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Everything posted by pie

  1. Go back a page MG I answered it But here is more
  2. Here's a thread if you need some info: http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/224469
  3. Left About Turn. not really, its Look At That but every time I see LAT I think of Left About Turn
  4. I did? I only recognise people by their dogs Yep Booker was "boxing" all the puppies in pup class- he is all legs He loved the little cav- but just about squashed it He met his match with bedazzleds pup though- about the only other puppy that was bigger than him :D Yeah I thought so, I'm the same - both of our dogs were in crates at the time RosieFT was playing with Pippa, we were standing near the Novice class Yeah Zac is massive Those loooong legs
  5. Hmmm I think you will be even more tired after Albany OSS
  6. Hey you met RosieFT and I too, but probably didn't realise Booker is so massive already Nawwww RV - I missed you being there! That's great they agreed to show - woohoo! I think I might retire one dog - yesterday after setting up, then running one dog for an hour, then the other dog for an hour, then packing up, I was absolutely stuffed!!! Who needs a personal trainer, just train two dogs in agility
  7. There was a thread about this the other day. It's here. http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/228322-price-range They are common but they are also very popular.
  8. cos Amy's dogs don't smell... :rofl: Are you coming missy
  9. Yep I hear you there RFT - though the warmer weather has resulted in an influx of little spiky white hairs around the place, gave dogs a wash yesterday and heaps of hair came off them! I haven't noticed her smelling like dogs but yes I do remember that day she had a bit of poo stuck on her fur :rofl:
  10. oooh can't wait to meet her RS!!! I think you'll like her, she's spunky like a terrier, but fluffy, in a good way :p
  11. I will be interested to see if mine get it, hopefully they don't.
  12. The C5 only covers two strains of KC and there are over 20 strains. Even if you vaccinate the dog they can still get it. I also heard the KC component only lasts 6 months anyway. I will still be sticking to the C3 for mine personally. From reading threads on DOL a few people say to get the separate intranasal KC vacc instead - not sure though personally.
  13. Hmmm my first dog was fine to be left alone - he just snoozes, was never naughty. Then we got a second dog and funnily enough she is the one with separation issues and who wrecks things, and she has the other dog for company! I think two is a good number but yes some things were definitely easier with one dog that's for sure.
  14. I'm not clarifying anything - nothing like a good rumour
  15. Ah I figured out what it was - Harvest Rock Festival on the same night, hmmm. Probably won't go to that anyway I don't think. I could go some creme brulee now.... So is anyone else coming or just the few of us lol Horty if I go it will be alone so you can scrub OH off the list.
  16. You had me at Creme Brulee I'm in! (pretty sure I have nothing on that night - bad memory!) Awww RV I will miss you but you'll have a blast on holiday
  17. Yes well I may have changed my mind by then Who knows
  18. Hmmm I think I have decided 2 is enough for me really both are small dogs that tend to live quite long lives (Kyzer's breeder just lost two of his relatives at the age of 18 ) so I don't think a 5 year gap would be enough. Mine are two years apart and I think that's pretty good, they are still young, 4 and 2. One is only just about to start trialling agility so that should keep me busy for a while. They are also quite crazy and I'm not sure I could deal with three! I could afford another money wise, not so much time wise and I don't really have the training and handling skills to make it work out for the best, mine aren't exactly what you would call 'performance dogs' So for at least a few years I will just focus on the two I have and try and do them justice :D I admire people who have multiple dogs and do well with them, I think it takes a lot of commitment and dedication, and also talent. All of which I don't really have
  19. :eek: What an incredible little dog!
  20. Especially such a BIG dog you would have to run super fast wouldn't you? Though I suppose Weims are already pretty fast and big
  21. ST I'm surprised you aren't getting him to get one you can show
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