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Everything posted by B-Q

  1. I agree 1.2metres isn't hugley tall. Our fence is 1.8m and both Mac and Buster can jump it if they want, and both are under 40cm's tall themselves. I would suggest higher fences, some dogs just need them
  2. W ejust sort of always fed the dogs mainly raw by the time I got Buz, that on top of the fact that he threw up any canned food he ever got made me pretty happy with the way we were going. He still gets very high quality kibble for breakfast but I'm thinking about taking that out of his diet soon. I'm just not comfortable to yet.
  3. I use cheese, dry my own liver (no... I dry beef liver myself) or If I can deal with the mess I have a bit of roo mince in a bag I can pull stuff out of. Or anything I can cut small.
  4. you'd think rabbit would be cheaper really. Like lamb shanks, I remember when they were just dog food and dirt cheap, not naymore. I'd love tpo get some rabbit for Buster to see if he likes it, which I can imagine he would. I much prefers lean meats and vegies over anything else. When we had a compost bin it was so hard to keep him out of it lol. He also gets egg or sardines over his kibble every few days.
  5. one of the things thats alwayus made me wonder why people feed 100% meat is the same thing that will keep all my dogs having some vegies in their diet. When presented with a field of grass... they all graze. Heads down like cattle, so I'll keep vegies in their diet. SO Buster gets bikkies and pumpkin in the morning and night time is meat. Every few days I'll cook up mince and vegies. Plus Buster isn't mad on meat as it is, so he does well with other things in his diet.
  6. thinking about ordering one of her books next week. Was doing some google searches on her and found a convo on another forum that her methods were "too harsh" and "too strict" So far what I've read I'm pretty happy with, but other things make me wonder.
  7. I rmemeber being there last year to watch.. what a fast year
  8. I hated tofu when I first ate it. Its really nice if you slice it thin and sit it in sweet soy sauce (the gluggy stuff) lemon juice, some garlic, mustard powder and herds for a while then fry it. Best in salads. I did a test with him, put a piece of raw tofu on the ground next to half a chicken neck. He took the tofu first. He's such a weird lttle dog.
  9. I'm also a vegetairan, I won't risk Buster's health for my belief though. I spend half my time in the butcher or browsing the meat section of the supermarket. He LOVES tofu though, he isn't mad on sloppy meats like some chicken necks though. He has the occasional peice because he gets my dinner scraps. He gets lots of things now, chicken frames, necks, wings, drumsticks, turkey necks, beef soup bones, marrow bones, fish, or I cook up mince with vegies. He gets high quality kibble for breakfast, and sometimes gets an egg or some yoghurt over it. He's enjoying his food much more now there is a big variety. on fake meats, I've tried a few. Most of them just don't taste like meat at all, which I'm thankful for because one mince that did taste like meat I couldn't swallow.
  10. Mum couldn't watch Buster be chipped, he amazes me how much he picks p on my feelings. If I'm upset and hurt or upset and angry. I act the same but I feel different. If I'm angry but upset he leaves me alone. If I'm upset and hurt he sits outside my door and whines and will come in and lick my face. good luck with future injections.
  11. Buster eats mainly raw, but he has kibble for breakfast because... I dunno but he likes it and it doesn't hurt him. Then for dinner he gets meat. I generally fast him if I ever run out of food for one night or if they're not hassling for dinner and I really can't be bothered. Usually about once every 2 months.
  12. Sophie is on cartrophen aswell. She didn't used to have a problem with needles but she's starting to hate having them so regularily, I feel awful for her. Everytime we go in he checks her over (she has a mild inflammation in her uterus) then gives her the needle, staright away she's over baging on the door asking to go. All I guess I could suggest would be take her to the vets a few times during the week just for a nice visit and no needles, when it is time for the needles, lots of treats and praise? Sophie doesn't even notice whats happening if your distracting her with a treat
  13. Buster really depends, some days he'll do anythign for toys but food doesn't inspire him at all, or else he's mad on food but toys just don't get him moving. Then there is the odd day like today, when I tried my hardest with food and toys and he just isn't working, so you scruff him up a bit, rev him with your voice and he just goes for you.
  14. I've been wondering about this to, Sophie has a very black nose and I've noticed a few white spots popping up. The lack of sun makes perfect sense. She pretty much refuses to go outside unless we force her out to pee and its been hardly any sun here latley anyway.
  15. The woolies in my last town used to sell big frozen bags of it, none of them here seem to, I've only been able to find a kilo bag of mince for almost $8 and I'm not forking out for that I'm afraid. I've never actually looked for it before, any ideas? Should I just ask around some butchers?
  16. I love it when they fall over and keep trying to send their dog over obstacles from the ground. I looked at a couple though and really thought the dog had gone the right way from their instructions, there was another one that after it missed a jump it slunk over to its owner, kinda made me wonder. All those people falls were fantastic though.
  17. As for citrus fruits, I threw half a lime for harry the other day, thought he'd taste it and spit it out. Nope...down it went. He also insists on eating the brocolli stalks, if we forget to give them to him after dinner he'll get the entire stalk out of the bin and sit down and eat the entire thing, same with melon rinds.
  18. awesome video. I can't believe how many people fell down lol.
  19. I think I read somewhere back the occasional apple is okay? Grapes are a no no, I assume you avoid citrus fruits. I know their probably not necasary but Buster loves fruit and really isn't mad on raw meat. He looks so disgusted some days when he has to eat it. His favourite is watermelon and rockmelon, he used to go and raid the compost bin for fruit left overs. So what can I give him as a treat that won't do him any harm?
  20. I'm really interested in herding but honestly know very little about it. I'd like to go check out some trials as a startbut don't know how to track them down.
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