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Everything posted by pie

  1. Happy Birthday Lilly & Banjo! Thanks for posting because you reminded me that it is my Dad's birthday today Nearly forgot
  2. Mine were unconscious until Michael got home and now they are bouncing off the walls! It wasn't too bad actually. I'll try and draw a diagram for you later Funnily enough I had walked it and thought I'd go and get Kyz to sit and wait and then saw them with the clip board shouting out my number so ran over to the ring, went straight in and off we went, no waiting, no food or anything before hand, and ran clear, obviously that is a good tactic for us!
  3. Meeee! Still not sure if I'm going or not though, might wag. We'll see how we pull up in the morning!
  4. Thanks I feel absolutely exhausted!! might eat some food and go to sleep shortly! I'm going to be hopeless when I have 2 dogs running :D
  5. Kyzer and I got our second JD leg today :D 1 more to go!
  6. Woohoo Well done Lexi, now on to Masters (after the Nationals of course )
  7. Yep I think Xena98 is lame after all the times she had to walk up to get more Q cards and ribbons Don't you have some news too Ptolomy?
  8. No, my camera lady for the day (ValleyCBR) had to go to work I can give you video of 3 DQs though
  9. Nope no Mia or FluuffNStuff! We did okay, got a Q in Novice jumping in the arvo But now my dog has gone from being a tunnel suck to being a tunnel refuser! This agility caper does my head in
  10. Does anyone know who the black Stafford was ? http://www.yourdogphotos.com/displayimage....=396&pos=46 I think it was that Maximus dog again? If someone didn't throw out my catalogue or I'd check for you!
  11. Hardly ozjen There are a lot of un-quallies being thrown in too We got another jumping leg this arvo though, Valley had to leave and said she was sorry she wouldn't be able to film it, I told her that because no one was filming he would run clear, and he did
  12. I can't leave work early but could probably get there at 6 to give you a hand Maureen, might be a bit late though.
  13. Hmmm where's the ad, might give them a call and beat you to it!
  14. What a score! Where was that when I wanted a Gazebo!
  15. Oh yeah! He has the coolest name! I think it's FluffnStuff or something :D I really like Mia, she's my kind of dog breed! Isn't it usually the opposite - BCs are easy to train, SWFs are harder? :D Oh well the Winpara name is already well represented with the BCs
  16. I saw her at training with Mia so I'm guessing she's entered. The photos of novice she took last weekend were from the finals.
  17. Here are the ones Tim took last weekend: http://www.yourdogphotos.com/index.php?cat=14
  18. The ones in the WA thread were taken by Winpara
  19. Yep Valley, according to the ANWA website Tim Abidin will be there, and probably a few others, there were a few at the States including Winpara who took some great shots.
  20. I'm exhausted just reading that 1 AD & 1 JD run per day is plenty for me thanks! Lexi & River are going to look so cute doing Strat Pairs since River looks like a mini Toller For non agility dogs they certainly go alright!
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