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Everything posted by bellaandparis

  1. 'Akayla' thank yuo so much everyone for you help and advise. i have found that now that my hubby has started telling them no when they jump on him, they start to listen when i say no as well..... maybe they just needed his deeper tone to start getting it into their heads. lol. i have found they start listening the more and more the one thing is said to them, which is great lol thanks again everyone!!!!
  2. i am located in acacia gardens in sydney btw
  3. thank you so much every one for carreing to reply to me!! ok, profressionally my doggies have had no training. when they first come to join my family, i taught them to sit, wait, walk on a lead, they bark at strangers, and genersally are well bahaved. though there are the behaviours as i mentioned before like barking for no reason, diggin, jumping etc that i want to stop now so that they dont think this is proper behaviour. i would love to have some usefull advise on how to stop bad behaviours??? how do i change the forum for the most people to see me please??? also, regarding mentally stimulating these pups, any suggestions please?
  4. ok sorry about that :-) they are pure bred german sheps they are backyard dogs, except when its cold or raining. i realise i might get people saying no no to outdoors for dogs, i've read some messages about that. :-) they jump up when i am near them. they dont jump on my hubby, just me for some reason. i am with them every day, hanging washing, gardening, fixing their holes and when i just feel like watching them at play, they are quite funny sometimes with their play. i always make sure that i sit with them while they eat as well, because i have seen dogs that bite when u are near them while eating. so that is not an option for me to have my dogs biting people when they are eating. they bark ALL the time. i have caught them just sitting there and barking, for no apparent reason i thought??? my partner takes them for walks about 3-4 times a week, and they are honestly without humna company when i am sleeping or out at the shops. i just thought that maybe it is because i have no idea when it comes to training these bad habbits away"? i just want them to be happy and it seems i am stuffing it up for them???
  5. Hi guys im new to this site. was wondering if anyone had any advise on how to settle down two 11 month old pups? they are sisters and they can be a real handfull, no matter how much attention is shown to them. i cant play as much with them anymore, as i am about to have a bub of my own, but my husband plays and sitswith them for hours and hours. the worry i am having is that they seem to not listen to us, but play off each other? they never stop barking either. i feel like i am doing something wrong with them. and i feel at a loss. i love them dearly, but it is frustrating when i cant settle them down, or stop them jumping on me, which is a BIG no no, in my state. i cant stop them chewing on things or digging holes either! Any advice on how to train them to stop acting so crazy or am i just a bad bad owner? please help anyone????
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