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Everything posted by pie

  1. Oh nooooooooooooo :D My wish list on Clean Run is about 3 pages long
  2. RS, the agility cut off for 500 is 545 at the withers, if she's over that she has to jump 600
  3. I was going to use the electric fence posts for uprights, from what I can tell they are about $5 each Ness I liked your jumps too, the electric fence posts are easier though I'm 99% sure the jump cups from Clean run are the ones we use at our club, they put hose inside the jump bars to make them heavier, my dogs rarely touch the bars anyway (considering they can jump up to the kitchen bench, they have no excuse for knocking bars :D ) Yep Kavik I was going to drillholes so they can be pegged, don't want them to move about.
  4. I want the jump cups from Clean Run too, but the singles because I really only need them at 200, 300 and 400 anyway
  5. RS - I'm trying to talk my OH or brother into welding up some 2 x 2 weave bases that can be joined together like the ones at training, if I can talk them into making some do you want some too? I daresay they'll just charge cost. For jumps, I have some PVC ones but I hate them because they are big, so what I want to do is buy more electric fence posts which are light PVC with a metal spike in the end and stick jump cups on them, that way they will fit in my car and be easy to cart around because I don't really do much in my back yard. A box is EASY! 4 Elbow connectors and some PVC cut with a hack saw! Oh and FYI Ptolomy put me onto the hardware shop on Warton Rd in Huntingdale, they have the cheapest PVC I've found and will cut it in half so it fits in the car
  6. I was looking at the weavers but the largest ones are only 50cm apart and ANKC regulation ones are 60cm apart. The tyre is 50cm inside diameter, ANKC reg is 60cm, but probably okay if you have smaller dogs. The tunnels look good though, I already have a tunnel But it's only short.... hope they are gone by pay day or might be tempted... Looks like the normal jumps are sold out :D
  7. I'd love to do a camping weekend with dogs too, one day when mine is good at obedience and your is good at agility we'll go, okay RS? Should only take about 3 years for Trixie to figure it out
  8. Ditto. We can get a production line happening
  9. Ditto. They have no right to discipline people's dogs like that. They should hold its collar until it's owner can come and get it. Pick the wrong dog and they could get a serious bite!
  10. I want to join WAClick but still dont know how. Me neither, it's like a secret cult I've asked Deb if she can refer me which she has, just waiting to be accepted. That was like a week ago though, so maybe I'm just not good enough to be apart of this exclusive club? ;) Perhaps you need to resort to bribes Thread for next Perth Meet: http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...=191186&hl=
  11. pie


    Sandgrubber - I'm pretty certain I've seen you walking your 6 labs a few times when on my way to work... I remember being impressed, and feeling like a failure because I can't walk two small dogs on loose leads
  12. I want to join WAClick but still dont know how. Me neither, it's like a secret cult
  13. No, I'm going to wait until we're actually decent before I travel anywhere for agility Bunbury is more tempting than Gero though, because it's closer and I've been to Gero a million times, have only been to Bunbury once when I was a little tacker.
  14. Does anyone have any details about the Show n Go on Saturday? What time etc? Valley - you should go, they're going to have agility apparently. ETA: To the Show n Go I mean
  15. Why did they change it, my dog used to love the Interceptor Spectrum tablets! He used to munch them down as if they were the most delicious thing ever! He doesn't like any of the chews though.
  16. I didn't even know there was a mock trial
  17. I thought maybe in Trixie's case it's because she's never really been alone, she has Kyzer for company during the day then me or OH any other time. Kyzer is used to waiting patiently while being on his own. She is a lot needier than him though, she stalks me around the house, Kyzer likes his space.
  18. Yes, Kyzer is a good boy and waits quietly, Trixie on the other hand.... She will scream and cry and throw herself around as if she is being tortured, I was hoping ignoring her except unless she was quiet would've worked by now but she's persistent! She's okay if she can't see us though! It's when she sees Kyzer getting treats that she flies off the handle
  19. You've obviously put a lot more thought into this than I have Valley I just went for the easy explosives plan but yours is much more elaborate
  20. An explosion of some sort should do it! Wonder where I could get some explosives
  21. I was going to enlist your services to create a distraction far away from the Novice Jumping ring so that no one watches our run
  22. In training related news - I submitted my first ever trial entry form today Novice Jumping. We'll see how we go on the 17th I'm a bit nervous!
  23. Poor Daisy. Hope there are no lasting effects. What exactly is running away and hiding in the clubhouse going to achieve? Can't believe it.
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