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Everything posted by pie

  1. Oops sorry just saw this, been out most of the weekend, will PM you now Mirawee :p
  2. Well done JulesP! Well done for grabbing the bull by the horns
  3. Me please!!!!!! Pretty pretty please!!!!
  4. Oh yeah, that's right, who knows then? Yes I remember that RS It's weird when someone knows you but you don't know them!
  5. Oh yeah you were there! She's not kidding, the other person CHEATED!!!! Terrible. It wouldn't have been that KristenLovesLabs lady would it?
  6. 2x2 weaves is my mission for Trixie over Summer but I was going to get her spayed so that takes a big chunk out of time! Bugger. We had a lesson last weekend and have a stack of foundation stuff to do, going to try and use the Awesome Paws Handling System for her, from what I know of it I think it will suit her, got lots of recall to heel exercises to do and some others teaching motion cues. Last night I shaped her to run around a big cone, she loved that game but kept trying to cheat and run towards it then back for the treat without going aorund it, she's got the idea now though
  7. Just had word they have evacuated some Secret Harbour residents on Secret Harbour Boulevard and Surf Drive
  8. Yes it was heading straight for them then the sea breeze came in and blew it away from them
  9. Awww hello Mason, cool trophy! Re the fires, my Aunty lives in secret harbour, she took these photos from her house yesterday
  10. Choccies are long gone :D Congrats LP Good girl Kinta
  11. Forgot to congratulate you MM, you should be proud that you and Mason have a bond that other people have noticed and recognised I remember our first club trophy Puppy encouragement award If only they realised just how much encouragement we would need Still they obviously picked a winner because I was the only person from that class that carried on with the agility thing and even started trialling!
  12. What a beautiful dog!! And a great job she is doing.
  13. RnH - Kyzer had his 2 puppy vacs and has not been vacc'd since, his Titre test came back with sufficient cover for Parvo when he was 1.
  14. Yes but we are not in the deep Antarctic south, RS :D
  15. Last week for our final Tuesday training night we had an agility and jumping course set up to simulate a trial, we got the results last night at the wind up and Kyzer came first in the agility :D He won me some chocolates, nom nom.
  16. Our yellow bags have handles to tie them up, they are in abundant supply at the K9 gorunds, I always grab a couple when I'm there and end up with heaps in my car! I have used one that I had in my handbag because I wanted to cover a small box of brownies for my manager to eat the next day and didn't have anything else in the office, I didn't tell him what the bags original intended purpose was though and he doesn't have dogs so didn't know
  17. Yes my anti-water dog was leaping of the top step in the pool and swimming out to get his isqueak Took about a year though :D
  18. Or is it $75 for 6 hours? I'm confused Surprised she hasn't released DVDs though, maybe she figures everyone will just copy them :D
  19. You can read mine ValleyRally By the looks of it she hasn't released any DVDs, I think ETA: But you can watch her 3 6 hour sminars for $30 each on demand or $75 for all three (would just need to find 18 spare hours in a week :rofl)
  20. She has her own handling system (like Greg Derrett has his own) here's her latest book which I ordered and it has a bit of blurb about her: http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...Product_ID=2624 Planning on using it for Trixie because I think it will suit her.
  21. Does anyone here have any Linda Mecklenberg DVDs that they would lend me?
  22. That's funny, I was just about to volnteer you for it
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