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Everything posted by pie

  1. Fantastic! Still have no idea how you can handle so many dogs! Wow, good effort! He must've been nice and rested from his holiday Congrats Caffy and Alex! I agree with RS - you all give us something to aspire to! I really wanted to go and watch the trial but had visitors arrive... argh!
  2. Ptolomy - awesome work! Wow that's quite a price difference! Australia post now have big express post bags that take 5kg, that might be an option? Don't know if they have standard post ones too.
  3. I feel your pain! I get stalked from room to room by Trixie, I try and tip toe so she doesn't hear me leave... At the moment Kyzer is in his usual spot - his soft crate in the walk in robe in the bedroom (his little den). Trixie is in the lounge room with me sleeping on a bean bag.
  4. I wonder if Rosie will snob her beloved tennis ball once she gets some i-squeaks? ;)
  5. PD, Plush Puppy do have their own site: http://plushpuppy.com.au/ Not sure where else you can buy it from, PF will probably know. I wash my dogs every week or two because they are in the house a lot and we have a sandy backyard so they get dirty quickly! I'm lucky that they both have short single coats and only take 5 minutes to dry. I used to use Aloveen but don't anymore, it was okay. I use a Fido's one on Trixie and another one on Kyzer, can't remember the name! I don't use a conditioner, I use a coat oil though because it stops their skin from getting dry. I liked the smell of Aloveen too I have been hearing about this Groomer's EPO shampoo but had been trying to ignore it.... wish I didn't see the link for the shop!
  6. Ptolomy you'll have to get a big i-squeak logo for the side of your Combo Van at this rate (I can imagine a sign below it - 'Will accept Chocolate and / or wine as payment for i-squeaks'
  7. Clicker Gripsoft nail clippers - tried others but these are my favourites and work the best Handheld shower hose for the bath Makes washing dogs so much easier Hard to choose just 3!
  8. I think Lexi would spontaneously combust if there was a whole yard of iSqueaks
  9. Oooh that's interesting... don't know that Trixie is sharp enough to pick that one up, but might give it a bit of a go tonight! ETA: I've already shaped her to put her front feet onto a book so hopefully I can do the rest like in the video
  10. Yep, unfortunately it's OH's birthday on the 26th and we are going away for a few days so will miss most of the classic (I did try to get him to move it )
  11. The fifth one made me crack up laughing! Great photos Huga!
  12. I was planning to pop down and see the Manchesters which should be on tomorrow (unless I have the date wrong, I'm sure he said 19th).
  13. I guess there are alot less horse owners than dog owners who are rate payers (ie. voters) Yep that's true, I imagine most of the horses would travel to go to Hillarys and live in another shire / council area.
  14. Ah okay, Kyzer plays with the Medium Cuz balls, but prefers the smalls. Ptolomy is a bad influence for buying dog things
  15. That's good..... unless you want to take a horse to Hillarys! I imagine the horse people will be annoyed.
  16. Kyzer - CUZ BALLS! Prefers the small 'other cuz' ones but will take any Cuz ball being offered This photo's blurry, he was running too fast Trixie - anything really, her favourite at the moment is an old yoghurt container and also Skinneez toys. They are both rather taken with the Ring Zinger I bought too.... they love chasing that!
  17. Is the medium pretty much the same size as a medium Cuz ball?
  18. They're squeaky rubber balls, that are durable and dogs seem to love them form what I've heard! Have a look here: Clean Run Link
  19. iSqueaks are taking over Australia! I'll take 3 Smalls And 2 Mediums
  20. Kyzer has always disliked water but is an excellent swimmer, he's like a little jet boat when he gets going! We did get him retrieving his ball from the pool, which was a big step for him! ETA Kyzer was taught to swim properly with a life jacket: Trixie is the opposite, loves water, will jump in and has fallen in many times trying to jump in and out of the inflatable boat, but she's a bit of a failure and does the big high front legs splashing --> vertical dog --> sinking!!! thing I'm always close by to hold her up, I'm sure she'll learn soon, from memory Kyzer was a bit unco at the start too. I wouldn't mind getting her a life jacket to help teach her but can think of better ways to spend $50 Trixie chilling on the floaty boat: I should note that the only times my dogs go in water is when I'm in there too supervising very closely.
  21. I've had my dogs get startled by people on bikes etc coming up quietly from behind (usually if I hear someone coming I pull them off the path), but I'll be turning around more often after this story! That poor kid, and the poor dog owner too. Hope both recover okay. I think it was a freak accident, and I don't believe that muzzling every large dog is going to help anything.
  22. Awwwwwwwww Squeeeeeee! How adorable! He is so gorgeous! Yes, enjoy having a puppy, they grow up super fast!
  23. The normal classes start at 7pm - 8pm and the more advanced stuff happens after that.
  24. I use it for some things with Kyzer, I make him do something (eg, weave) and when he has done it I throw the ball for him, the reward for him is the chase and grab. He kills it for a bit then brings it back (mostly ) and we repeat. I mainly use it for things where I want him to drive away and not come back to me for food.
  25. I'll take two if you need to make up numbers
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