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Everything posted by pie

  1. Ahh thanks for the info Kelpiechick & TSD. I find the whole decel/accel stuff so fascinating and it's amazing how it works on dogs so naturally (from what I've seen in classes I've been in anyway)
  2. I must remember to get one of those - would be handy to have rather than the massive bucket the vet gave me. Dxenion, I did not realise Rakim was a poster boy for them
  3. I don't understand, how could it possubly change? :laugh:
  4. What do you mean!!! How can he change a front cross!!??
  5. Sorrryyyyyyy Will probably pop down anyway - need to run some errands.
  6. You can have an outside cat and still contain it on your property - there is that option if you feel your cat needs to get outdoors. One way is with the Oscillot system which I posted earlier.
  7. I won't be training tonight Toe still healing. Looking good but needs time for the skin to toughen so it doesn't split again. Still in mega bandage until Saturday at least. Which means we have three weeks off training since I am going away next week. Spent all Summer waiting for training and trialing to recommence and now can't do anything anyway! :rolleyes: Should be interesting when we do eventually resume training :laugh:
  8. My Manchester has the same problem with elizabethan collars because she has a long narrow head. I second the suggestion of a basket muzzle, she'll still be able to drink with it on.
  9. Got the new canine news - heaps of agility trials, woohoo!
  10. 5 weeks - went to Europe. Dogs stayed with my Mum, who they love, and two of my brothers dogs, and seemed a bit sad and lost when I took them home at the end :laugh: They keept looking around as ifthey were wondering why there were there :laugh: I did miss them but surprisingly not as much as I thought I would.
  11. You did better than me then :laugh: I was a bit relieved Trixie had been scratched :laugh:
  12. Wow were you one of the snooker scribes? You poor thing That was exploding my brain just watching :laugh:
  13. Yep - they sure do. For Trixie's anal gland abscess (which happened on a pulic holiday :rolleyes: ) I had to take her to Murdoch, then follow up at Vetwest, both places were helpful with the paperwork, and I only paid the $100 excess and got the other $450 odd dollars back.
  14. I called Vetwest to see if they would order a Triennial vac in for me - they said the only way they would do it was if I purchased a box of ten, used my two and threw out the rest - not acceptable to me expecially when the AVA recommends the triennial... so I called Ranford and they said no problems they carry it all the time. I have been there twice now in the last week and have seen two vets (brother and sister) and have to say I am so impressed with them, they are friendly and not too pushy and I really feel they care about the animals welfare - I was talking to the vet last night about the vaccination for Trixie and he said they have been doing the triennial for almost 6 years and recommend it to all their patients, but also suggest titre testing first He suggested I titre Trixie rather than vaccinate but the dogs are going into kennels in less than 2 weeks so I was concerned about the titres coming back low and not having a chance to revaccinate in time (shouldn't have left it to the last minute). Their leg wrapping skills are also brilliant and Trixie has had her work cut out trying to remove the bandage (on the third day when she realised it was on - must have been comfy). She also told me she didn't feel comfortable vaccinating Trixie at the start of the week because of her slight infection and ABs - which got gold stars from me (don't really like it when vets vaccinate animals whose immune systems are already under stress) I will admit I had asked her about the vac to see what she would say - she passed my mystery shopper test So yes very happy with the transition! Will be taking Crazy-K in tomorrow for a check up and bloods and things, hopefully the good vibes will continue!
  15. Ptolomy are you still using Ranford vet?
  16. Argh why is it so painful - was bad enough getting Trixie's history off two vets - let alone that many Ptolomy! Made me realise if I claime for Kyzer I am going to have to contact Applecross, Kenwick, Vetwest, Rivergum, and Ranford Hope your claim goes through easily and quickly- I have to do one for Trixie shortly, my dogs haven't required vets for a while and I've got to say that I have been amazed at how quickly vet bills add up! Even just for a small sore on a toe!!
  17. The slice of pizza http://foodonmydog.tumblr.com/post/15882730342/slice-of-pizza
  18. This reminded me - I admit I do call my mum their 'Gran' purely because my Dad said it to her once and the look on her face was priceless (She has no grandkids yet)
  19. :birthday: :birthday: Happy Birthday Ososwift!!
  20. I emailed her and asked if I could pick them up. Hey RS perhaps we should request food in exchange for our generous donations
  21. Ptolomy are you excited about the trial tomorrow? ;) I know for sure Trixie is going to get three rosettes tomorrow night I'm just that confident!! Not really, they won't be from her running since she is currently sporting a bandage on one leg, they will be the ones we didn't collect from the last Rottie Club Trial :laugh:
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