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Everything posted by pie

  1. Looks like I'm stocking up then!!! :D Sneaky sneaky, they must have only just been put up cos I've checked that page the last couple of nights! I've been waiting for free shipping for some stuff I want/need so I can spend my birthday voucher :D WOOHOO Free shopping!
  2. Generally takes about 2 weeks Minimax, give or take a few days.
  3. My Pet hate is people who let their dogs right up to the door of a dog crate - do they not think how terrifying it can be for the poor dog inside who feels trapped? This is why I keep my dogs in the car wheever possible because it happens so often. The other thing that annoys me is people leaving their dogs tetherd on a long lead (sometimes even ringside) and said dogs lunging and yapping at every poor handler and dog trying to walk past to get to their ring! I wish their was a rule that you weren't allowed to leave your dogs tethered at a trial, personally.
  4. These are currently on free shipping on Cleanrun FYI, as well as cuz balls and other toys. http://www.cleanrun.com/ Click on Store and What Ships Free
  5. For anyone interested Cleanrun have free shipping on isqueak and cuz balls including the crackle ones as well as other toys like air kongs, and regular kongs, and kong wubbas, looks like basically every kong toy is on there! :D :D
  6. Hope Scooter's surgery goes really well, fingers crossed for a trouble free recovery :) ETA - just read surgery went fine - great news :)
  7. Do you mean they are on the floor of the room? What's so horrifying :laugh: Though mine are either crated, or locked out. Most definitely not on the bed... They don't get rawhide treats because that would send me broke very quickly and that requires too much pre-planning and gets in the way of spontaneity :laugh:
  8. I have a king size bed but my dogs don't sleep on it because they annoy me too much! And I get too hot in this weather. So they sleep in their crates and it's just me and the Bf on the bed. When I used to sleep alone I used to have Trixie on the bed, she's a good spooner, but not Kyzer, he doesn't sleep properly because he is too worried he'll get kicked.
  9. My only tip is if you put it across the face don't put it too heavy, I bought an agility photo recently and when it arrived the face was out of focus but I couldn't tell because the watermark was so heavy across the face in the gallery!
  10. I think it's a bit silly because here in Perth most people tie the yellow council poo bags to their lead - needs to be different colour IMO.
  11. I'm not familiar with that area, but you may find one in here http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/breeders/tenterfield-terrier.asp
  12. I think this is one of those things where you just don't stress about it until it happens (if it happens) cross that bridge when you come to it. I also think you're asking on the wrong forum for unbiased suggestions :p lol
  13. There are also quite a few women with 'male' usernames, Steve, Erny etc just to add to the confusion :laugh:
  14. :laugh: One doggy hobby is enough thanks ST, already wagging that one don't need anymore :laugh:
  15. Hey RS there's also the Advanced Tracking Club of WA and they train in Bedfordale, according to their FB page they train on Friday arvos, as well as Saturday mornings and Monday mornings. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Advanced-Tracking-Club-of-Western-Australia-Inc/119780511426724?ref=ts http://www.advancedtrackingclubofwa.com/
  16. Structure in Action is currently on free shipping, probably worth a read http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&product_id=2735 ETA confusing myself :laugh:
  17. SBT puppy.... first aid kit for the wounds from the piranha teeth :laugh:
  18. What's a reputable one in Western Australia? I'm hoping to get one that has been fostered so that way I have an idea on personality. Try SAFE Perth MsDani http://www.safeperth.com.au/ Good luck with your search :)
  19. I even considered claiming first, just to be irritating
  20. Lol was wondering how long you'd take :p Was just about to tip you off :laugh:
  21. Eeeek! I hope he's bluffing. I also hope the dog owners pay attention and pick up after their dogs...
  22. No RS Trixie's first snooker pass had about 3 refusals in the closing sequence lol
  23. Oh okay that makes more sense - cheers FHRP!
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