wait until she is full grown as there are is a K9 coat I want to get her that will protect her cords and coat in general. Again not sure that she wouldn't sharpen her teeth on it.
  9. To give you an idea .. this is what she looks like after a bath and pretty much like when I got home ... :rolleyes: Wet pup and dry pup
  10. What to do with a Puli pup what seems to enjoy (in a weird sort of way... she ususally hates water) getting soaked in the rain. Just got hope from the ballet/karate kids taxi services and found Noodle in her kennel (finally it seems) ... soaked!! ;) Half hour later she is dry and inside. She wont stay out of the rain undercover and for whatever reason wanders around teh backyard in the open until she feels the water it seems and then decides to retreat to her kennel to get warm. She has an undercover area and a HUGE kennel. Any suggestions or is Noodle got something wrong with her 'noodle'??!! :rolleyes: I am about to head out to work for 2 hours this afternoon and I am going to leave her inside this time (crated) with something to chew on. Do I assume she will develop some sense and put two and two together and realise that if she wanders around in the rain she is eventually going to feel it through that thick coat of hers? AND IT IS 8 DEGREES TODAY! Crazy girl!!Or do I need to pen her outside to ensure she stays dry .. or not worry at all about her getting wet? I reckon if I put a dog coat on her she will either detroy it with her lovely new adult teeth or still get soaked on the head, tummy legs ... lotta hair on the Puli pup. HELLLLLP Puli pup nearly 6mths.
  11. Exactly what my Noodle was doing tonight ... hiding behind the 6 year old and darting back and forth 'C'mon mum chase me!!!!!!!!!!!!!' 'Ain't no sheep so you will have to do!" and then trying to do zoomies around the back room but being oh so careful she didn't come a cropper on the galss sliding door!
  12. Hi Sezy I bought the liner to go in mine for that very reason. When you get your new one you might want to think about the liner as it can be taken out and washed. Or as a cheap alternative .. a plastic ziplock bag .. can be taken from teh fridge and easily put in teh pouch and then thrown away (I know .. not very environmentally friendly suggestion that one .. or like me ... washed with the dished and hung up to dry refilled and then used again for the Blackdog bag insert.
  13. Hi! Check out Ebay too .. there is a guy that sells the Blackdog stuff on there ... prices are fine and no problem with delivery. Also have a look at the Blackdog website as I am pretty sure you can buy direct off that. I am close to the stor so I have gone in and purchased or online though the Ebay guy (possbibly an offshoot from the store as he has all the pictures that Blackdog has .. legit) I have a treat bag from them for our dog and the collar and leads. Good quality stuff.
  14. Thanks! She is a Mini. Our 3 year old daughter named her and if we got a boy he was going to be Scrap!! I'm here!!! I found it!! Great post to catch my attention!! I should be heading to bed!! Had to check though .... wonderful photos!! Make sure you take lots more ... our two Noodles would look great together .. both as black as the ace of spades and ultra cute!!!! Go Noodle the Poodle!!! ;) ;) ;)
  15. Hi! Just wondering if it would make any difference if Kya was in a travel crate .. would this perhaps reduce her anxiety as she is more confined perhaps with a chew toy smeared in something yummy, chicken neck and a blanket with her mother or your smell on it? Noodle also would be unhappy initially in the car .. she was in a travel crate to start with .. I was concerned she would be upset and wee and then the crate would contain this .. she did do that once. Lots of little trips and a great reward of a play/cuddle etc at the end. We ignored the crying and just spoke gently to her as we drove along .. radio on too. We haven't had her car sick - mind you we never fed her before taking her out just in case. Now is not a probem - she has a meal. Now Noodle is 5.5 months and RUNS to the car to get in even if we are not going out!! She is no longer in the crate and is happy to sit in the car and go anywhere!! She knows that when we arrive at our destination it is a heap of fun (park, play with a friend's dog/walk etc).
  16. I understand what you are saying but I have to agree with settrlv .. we told our breeder that we were not interested in gender only temperament and which puppy the breeder felt would be most suitable to our family/home. Mind you we spent quite a bit of time with the breeder and so she was able to see the children's responses and watch ours towards other litters (and full grown) she had before we got our Noodle. I think she made a great decision with our pup. Mind you both my husband and I had only ever had experience with males so this is a learning curve for us. We are not an 'us' of two anymore but and 'us' of 4
  17. And here is her favorite puppy (minus tail - took this off whilst getting her bottom teeth! )
  18. Hi! Aussie Dog toy would have to be my pup's favorite!! I have to have it high above her head when I go to hang it up on the carport as she starts playing with it before it gets hung up - keeps her very entertained (tug of war type toy on a bungee .. we don't play this game at all with her .. she plays it on her own when we are out). Fluffy puppy with squeaker and a mosquito (minus one antanae that she removed whilst teething .. need to have 100% supervision now with these toys so she is limited to having them at night or when we are with her inside to monitor .. don't want a trip to the vet for the removal of a mosquito or puppy .. or her cow for that matter .. we rotate them) A fluro green/yellow 'ball' bone thingo that we play fetch with .. light and easy for her to pick up and return and it bounces even on grass. A milk bottle (take off the cap and the ring around the top for saftely ... this was safe for a few weeks but now she has her adult teeth I don't trust her with it so she only has that for a limited time. The milk bottle makes a great sound when thrown around and it is easy for her to pick up and 'fling' with the handle. Rope toy - under supervision again as I worried about her little teeth getting caught in the rope. A rubber pig that squeeked ... she hasn't had this since she got new teeth as they would surely pierce it. A bungee rope thingo .. bit hard to explain .. she loves to play tug of war with this to .. alternating with the Aussie dog toy. Kong with a hide chew (size of a pencil) wedged down the middle of the chew and smeared in creamed cheese.....she usually can't get the chew out but the Kong is easy for her to hold and then she just chews. Half a cold carrot is good too. Her new 'soft' toy is a 'Bamboo' man ... bright red .. see the photo .. extra tough for those lovely new adult teeth. Also a picture of Noodle at about 8 weeks with the 'cow' and her chew 'rope' .. this is really good as there are different textures (Petstages brand I think .. we have a few of these toys). Yes, she has heaps of toys ... rotated on a daily basis .... spoilt girl! ;)
  19. Cool KitKat!! Anyone out there know of anything similar in their state ... or in my case the the outereastern 'burbs of Melbourne that is this competitive? I love my Noodle but flying to Brissie to bath her is out of the question
  20. Hi all, Just reporting on my experience at Petstock (Lilydale in Melbourne) as I decided to try bathing Noodle there last weekend. I took my own towels as they charge $2 hire per towel and I also took my own Aloveen conditioner. As it was 50% off last weekend I managed to bath Noodle for $3 (mind you the poor thing had to stand there while the water kept coming out for another 1.5 minutes, can't turn it off ... next time I will know it doesn't take that long). The bath I found a good height but mucking around with the switches I found to be a bit of a pain - next time I will take OH or one of the kids. The dryer - not strong enough for my Puli .. I spent another $6 on that and she was still very wet .. had to bundle her up and take her home and use my own dog dryer that has a lot more grunt. The dryer would probably work well on a short haired breed or one without a double coat. I just wanted to see what the set up was like and for convenience in the middle of winter it would be an option to bathing at home (I don't have a hydrobath .. very costly and only one dog .. pity they are not cheaper) .. mind you I would need to take a heaps of towels and a dog rug to get her home. The concept is good though and they're opening times are more flexible for me .. great for a Sunday afternoon after obedience in the morning in a muddy park Any similar set-ups out there that people can refer me to or comments on the Petstock set up?
  21. Good to hear Noodle is doing well. For some reason people think 'Noodle' is a boys name and are constantly saying 'he' ... I thought I had a great name that was not gender specific .. we weren't sure of the gender so went for a 'food' which we though would not have a gender ... proved me wrong I have aversion to naming dogs with people names (just me) ... my nephews have names that are very common amongst dog owners and I didn't want to be yelling 'Oscar' at the top of my lungs (or Molly for that matter - friends daughter's name) and 3 kids come running towards me! Congratulations on graduating from basic obedience .. how old is your Noodle now? Mine is only 22 weeks and only been to 2 classes so far as had to wait for the two C5 vaccines to kick in which has set us back a bit. Hope your Noodle got a lovely treat on Thursday night? :D Now, photos ... as it happens I have just come inside from bathing, trimming my Noodle and took the opportunity to take some photos as it is cloudy and more possibilities of getting some decent shots in diffuse light .. mind you she is so hard to photograph .. no eyes just a nose to focus on!! Anyway here is Noodle this afternoon .. I am off to have a shower myself now .. smell like wet dog! .. actually smell more like Aloveen conditioner x lavender conditioner .. not too bad just smell like her At least Noo now smells decent .. I think she rolled in something at obedience this morning (after the class while I was talking to the instructor )
  22. Hi Trish .. We need matching shirts!! "My Noodle ain't a Poodle" and "My Noodle IS a Poodle"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How is the little Noo???? Haven't seen any photos of her recently. I agree 'Horses for courses' on this topic ... what works for you and your pup. Mine has just inhaled her food from her BOWL as she had obedience this morning and then a lovely run around at Lilydale Lake playing fetch ... she was starving!! She doesn't get breakfast until after obedience as she does not have a huge food drive and wouldn't do a darn thing for me if I had already fed her. Tonight she will have the bowl as well ... plenty of other stuff has happened today. Tomorrow morning when I head to work for a few hours she will get the ball and her Aussie Dog toy ... she loves playing with that when we are out. Obedience went well .. need to work on the 'stand' as I had forgotten about that command and moved on to the 'party tricks' of roll over and shake hands in the weeks we were waiting to get to obedience (had to wait for the 2 C5 vaccines to kick in) .... guilty face .... back to the 'stand' work.
  23. I agree 'active working breeds' are not the only intelligent, high energy dogs ... I am lost at how I could have better posted this suggestion now .. groan. Perhaps it is not a suggestion at all It was only a suggestion and with any suggestion given to members on this Forum I would have thought 'What works for you' would prevail. Similarly there are other suggestions on this site that don't work at all for my dog but it does not mean that others ideas may not work perfectly well for some members according to their situation. The ball certainly keeps her quiet and it is very uneventful and calm .. no running after treat balls to get things out .. just lots of licking a gnawing/chewing at the meat/dry food and veggies stuck together by the ice. Lovely and cool on those puppy gums (she has her new set of teeth at the front, top and bottom).
  24. If I had another Puli I would be right as far as the stimulation goes.. but not at the moment .. I want to experience the cording process first to see if I could cope with a second .. love the white ones o/s poodlefan I have to say .. I need a t-shirt with a photo of a black poodle and photo of my Puli next to it .. constant comments that Noodle is a Poodle. I even had one say she looked like a black Bichon!!
  25. Thanks Willow .... I found this quote from an international Puli owner ( am on a number of International Puli sites) that sums up my breed .. They are not dogs to be left alone all day while you go out to work, remember they were bred to work 24/7 365 days of the year with the shepherds often spending 6 months of the year up on the high plains with the constant companionship of the shepherds. They are also ultra alert watchdogs which means they will always bark when someone approaches your property (you can tell from their bark whether it is a friend or a stranger approaching). Being extremely active and intelligent they thrive on being given a "job" to do be that obedience, agility or flyball, if not given proper mental as well as physical stimulation they will make their own entertainment to vent their frustration be that running laps round the house, chewing or extra barking, or in males becoming over protective, mine all walked upwards of 5 miles per day, my near 16 year old still enjoys short walks and free running in the fields. In hindsight (always 20/20) perhaps I should have put a proviso on my posting .. for active working breeds only (groan) ... I do try to contribute .. Glad you like her name .. always brings a smile to people's faces. Had two people today think she was a Poodle ... grrrrrr!! Don't get me wrong ... love the Poodle but she is not one ... the Puli t-shirt and jacket gets pulled out for every obedience class .. reminds me I better get it out for the morning ... can't wait .. Noodle and I rock (well, we did last week anyway)
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