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Everything posted by pie

  1. Oh Bowie is sooo cute and clever! Love his markings :D Well done, lots of hard work paying off :)
  2. Sorry to read this GG, RIP Tess :(
  3. Oh no CC, fingers crossed for Louis
  4. You could just do what I tend to do and time it wrong so the dog almost collides with you and has to spring sideways to avoid me - hahah on second thought probably best not to :p
  5. I saw these ones being sold at the Agility Nationals, they looked great! Didn't get one though because my dog is skinny for her length coats like this are usually usually too baggy, but I wonder if they will make me a skinnier version...
  6. I have an almost bald very lean dog and leave a coat on her practically 24/7 when it's Winter, the only type of coat I will leave on her while I am out is the Chilly Dog Sweater - not cheap but well made, the neck is snug enough that she can't get a paw into it, it's single layer polar fleece so it is soft and comfortable and she doesn't get too hot, and it has a covered underside and buckles up on top (adjustable strap), so she can't get to the buckle or get tangle in straps, I've left it on her the last three winters and have never had an incident. http://www.chillydogs.ca/index.php/product/index/37
  7. I have a Chilly Dog GWN - just arrived - Trixie is very bald and lean and cold sensitive, she usually wears a chilly sweater with a thicker coat over the top, so I don't think the GWN will be too warm on her, it's a very nice looking coat.
  8. Rocstar has been found! Any news on Sylvie?
  9. Are there any Perth Gordon Setter breeders in here? There's an ad on Gumtree for an 8 month old with papers: "This is a heartbreaking sale but unfortunately i work away and my wife is about to have a baby and we feel it is unfair on Mika that she is not getting the attention she deserves. She is a beautiful girl, 8months old, very loving and affectionate but shy and needs to go to a home where people will spend plenty of time with her. Extremely loyal and wants to be at your feet 24/7. Very fit and healthy. Mika has been to puppy school and is toilet trained. She has been microhipped and had all of her injections. Comes with papers. She has not been desexed. We paid $1200 for her + Injections & Puppy Class. Please email me for negotiable price. (around 9)"
  10. He was just in Perth - I didn't go but the people that did raved about him, have fun :)
  11. Really sorry for your loss, a very beautiful tribute to a special dog that taught you a lot, RIP Piper
  12. It is maze not maize, they may expect to see some corn :laugh: I would probably mention the words 'obstacle course' in there - that seems to be the phrase people understand the most when agility is being described to them. Good on you trying to drum up some spectators Sheena, you may get some new people interested in joining with their dogs too
  13. Yep - and some people (like me) usually have far worse things go wrong than a knocked bar :laugh: Still fun though
  14. My Tentie has a curly wurly tail that goes to one side haha - the curlier it is the more excited he is - Tenties are a bit different in that they have a NBT gene - some of Kyzer's litter mates had natural bob tails
  15. We have a few people here who have properly trained running contacts, from varying methods, but one handler who has used both Sylvia's method and Dawn Weaver method said the DW method is her preferred (turns seem better) and we have had a few people retraining stopped contats with the Dawn Weaver stopped contact method - just to throw yet another option in there :laugh:
  16. Ahem rubystar don't you have some bragging to do
  17. Wow, that's a lot of standing around! Poor judges
  18. Looking forward to seeing Ninja Pippa running squeeee! :thumbsup: I am entered Saturday and don't hold much hope for anything much if my lack of attendance at training and performance at the last trial are anything to go by - lol :p
  19. I think it's fair enough with the coat - I have a very bald dog who may as well be hairless - lol - she spends the entire winter coated - what I do at training is keep her in a coat that is easy to remove, quickly whip it off before her go / run, then put it back on straight after. if she is doing a fair bit of activity she can get warm enough to keep it off between exercises but usually if she is stationary for a minute she is cold again. ETA: you may not think they will get caught but it's best to be safe - I have seena video of a dog get its flat colar caught on a jump wing and the whole jump fell on the dog and terrified it
  20. Thanks for posting discodobe! She's adorable - she has to jump so high compared to our dogs!
  21. Watching the little dogs at the nationals was very educational for me and definitely made me rethink what I would do with my next dog - I do a lot of stationary rewarding which is half my problem really - something I really need to work on!
  22. My parents have a caddy maxi it is very handy and so much room inside! It's a great car.
  23. I don't know how people can use human clippers, my smallest dog's nails can't fit in them and they are very squeezy rather than cutty?
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