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Everything posted by pie

  1. You should be in the Adult Foundation class RS (I think)
  2. Yep She's 8kg now, how big is Rosie? There was a baby Manchester at obedience last night, she was 14 weeks and so little and adorable, hard to believe mine was smaller than that at one stage! I wanted to kidnap her. It's an annual fee payable on the anniversary of joining. They'll usually have a list of whose fees are due at the desk.
  3. I tried 2x2 method and just got looks of confusion from Kyzer (probably my fault though) so I taught him using a channel, eventually bringing them in, and starting to point them out at angles, then closing up. He's still learning but he did get the idea. I really want to try the 2x2 method down the track with Trixie though. I made jumps out of PVC and joiners, was easy! I'll keep an eye out for you tonight, if you look lost I will point you in the right direction
  4. I don't know about the folowing week but they have another intake night on the 9th March. Awww he's soooo cute! I hope you'll bring him along to a DOL meet when we next organise one!
  5. I was waiting for a Renovation joke
  6. Oh my gosh I've just seen the photos of Merlin in the intro forum ;)
  7. Hi Holly, you can start now if your dog has had it's puppy shots! What breed is your puppy? Got any photos? ;) The Agility Club of WA training starts tomorrow night. They have a puppy class. Puppy class Start Times 7.00 pm -7,30pm under 6months 7.30pm - 8.00pm 6months to 12 months Be there at about 6.30 to enrol then help set up the equipment. Here's the website for the details and membership form. http://www.agilityclubwa.com/ It is held on the bottom oval of the Canine grounds, corner of Warton and Ranford Roads, Southern River.
  8. At training we have practised them by sending dog over a jump and crossing behind, and throwing a toy in the direction you are crossing to. Not sure if that makes sense? We also do the sitting/walking behind exercise Kavik described.
  9. Ditto. Yeah we were thinking foxie - but don't they have short tails? They can have any length from no tail to full tail (guessing they'd be the same as Tenterfields)
  10. Yes I saw Zara in one of your videos the other day and noted the long swishy tail ;) I've seen them on line, but never in real life, I don't know if that's because the docking laws aren't as strict here, or because the agility people prefer NBTs, or because I'm just unobservant. Probably the latter I'm going to keep my eyes extra peeled from now on though!
  11. Aussies can have tails though Yep I know, I worded that badly, I meant they seem to be NBT more often that being full tailed. ;) In fact I don't recall ever seeing a full tailed one. (I probably thought it was a BC :D )
  12. Bub - you can get black tri borders as well!
  13. Have a look at Vickie's photos of her dogs in the photo section, she has some Blue Merle Borders. Usually I can tell if it's an Aussie because they usually have no tail And their bums are fluffier ;)
  14. Awwww, look at that face! He couldn't have done it. He was framed!
  15. Awww I love Rosie! We'll have to find somewhere enclosed for a play date RFT, I think Trixie is bigger than Rosie now
  16. Lexi won excellent jumping :thumbsup: Good work! Go Lexi!
  17. Bloody Victorians. 24 degrees isn't HOT. Now if she was out on a 34 degree day, I might think she was a little feeble-minded! I was thinking 24 is a bit chilly, I don't even turn on the air con when it's 24
  18. Gilbert! Will that be his name? :D That is the best name ever! :D I love it. Oooh it's going to be a hard 4 weeks, Cosmolo!
  19. ZOMG! :D I want one! :D Sorry if it's been mentioned before but are the two you are looking at rough or broken coated? Or is it too early to tell? I so want a JRT one day, I love them and was about to contact some breeders but then Trixie's breeder contacted me, and I took her instead!
  20. Woohoo! Well done Jenna! and Mirawee and you too ozjen of course I'm really annoyed I forgot to go last night now, I'm sorry I missed it!
  21. Hi FD, here is one place: http://www.wagschoolbooks.com.au/shop/book...ty/wsblmb1.html Here's another http://www.agilityclick.com/prod158.htm Not sure which site was referred to earlier though. I have this book and have never read past the first chapter Might have to read it after all these recommendations!
  22. Hey RFT you need to get Rosie trialling (and I need to get Kyzer trialling) then we can be Strategic Pairs partners! Mental Terriers For The Win! :D Does anyone have anything to report form the agility trial last night? I forgot it was on, I wanted to go and watch too
  23. 24 Degrees is perfect sunbaking weather! Trixie does this too, she hates hates hates the cold and loves nothing more than soaking up rays, especially when it's stinking hot. And she's black too so she absorbs some serious heat!
  24. I get that too, I didn't know about the name Kaiser at the time, nor did I know there were so many! It just kind of came to me and I spelled it how I thought it sounded! There's a GSD around the corner from us called Kaiser, and whenever our dogs meet they are referred to as Big Kaiser and Little Kyzer
  25. My puppy went through a bag of this, she was having trouble keeping weight on with both Advance and Eagle Pack but the Nutro got her into really good shape. I didn't mind it at all. It was the pale green bag with a beagle on the front form memory.
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