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Everything posted by B-Q
That would be annoying, pretty rude of her to get so cranky
That would be annoying, pretty rude of her to get so cranky
okay, so after about a week and a half I taught Harry to lie down a while back, but I've been trying for weeks to get him to learn high 5 or shakehands. I don't like the idea so much of grabbing his paw as I think he would be focussing more on what I am doing not what he should be doing, I've tried touching the back of his ankle to tickle it up but as soon as my hand goes towards the ground he just flops down, he has no concept that sit means just sit there, just stay. Any idea on how to get him to offer his paw?
Who needs Photoshop!? Not me... look what paint can do, check out my new signature
lol small brag. Buster is about 85% good wiht his leave it command. I got lazy with it for a while to the point that if he was too close to the food before I asked him he'd ignore me, oh.. and dead things. leave it doesn't work with dead things lol. I just tipped a heap of treat out on the bench, I have to break them into 3rds or they disappear too fast. I dropped one on the way, turned around to pick it up and he was about 2cm's away from it. I just went "leave it" in a casual tone and he did. Small brag but its all good right lol
what a stunner *steals*
hmm, I would spend it. We don't know if his "aggression" is cause by the hip pain and I don't know how you put a price on the life and wellbeig of your dog. If it was your kid you'd spend infinite amounts helping them get better, why does a dog have to miss out on all that. Yes I understand human children and pet dogs are different, but a life is a life and what can be fixed should be. I would go skint myself for a while, in most poeples lives there are a fair few things they can cut back on to help pay for that, not always easy no. On the other hand, if the owner simply can't afford the money, perhaps the dog shudl be PTS so it doesn't have to suffer as a dog with thos amount of behavioral issues (atleast at this time) shoudln't be rehomed.
I saw it advertised as Bones And Raw Food, but that was at a pet shop. I'm not exactly sure what it is anyway, I picked it up that it is bones and home cooked meals, meat veg, pasta/rice? thats what we do but interested to know exactly what it is.
double post.
harry's border collie/ACD and 100% workign dog. He's nipped me quiet a few times because I run and scream and he just gets over excited. A squeal and stopping play has curbed it quiet a bit.
damn... sit, stay, drop, sit up and come... well busters done. I guess "high five" and "stand up" "leave it" "hup", "through" "weave"and "out." are me pretending he's doing them. Maybe thats why he's only hal got roll over.
Leaps and Bounds in Noosaville
WOOHOO, we took her today. She freaked out a bit at so many people and dogs but soon got over it when she relised tennis balls were involved. All the training with the milk crates and a-frame at home worked. In 15 minutes she was jumping all 4 jumps, usuing the springboard and jumping back flat out. I'm so proud... my sister did most of her training, but I;m proud none the less she's such a good little dog.
Harry has HD and he sits either normally or with both legs spread out infront of him. But Xrays shoudl tell you yes or no
lol, we were playing with her at the beach, hold her collar. Throw a toy as far as you can... wait 5 seconds. and then she makes these sounds like she's being killed. We think she's mini foxy/kelpie/whippet. She's got the speed of a whippet, agility and stamina of a kelpie, and although the mini foxy made her smaller.. it made her more ferocious lol. I think she'll love to join a team, i;m excited. lol I talked my sister into it so I could go aswell actually.
what can you do with these? either just one pic by itself or 2 or more together. Surpirse me, I just wanna see what you all coem up with. And what can you do with these 2 as a seperate thing? theire my sisters dogs. Mac Daisy (RIP) lol enugh pics?
not sure, but I'd be interested in knowing to. Our lot get mainly chicken, and beef bones and lamb bones when they're there but usually chicken.
jus dragging this up again, i looked ont he website and can't find anything. god she'll be annoying when she's waiting to go, she doesn't just bark, she makes high pitched screaming noises, hurts your ears lol
i use it for starting behaviours. Like sit, I have never agred with the forecable methods. My simply reasoning, the dog is focussing more on where your touching it and why then what its doing. We always used the "head goes up, bum goes down" philosophy which works, its essentially lure training but very soon (like after 3-5 reps) I just use my fingers as a lure, the dog soon learns I'm not holding anything but still, if they complete the behaviour they get a treat.
Buster gets a bath 1-2 times a fortnight. He sleeps in my bed and spends a lot of time inside so mum wouldn't let him in if he wasn't always sparkiling.
Is A Dog Ever Too Old To Start Agility?
B-Q replied to joelle's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
I don't think its ever to late. Busters almost five and I still havn't competed with him or had any formal training but still intend to. -
A couple of weeks ago, I was walkig Buster off leash in a big paddock-y type thing near my house. he was way up ahead of me when a dog came running up from behind a fence near him. Instead of running up and down the fence jumping and snarling at this dog, he just turned around and wandered away, completly ignoring it then coming runnin back to me. Very very proud moment right there.