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Everything posted by pie

  1. The super competitive class is 500 - but there are some crackers in 400 also, especially in Masters (and I know of one young very insane 400 working line BC who will be going over for it I daresay). Cutoff for 400 is 455mm
  2. Why not Lisey? Have you started training? You should make it your goal to enter Novice at the Nationals, it's an awesome atmosphere I have done 2 different nationals with two different dogs, my older dog - well the Nationals was his third ever trial :laugh: 25-29 June 2014 http://agilitynationals2014.com.au/
  3. Oh how exciting DD - be sure to get video! Are you planning on going to the 2014 nationals in Brisbane?
  4. She's very cute, with a very literal name :laugh: Enjoy the puppy months, they go by fast :)
  5. So sorry to hear of your loss, this was particularly close to me because your Tentie looks just like an older version of mine - very similar. Please don't beat yourself up, you thought you were spoiling your mate, it's not your fault - these products shouldn't be in the country Thanks for sharing your story to get the message out there. I will sign your petition
  6. I have never heard of a Tenterfield with cancer, but then their temperament / personality definitely doesn't suit everyone (doesn't even suit me half the time ) I know a Manchester who has a tumour in his ear - unsure if it's cancerous or benign, but I have heard of others dying from MCT. According to that website 3/39 died from Tumours or cancer. I know of a few border collies that have had/have Lymphoma but I'm not sure whether it's more prevalent in the breed or it's just more noticeable because there are a lot of BCs in dog sports circles. If you love pugs - I'd still get one - sometimes it's just luck of the draw, your next one could be perfect.
  7. Oh CaseyKay I am so sorry to read your story, it's hard enough to lose one dog but two at the same time is just awful, it is unfair. RIP girls :(
  8. My two sleep in wire crates, they just have a bed for the bottom and some blankets (and a water bowl) - this is the usual sight: Sometimes we have to poke the blanket lump to check if there is adog in there :laugh:
  9. I have it - I thought it was good - got me into the mindset of trainig each thing individually until they are how you want them instead of sequencing too early (mistake made with first dog).
  10. You should hear some dogs at agility trials... With their owners sitting in front of the car while they are barking - I honestly believe they don't even hear it, they're so used to hearing it
  11. That's my view now - sometimes her ears correct for a short moment and I find it weird because it just isn't 'her' :laugh: My dogs aren't show dogs though - I'd be more worried if they had crazy ears in that case!
  12. Both of my dogs have failed ears - it's a running joke in my family :laugh: - one's should be erect but are rosebud, and one's should be button but are serious flying nun style :laugh: I taped/glued both - but my advice is if you are going to tape or glue don't play around with them too much, just tape them and leave them for as long as you possibly can, I think all the removing tape all the time made the cartilage softer than it should be which is why they have broken ears permanently ETA Photos: What they used to, and are supposed to look like: Teething: What they look like most of the time: Bad ear day And what they look like at least once a day during 'crazy hour' - one stands straight up :laugh:
  13. Crap glad Rosie and you are okay!!! I don't think you did the wrong thing doesn't sound like they were in a rush to grab their dog...
  14. Ahhh sounds like my problem - a main goal at the moment is getting tight wraps but sometimes I decel and she calls off despite me verbalising that she should take it, other times it is perfect and other times she way overshoots even though I let her know early, it's like it all depends what mood she is in! haha
  15. I work in a very expensive riverside suurb, and live two suburbs away in a suburb with a fair bit of state housing (but still very high median house price) - the suburb in between is also expensive riverside mansions. The dogs I see most in these three subrubs I frequent daily would be Oodles unfortunately, usually sitting bored in the yard of the mcmansions barking at passersby... the smaller ones seem to be walked frequently though I see a lot of different dog breeds being walked around though, people are always out probably because there's a massive river to walk along, the dogs mostly look fit and healthy, and there are quite a lot of 'unusual' ones too which is nice, including: Boston Terrier Aussie Terrier Frenchie Lots of Mini Schnauzers A few Tenties Min Pin A few Daxies 2 Dalmatians together Couple of BCs Few GRs GSD Shih Tzu Boxer A few labs Lots of poodles, Mini Toy and Standard Cavaliers Great Dane (his owner walks him on a Halti with a checkered rug on - seriously looks like he's leading a pony) Hungarian Viszla GSP Weimeraner Beagles Kelpies And a few Kelpie X's Surprisingly not many Staffy / bull breed types around here, the main one I've really seen is a few houses down from me. There are more but I am struggling to remember all the dogs I've seen - there are so many being walked compared to where I used to live
  16. One of mine makes it his mission in life to turn cardboard boxes into confetti - never had a problem with it consumption wise (picking up the mess is another story :laugh: )
  17. Also - Chain Reaction Cycles (in the UK) - Got my Salomons from them for cheaper than Wiggle had them - free shipping to Aus too if your order is $99+ and it only took a few days. They are Wiggle's competitor and have much of the same stuff - worth comparing them
  18. Oh good point - I have been telling him off for using fists (the dog thought he was holding a treat and just looked at it :laugh: ) It's always easier form the sidelines isn't it :laugh:
  19. Wow - a high honour - massive congratulations luckypup - a very special award indeed.
  20. Oohhhh I'll take the ring zinger regardless - but my Kong ones are small and yellow? These are the ones I have (no thrower just the rings x 2) http://www.petsugar.com/Ring-Zinger-5328792 Are they the same? Funny how we have the opposite problem :laugh:
  21. I never realised the Alizin was so expensive (Guess I never thought about it really) - definitely makes desexing the better option in this case! Good luck with your girl, wishing a fast recovery :)
  22. Yeah I'm going to walk the Novice courses with him this weekend - see how he thinks he'd run it - going to enter some NFC novice runs first. He seems to think he'll be able to beat Trixie and I... unfortunately he may be right :laugh:
  23. I thought WreckitWhippet's first post was very civil, educational and honest - especially given her experience with SBTs - I didn't think it was sticking the boot in at all - merely telling the most likely scenario going on (extensive) past experience. Your response back was quite rude though. Putting aside the age of your girl, the health testing is a very important issue that shouldn't be skirted around. You can't ask people to be gentle, then receive civil responses, then be rude in return and not expect people to retaliate. Good luck with your dogs no matter which path you choose :)
  24. Seems I killed the thread... oh well will try again :p I love running Kyzer at training - but at trials he is a different dog... and lately has just been running out of the ring to find my OH - who he LOVES much more than bossy old me :laugh: (I accept that) so I figured I'll stop wasting my entry money for a bit :laugh: But my OH is now coming to training to learn how to handle both dogs so he can run Kyzer in the ring (his idea). We had fun at his first training - I taught him crosses and serpentines and some basics of weave entries - the dogs were a bit confused for a bit because I have only ever trained them haha - but adapted quickly (treats will do that...) he actually did better than I thought he would - guess it helps if the dog knows what they are doing - and he has been watching trials for a long time now. SO my problem is that it's been so long since I was a newbie that I can't really remember the things I need to teach him! Any ideas?? :laugh:
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