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Everything posted by pie

  1. Should be any BP&G Lab Rat, I do believe you get 10% off at City Farmers stores also if you show them your membership card and join their backyard rewards program.
  2. Last night at training I was admiring the big Toller gang (was it the Dwyers?) and they all just reminded me of your kids Ptolomy, so cute how they do the same little leg movements (you know what I mean!) and I was thinking if their red mob and your red mob got together for a play date it would be quite the party! Please tell me you have done it! Even better with Zoe's mob to!
  3. I think both breeders of mine aren't too bothered about them being on Main because they're not really of interest to BYBers or puppy farmers, whereas Labs probably are. Hardly anyone knows about the Mannie and a Tentie is not what you'd call 'desirable' ;) There are plenty of pups on the ground all the time and they are cheap, so most people would just get one from a registered breeder I dare say.
  4. This is true! Or if you're forgetful like me you will need a few because you always put them in a 'safe place' (along with the nail clippers) ;)
  5. Ours was over pretty quickly really, I already had everything planned and drawn on the plan before we went in!
  6. Yes it's easy for you, you're not the one being forced to make life changing decisions such as 'do we put the shower border vertical or horizontal???' ;)
  7. What's "munted" about Kyzer?? Go on, start showing Trixie ;) His ears aren't erect, he is too heavily marked, his back feet aren't really the right shape and he would probably bite the judge No I'm not showing Trixie, she's too jittery and I don't think she's good enough, her ears were so perfect and then they broke, and her backside has too much tan (unlike mine )
  8. Doing our 1 pre start meeting for our house was bad enough.... I can't imagine having to do them every day as my job! I'll be wearing my work clothes ;)
  9. She doesn't really do anything yet! I always say she's dopey but she was picking up on some jumping exercises I was doing the other day much quicker than Kyzer was! Should do more things with her
  10. Not quite Agility and jumping qualifiers are held in the morning from 9am until probably lunch time Games classes are held in the afternoon. The morning is probably better to watch as it makes a bit more sense than watching games Although Strategic Pairs are great to watch ;) Oh, I only realised after I read your post that DB was asking about Saturday I thought she was asking about Sunday! I blame the nerves
  11. The Agility will be from 9am then there will most likely be a lunch break before the Jumping starts at 1pm. Basically Agility is obstacles, weaves and jumps, and Jumping is jumps and tunnels (and weaves in 1 class)
  12. Kyzer's breeder puts them all out on Mains regardless of muntedness, and Trixie's breeder kept her on main to leave our options open regarding showing and / or having a litter but showing is definitely not going to happen and I daresay having a litter isn't either!
  13. The only thing with this is if your dog is on the Limited Register, you need your breeder to upgrade your dog to Main Registered if you want to show if you both think the dog is good enough. Yep indeed, I just think of mains because both my dogs have main reg, despite them both being munted
  14. How do I get a copy?? Become a member of Canine. You can become an Assoiciate member and if you are going to compete in Tracking you will need to become a member anyway, that way you can also enter some obedience trials too. She won't need to become an Associate member, Mason I believe is registered on the Limited Register so she can still become a full member, that's my understanding anyway Or are us LR owners classed as Associate members? I thought it was only those with Associate dogs that are Associate members? Ruby is LR and Millie is Associate, but I always thought I had full membership?? Gosh OzJen, now you've got me confused! Additionally, I always thought you could subscribe to the Canine News without being a member, but I'm not completely sure so MM, check out www.dogswest.com to find out more info on subscribing I thought if you were just doing dog sports its Associate, if you want to show or breed its a full membership. No, if your dog has papers it's full membership, if they don't it's associate. Papered dogs are already in the database with all the pedigree details. Doesn't matter what you're going to do with the dog really, and some people change their mind about showing down the track.
  15. If Mason has papers you become an ordinary member, that's what I did
  16. Oh wow, what a gorgeous girl! I want!
  17. Me too Valley Then I go through and put post its on all the agility trials
  18. 5 obidience trials in the metro area. Wow, you're going to be busy RS!!
  19. Awesome! Hopefully mine arrived today, although I'm going straight to dinner from work so won't be home until late to check it!
  20. Finally got to watch the Cider video, what a star! She is one special girl, that's for sure! Really can't wait to see what her future holds. Aww look at Dante being vacuumed! What a clever boy! My dogs would get sucked in if I tried that
  21. If you win Lotto you can shout us all a Clean Run order I do have some things on the wish list but need more money before I can place an order, but I know to let you know when/if that time comes, ozjen
  22. It starts tomorrow...! Who is nervous / scared / relaxed?
  23. Manchester: They are not mini Dobe's Whippet or Italian Greyhound was used in their development, hence the unusual topline for a terrier. They are classed as a 'Vulnerable Native Breed' in Britain and almost became extinct Agatha Christie owned two, and Teddy Roosevelt owned one while he was president of the USA Tenterfield: They are the most recent breed to achieve ANKC recognition and are only recognised in Australia They can be born with any length of tail from none at all to full length if the parents carry the NBT gene.
  24. That sounds like the best rocky road ever!! I don't like peanuts or coconut in it either, and I usually chop up a bag of snakes and add it in Health food!
  25. Trust me, I wouldn't have ordered a small ETA: Anyway you already have a spiffy dog jacket!
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