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Everything posted by pie

  1. Baked goods on Tuesdays? That's just wrong!
  2. Ooh, the Grand Champion is interesting! Do you do UDX with any of your lot at the moment Ptolomy?
  3. I think you should be up to excellent level (once you start trialling those first 3 Novice passes can rack up pretty quickly), be able to do front and rear crosses, and know that your dog will do a course without running over to jump on you or running off. Also a lead out / start line stay are good skills to have. Make sure your dog is used to training near other running dogs so that it isn't a new experience at their first trial, might just be a bit too tempting for them to run off and give chase! It's also good to have a bit of distance work so that your dog is more confident working away from you and also of course good weaves! I always cringe when I see people at trials poking their arm in between each weave pole to show their dog the way to weave If a dog can't weave it probably shouldn't be entered in agility just yet. Also agree with the stewarding siggestions, it helps you learn the process and rules. ETA: Forgot to add if you can get to some show'n'go's / mock trials they are a great help and very good practice and help you guage where you and your dog are up to. Our story: In our case we were doing well in training and I thought we should start trialling for a new challenge and to get used to the environment and also try and be ready to enter the Nationals that were in April, our first trial was at night and was only jumping (March this year), it was at the same grounds that we train on so it wasn't too much of a change. He didn't pass (went through a tunnel three times instead of just the one everyone had a good giggle ) but he enjoyed it, I'd say it was his speediest run ever , he struggles a bit with day trials and moreso with 'away' trials so I recommend getting your dog to different trials to get them used to the environment. This is where my younger dog will have an advantage because she has been hanging around trials since she was a few months old so she is more comfortable in that environment which can be very stressful for dogs such as my older one.
  4. I hadn't thought of that But then Trixie will try and eat him
  5. Yep I was, and making her chase it Such a nice change to have a dog that will work for a tug on a toy! It was one of the ones Heidii is selling in OT, it's quite big, I think I might cut it in half.
  6. Where's that video, Luke ETA: great photos too!
  7. New training term starts tonight. I agree with RS
  8. A random story: Last night I was home alone and was sitting in the lounge room eating dinner, I could hear this noise, something banging around, right outside the window, which is near the front section of fence, it sounded like someone climbing it to my overactive imagination (you know how things are scarier when you are alone ) the banging kept going, getting louder, I finally worked up the courage to go to the window and pull the curtain to the side and look out.... and... it was the bloody dog! There were some milk crates and other crap near the side of the house and he obviously had a mouse in there and was bashing everything around So next time I think there is an intruder I will call both dogs and have them by my side then wait to hear if the noise is still there
  9. Millie's not allowed to do retrieving
  10. Trixie would probably work for soap, as long as she didn't actually get to lick it Does Ness eat it? Uh oh.... that sounds dangerous RS, I will happily be an enabler if I get puppy cuddles
  11. Cute is not the word generally used That's funny about Millie isn't it! Maybe she got told off for it in her previous life or something? Good thing she loves isqueaks!
  12. Crikey Mirawee! Crazy horse! Hope she is okay, thank God it wasn't worse! I've got that cough too, lemon water helps, and making sure you don't get too cold, whenever I get cold it starts up again. Also avoid mayo and dairy, that seems to make it worse. ETA: When it's at that itchy stage I use those strepsils Plus, the anaesthetic ones, they help a lot. I got my rabbit skin that I ordered yesterday and as soon as Trixie saw it she turned into a possessed dog I've never seen her jump so high! She freaking loves it! Kyzer just likes to rub his face on it - fail
  13. Hahah! Maybe PM Troy, he'll help you with your other account
  14. The little cute ones are the naughtiest because they can get away with more
  15. a SBT Puppy How could it not be naughty!
  16. :D CareyJ, so heartbreaking I'm with PIA too but haven't had to make a claim.
  17. Love that name Mirawee! My Clean Run orders usually take about 10 days to get here. The custard was so awesome. Yum yum yum! Me too, ouch! No money for food for me this week
  18. No I don't mind, but there must be prettier A names out there for such a lovely foal! Yay training on Tuesday! Haven't been to training for over 2 weeks! I don't know if Clean Run would be happy about our addictions... they're probably making a loss from all the free international postage
  19. I'll never forget the horror of watching my adorable new puppy munching down on her own poo :D ;) She is one of those greedy dogs who will eat anything she can fit into her mouth, always has been. Just so happens poo fits in her mouth ;) She doesn't do it as much now as she used to when she was younger. I've only ever seen her eat her own. I've only witnessed my older dog eating it once and it wasn't his own, it was from my brother's dog but in my yard.
  20. Do you mean Cleanrun? If so they have a free shipping section thatgets changed every now and then: *warning, this user accepts no responsibility for excessive spending that may occur as a result of other users clicking on this link* :D http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...Category_ID=449
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