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Everything posted by pie

  1. Hard to say, it is just a marketing term. My dogs did well on Nutro, but it does contain wheat. I switched to Black Hawk (no wheat, articial colours or flavours) and they do much better on it (which for me equates to smalller #2's). I was going to try Black Hawk, but I think Nutro worked out cheaper ;) And it's already bloody expensive I changed to BH because it was cheaper than Nutro (which my dogs did well on) but seemed similar ingredient wise, they do well on the BH as well, the lady here sells it for $90 for 20kgs, I usually only get 10kgs at a time which is $48.
  2. I enjoy hearing all the brags no matter how small - if someone is posting it then it obviously means something to them :D Good on you with Zee, Jess Kyzer was the same - learnt on equipment (I was only learning too) but with Trix I am trying to keep it more foundation based and she seems to string things together better and faster than Kyzer did. Video?
  3. Spoken like a true big dog person Might be okay then, Kyzer is 6kg, it's far too small for him, better than it getting chucked anyway.
  4. I may have one that will fit, was going to chuck it, it was Kyzer's from when he was a puppy. Thanks Amy, I will be at K9 on Wed if you will be there?? Yep I should be, how big is he roughly?
  5. :rofl: That was great, that's a lot of frisbees What a beautiful dog.
  6. I subscribed... how could I not... puppppiiiieeeesss!!!
  7. I didn't have a problem with Trixie, I had to sign and show ID at AAE in Perth, then he gave me the hire crate which was cable tied shut by Dogtainers and I took it to my car and opened it (took me bloody ages with puppy screaming the whole time because stupidly I had forgottem to take a knife or scissors and had to use my car key to cut the cable tie! :rofl: ) Secured puppy in the car then took the crate back to AAE then we were off home!
  8. I may have one that will fit, was going to chuck it, it was Kyzer's from when he was a puppy.
  9. Congrats Ness, mmmm pizza! Well done Terranik - good boy Jedi! CleoJ sorry to hear about the heelwork, better luck next time. Well done RubyStar, glad to hear the NFC worked out well! Will have to watch the video tomorrow Well done Bedazzled, sounds like that UDX pass isn't far away! Phew! :rolleyes:
  10. I gave Trixie a break from the weave training because she hurt her feet, we got back into it last night, she was at 2 sets of six, now she is doing 12 poles :thumsup: so exciting Still needs a lot of work though Woohoo!
  11. Photos please!!!!!!!! :laugh: As everyone else has said there is a lot you can do before getting Maui onto equipment, good luck with your boy!
  12. Woohooo! So excting when you see them 'weaving' for the first time!!
  13. You will probably have to get someone to make them specifically for you. Makes me wonder what do people in the US use for their indoor arenas? I've never noticed before.
  14. What about heavy metal bases cosmolo? They'd have to be pretty heavy though, I know the metal bases at our club still need to be pegged, especially for trialing dogs.
  15. I admit I had a mini heart attack watching the video too, mainly with the falling weavers and the full height seesaw, but that's not your fault - you are just learning!! I worry about dogs being taken on full height seesaws and dogwalks too soon, of course it depends on the dog and the handler but I think I prefer to build things up at the dog's pace, one obstacle at a time, until they are right, then join them together in sequences. I just started doing proper instructed classes with Trixie (to get her used to the full on environment more than anything) and I notice this is not really the done thing in that class either, there were dogs that had never really seen a lot of the equipment and they were expected to do sequences of about 10 obstacles, mostly with luring, I was surprised I have a bad memory and hadn't remembered it being like that with Kyz but I guess it was. I think that is the difference between your first agility dog and your second one though, I remember what it was like with the first dog, you just CAN'T WAIT to have your dog 'doing agility' with the second you're a bit more patient and third and fourth and fifth I guess I think your post has opened up some interesting discussions though. Bundy seems not too bothered, I just worry about what may have happened if the weavers had fallen on a smaller less resilient dog. That's my 2c worth anyway I have to say Bundy is a seriously beautiful boy, and I really can't wait to see how he goes with your agility training in the future! He is just lovely, I hope you keep us updated!!
  16. Yes my Tenterfield does this too, not one speck of retriever in him
  17. Thank you, not sure we were brilliant but we had fun I have things to work on and Rommi stressed quite a bit in the heeling so I have been thinking that through and am coming up with a plan to improve that. Next trial I think will be somewhere a lot less windy!!! Just had a text from my friend with the Goldie asking when our next trial is - me thinks I have created another addict! Brilliant because you didn't let your nerves get the better of you, and you got a leg for each dog. Trying conditions for Whippets too!
  18. Congrats Ososwift!!! That's just brilliant ;)
  19. Good luck in Albany Ososwift, will be thinking of you and your whippies, do report back!!!
  20. I know, I'm leaving that joke opportunity alone!!!
  21. Wow, isn't she brilliant!!!! I want her!!! :D Looking good :D
  22. Yep, scary stuff, and it's not even the particularly hilly part either - some of those houses are practically in the suburbs
  23. WAtoday is reporting at least 59 homes lost in the Roleystone fire so far They said it's 95% under control but still battling one flank which could go again if the wind picks up
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