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Posts posted by pie

  1. I have seen dogs that do this here, the more positive (and I would say, better) handlers tend to put their dog in a down or sit and then calmly take them out of the ring. The more negative people shout at the dog and throw a tanty and probably would sneakily clout their dog if they knew they wouldn't be seen... which I definitely do not agree with and seems that the dog just gets more frustrated.

    I would agree with the others that improving handling to eliminate the questions might give him less chance to get frustrated and over aroused. No idea what I would do in this situation because my dogs are way down the other end of the intensity scale when it comes to agility :laugh:

    I would think this is quite a common problem? Hopefully someone shares what has worked for them.

  2. Yes as TSD said. If you are planning to trial it is not possible to have the dog worked up all day, they won't cope, it is good to train them to relax when they aren't required to be working.

    Getting back to harnesses - I use a comfortflex harness on both of my two and really like them :) http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm/product/1771/comfortflex-sport-harness.htm But as others have said I run dogs naked for fear of things getting tangled on obstacles.

  3. Can't go past the Oztrail compact (I have the standard compact) - I have had mine for years now, put it up so many times and it is still great. I can put it up by myself with the aid of a peg hammered in the leg on the opposite corner to the one I am pulling out.

  4. They sure do come in this colour (Liver Tri). The most common colour is Black Tri or Tan & White, followed by Liver but you can also get Black Bi, and other colours that are not recognised in the standard such as blue, blue fawn and some others. The Tenterfield Terrier Council of Australia is doing a health survey to see if Blue / Dilute colours are linked with any health issues in Tenterfields. Unfortunately like a lot of breeds the Tenterfield Terrier breed is not immune to people selecting for colour over temperament which is a shame. (This is by no means aimed at you hopenfox and I don't mean any offense to you or your gorgeous boy or his breeder, just my personal experience :) )

    Sorry to go a bit off topic, not much chat about Tenterfields on here so thought it was a good oportunity to mention the colours :) Hope you'll share more pics of your boy who looks gorgeous, lovely eyes.

  5. I agree - not much point discussing them because they aren't actually out yet! Not so much discussing them here - obviously I am particpating in that - but having a meeting at your club to discuss them seems to be jumping the gun a bit!

    Like Jess I was amazed how many people on the Agility Australia FB page didn't know how the rules process worked at all, not so much new people but ones who had been involved for a while. Although even with new people (involved for 1-2 years) - I would've thought they would have seen calls for submissions, etc?

    We are lucky in WA to have a fantastic transparent process where people put in submissions then we all have a meeting to vote on them, and then more meetings to discuss the other propsals that got through, and then the delegate votes according to how the people at the meeting voted. As KelpieChick said though this can be tough for country people.

    The original "leak" (well the only one I am aware of anyway) was actually a report on the NZ agility website by someone from NZ who had sat in at the ANKC meeting and taken note of the changes that got through or not - so it wasn't actually a copy of the official rules. It has been removed now.

  6. Sorry to hear about your friend. Sometimes dogs can be a bit fixated with people who are getting chemo because they get a different smell. I know my dogs thought my Mum smelled peculiar when she was getting chemo. Fingers crossed for the best outcome.

  7. Yep it's true for the Manchester, good to see numbers have almost doubled in the UK since 2010. The Manchester was very close to extinction. Some websites report that the numbers got down to just 11 registered in the UK.

    It is surprising to see some on that list that you wouldn't really consider 'rare' though :(

  8. This will be devastating for animals in areas only serviced by Qantas. The WA rescue group SAFE have started a petition please find time to take a look and sign if you agree.

    It will now be cheaper for me to hire a car and drive the 1300km to Perth if my dog requires any specialist treatmenticon_smile_mad.gif

    Actually this does not represent a change for us.

    For as long as I can remember pets have been banned from the Perth terminals, meaning that they had to be sent via freight.

    BCPuppy is referring to the freight cost increases:

    From the link in their post:

    "Homeless animals in Australia's North West, which would have previously been saved and rehomed by being flown throughout Australia by a statewide animal rescue group, now face little chance of survival as a result of a massive increase (400-1000+%) in freight charges introduced by Qantas last month.

    Examples of the price increases include the following: to fly a 45kg dog from Karratha to Perth now costs $421, where prior to the rate charge it was $79, and to transport a 10kg dog from Kununurra to Perth is now $354, previously it was $33."

  9. Hi DOL

    Let me preface this by saying yes I have made a vet appointment but thought I'd see if anyone had experienced similar so I could go in armed with some knowledge. Did a search but couldn't find anything really

    My 7 year old Tenterfield Terrier has no history of ear issues apart from a grass seed in one several years ago.

    He started dropping his right ear and shaking his head and was really sooky on Saturday, I flushed his ear out but it didn't improve overnight so I took him to the local vet. At this stage vet & I thought something was in there, and thought it had dislodged itself before the appointment. He said there was a bit of inflammation at the base of the canal but nothing too bad. Gave him an anti inflammatory shot and sent away to wait and see. Didn't mention possibility of anything else.

    Since then his mood has improved a lot but his ear has not, it comes and goes though. It seems to be triggered by him tilting his head downwards (to eat for example).

    I was investigating and put pressure on the area underneath his ear behind his jaw and he cried so it is obviously sore there.

    I don't think it's teeth related because he is chewing on both sides fine.

    He has also been coughing a bit / eating a lot of grass, but not sure if that is related.

    ETA haven't noticed any balance issues or facial paralysis

    I have a gut feeling it is a middle ear infection - has anyone experienced similar in their dog? He is generally a very robust dog and has only ever been to the vet for vacc's, desexing and the grass seed before this.

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