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Everything posted by pie

  1. Just let all three of them play all night, then you'll have a peaceful weekend Although not a good idea when you are trialling yours RS. :D
  2. Is that a joke? My dog can't even line up at heel And I envision the SFE taking approximately eight years to train Yippeeeeeeeee! Can't let anyone feel left out Now I feel less loved as you are sharing your yippeeees around a little too freely Oh no what have I started WC entries are bad enough with one dog in the agility, let alone teams, obedience etc, I shudder to think what your entry fees will be, and Ptolomy's entry fees = ;)
  3. Yippeeeeeeeee! Can't let anyone feel left out
  4. Oops that did come across as a little overenthusiastic didn't it :D I just like not being a loner Shivers, better organise my WC entries too :S
  5. I think you just have to be a member of a dog club? Otherwise half the ACWA people couldn't go.
  6. About what? Obedience training or kitchen cleaning before agility? Of course!! Yippeeee!
  7. Yeah, we took my brother's old BC and Kyzer for a walk at whistlepipe gully, poor old Max would just lay down every chance he got, sad to see, he's a special boy, will be sad when he goes Yep - treats will buy her love! Stuff haivng dialup! Being shaped to 56000KB/s is bad enough! Get your priorities right!! Poor Banjo, hope he is okay.
  8. Since your parents were there waiting RS they could have at least cleaned it for you My parents know I am messy too, they accept it but I usually try to clean before I leave my mother at home unsupervised because otherwise she goes on a mad cleaning blitz when she is supposed to be taking it easy! No one in my family has any kids that my two could socialise with but when we had kids visiting Trixie was great with them once she warmed to them (like any people) she would never bite anyone at all, she just barks and runs away until she's sussed them out :D Kyzer however is a mental pygmy. I'll definitely be enlisting some professional help if I ever have a baby to make sure it's not traumatic for dogs or babies or me! Ewww babies
  9. You should gush Rosie is brilliant, and such a great dog for kids. She gives terriers a good name! Then mine undo all her hard work :D
  10. Some ISPs are offering 1 Terrabyte plans now That's just mental!
  11. Mostly adult films, nah just joking I noticed our downloads were big and changed the wireless network name and password and encryption type and it seems to have reduced it a lot, I think someone was siphoning our interwebs! Damage was done for the month though unfortunately. OH does use it to load up on TV shows and things for when he goes away.
  12. I have 50gb No labs for the terrier lady please!!
  13. I'm watching you! Don't even think about it! Welcome back!!! Sounds like Rosie had an awesome holiday!! Boxagirl sorry to hear about Bondi, I hope her condition doesn't affect her quality of life too much. Our internet got slowed the other day and doesn't reset until the 25th - ugh!
  14. RS - if people turn up unexpected they should not expect a sparkling house - that's my motto LOL Life's too short to spend it all doing housework
  15. Agree - best to keep the Ranger on side, pay the fine, your dog did get out after all. I didn't realise the fine was so high.
  16. I haven't been able to get that image out of my head since I watched it the other day, horrible, that poor dog and the poor woman, I don't think it's fair to say cruel things about her dropping the dog, she really had no choice if she wanted to live.
  17. Nooo! Variety is the spice of life!!!
  18. Nope, I have my future dogs already picked out It's just a matter of deciding which one comes first (Why can't I have them ALL and have them all NOW?! ) 1. Money 2. Time 3. Space Just find a sugar daddy and you'll be fine
  19. Wow, better get on a waiting list now if you want a Pyr Shep, they're going to be popular by the looks
  20. Yeah I know, just being a stirrer :D Wow that's saying something :D and scares me off Brittany's which were high on my list :D
  21. Too small - even the Manchester which is the bigger version of the ETT is only ~10kg, and if Huski doesn't like the look of the GP then there's no way she'll like MTs or ETTs, her loss :D
  22. TSD's video has me smitten as well! Do we have them in Oz?? Yep they were recently imported by Belengere in QLD. The first litter is coming up soon. Ooooh exciting!! Love them!
  23. Are these in Australia? I love them! What about a Portugese Water Dog? May be a bit too clingy though? Keeshond - too hairy maybe? This is hard!!
  24. Is this being applied on the anniversary of the policy, or are they doing it to all policies immediately? Just curious - with PIA but only took it out in July.
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